Re: bikeshed for all!

2007-12-12 Thread Spadge
ll. Call it a vista ... hahaha, I kill myself. -- Spadge "Intoccabile" ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"

frequent internet death in FreeBSD 6 - no idea why.

2005-11-30 Thread Spadge
tion is required. If there's anyone who could help shed some light on this problem, how to troubleshoot it etc, please please please do write back, I am at my wit's end here. Thanks. -- Spadge "Intoccabile" ___ fr

Re: Dummynet and fragments

2005-12-05 Thread Spadge
hether I really do just need to give up and reinstall the entire OS. -- Spadge "Intoccabile" ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"

Re: You have received a postcard !

2006-03-15 Thread Spadge
sup.reg OK Extracting popups.txtOK :D -- Spadge "Intoccabile" ___ mailing list http://lists.freebsd.o

Re: What's up with all the spam on several FreeBSD mailing lists?

2006-03-16 Thread Spadge
Ross. Someone probably upgraded something and it's b0rk3d their spamassassin. It's very annoying though, and it needs to stop somehow. :D -- Spadge "Intoccabile" ___ mailing list http://

Re: Avoiding natd overhead

2006-10-21 Thread Spadge
and my Makefile is very short. Thanks for any help. -- Spadge "Intoccabile" ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"

Re: Avoiding natd overhead

2006-10-21 Thread Spadge
, I'm not a rabid OS ricer so I don't know if spending hours for that last 1% performance increase is really worth my while. A little streamlining goes a long way. Again, thanks for the info on natd. -- Spadge "Intoccabile" ___

Re: Posting restrictions on this mailing list (for spam control)?

2006-11-05 Thread Spadge
lly sign up. I'm not sure about this, though. I've not tested the list with an unsigned address, either, but it's quite possible you do have to be a member to post. :) -- Spadge "Intoccabile"

Dummynet pipe causing system to lock up

2006-12-14 Thread Spadge
;t find a single error or panic entry in any logs covering it. Any hints or help would be great. Thanks. -- Spadge "Intoccabile" ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"

Re: Dummynet pipe causing system to lock up

2006-12-14 Thread Spadge
lue? > Thanks to you both, you were both spot-on absolutely correct. [EMAIL PROTECTED] cat /boot/loader.conf debug.mpsafenet=0 That fixed it. -- Spadge "Intoccabile" ___ mailing list http://lists.fre

Re: half-duplex

2006-09-05 Thread Spadge Fromley
thing it's plugged into, ie the modem (I'm guessing here - I assume that's what it's plugged into). If the modem doesn't go over 10mbits half-duplex, then neither will the card it's plugged into. Further information r

Re: Static route & NAT

2006-10-16 Thread Spadge Fromley
ndle it? I suspect the easiest way may be to have one NIC per subnet in the fbsd router, and use natd. -- Spadge 'Intoccabile' ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"

RE: Static route & NAT

2006-10-17 Thread Spadge Fromley
r, and use natd. > More than one nic is not required, but if you have the slots available, it > can save some increadible headaches. It is possible (however extreemly > unwise) to run all 3 of them in via a single NIC. Hence "easiest way" :) I've added the

Re: ipfw pipe show ... help with output is needed, please.

2007-01-29 Thread Spadge Fromley
ot it all completely wrong and it's not actually working at all like I thought it ought. Who knows? :) -- Spadge 'Intoccabile' ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"