2004-12-13 Thread Oles Hnatkevych
Hello dear All. I have a very strange FreeBSD box. It was 4.6, now it runs currently 4.11 - prerelease, cvsupped yesterday, on sunday. However the problem persists. The problem is that TCP connections to this BOX with SYN+ENC bits can not be established. There's another Linux box, that can not se

ipsec: tunneling with compression

2001-11-09 Thread Oles' Hnatkevych
IPCOMP? 2. should I use ipcomp/transport//require or ipcomp/tunnel//require? 3. what __request__ order should be used - and does it matter at all? 4. if I use ESP, why may I want to use it with AH? With best wishes, Oles' Hnatkevych,, [EMAIL PROTECTED] To Unsubsc

multicast on freebsd

2002-04-13 Thread Oles Hnatkevych
hello! OSPF with Zebra again... Messing up with latest zebra snapshot on latest FreeBSD-4 stable I've found that freebsd box running zebra+ospfd does not work the same way as cisco's and other routers on the network. The test was: "ping" from freebsd box and cisc


2002-06-04 Thread Oles' Hnatkevych
Hello ppl I need rock-solid OSPF daemon that works on FreeBSD-4.5. Zebra has not proved to be that one since tun(4) interfaces are created on the fly - it crashes the box. Please give me some advice what port should I use. With best wishes, Oles' Hnatkevych,