Recording RTT and RTO values

2003-12-27 Thread Tanmay Ganacharya
these values please do let me know. Thanks in advance, Regards, Tanmay Ganacharya _ Cricket crazy? Catch the latest action. Now on your mobile

Recording RTT and RTO values

2003-12-27 Thread Tanmay Ganacharya
these values please do let me know. Thanks in advance, Regards, Tanmay Ganacharya _ Cricket crazy? Catch the latest action. Now on your mobile

Unit of the t_rtttime value

2004-01-12 Thread Tanmay Ganacharya
Hello, Could anyone please tell me the unit of the value stored in the t_rtttime variable in TCP. Also after searching on the internet I found that 1 tick = 224 miliseconds. Please could anyone confirm this. Thanks in advance. TaNmAy __