You need to specify "-w 4" on running pkt-gen to wait for that the link resets.
- Michio
On Mar 22, 2013, at 11:16 AM, Walter de Donato wrote:
> Dear Tahir,
> I've already tried to disable Rx/Tx pause and autonegotiation but the
> result in transmission is always the same.
> I did
I'm running the same experiments, but I see the line rate with any packet size.
Can you tell me your hardware setup and packet forwarding rates you observed?
- Michio
On May 20, 2013, at 9:46 AM, liujie wrote:
> I tried netmap bridge to transmit 64-byte packets , the performance is well
The handiest way to try flexible flow distribution is using Flow Director.I've
confirmed that the patch posted to this list two years ago works with
Cheers,- Michio
> Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2