>From what I've been able to dig up on the net it appears that the only
promising work on mobile IPv4 for FreeBSD (at U Oregon) pretty much
dried up in 1998. Do any of you know of any current work being done to
integrate mobile IPv4 into FreeBSD?
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> "Chris" == Chris Dillon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Its not real trunking. Your incoming traffic will still come on
>> a single link, only outbound traffic will be shared. (Or at
>> least that's how I think compaq stuff will work).
Chris> Yes, I think that is how it work
Sorry, my brain's fried this afternoon.
< u_int64_t mask = ~0 & (n-1);/* mask for iftab index */
> u_int64_t mask = n-1; /* mask for iftab index */
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> > I'm looking for open-sourced Mobile IP implementation
> > on FreeBSD.
> Check out the Monarch Project:
> http://www.monarch.cs.cmu.edu/
This supports FreeBSD 2.2.x, which is long dead. (And this was the
case for the other mobile ip implementations I tracked down.) Is
anyone working on this
So what are the odds of getting this code incorporated into -current?
Is this something that's in KAMEs realm of responsibility? (From what
I've been able to track down, they aren't doing much active development
of mobile ip right now.)
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Kevin> I just put the wicontrol commands into /etc/pccard.conf.
A better way to do this is to put the setup commands into
/etc/start_if.wi0. That way the changes don't get stomped if/when
you upgrade. Here's the /etc/start_if.wi0 I used at the IETF
last week:
wicontrol -i ${interface} -s VE6
Have any of you managed to get the DFE-500T running with the
lge driver? lge(4) hints that this should work, but I don't see
anything in the list archives to indicate that someone has
actually used this NIC successfully. (Note: I'm talking about
the NIC that talks over copper, not fibre.)
As I understand it, it is not possible to detect upward changes in the path
MTU as there is no mechanism for a router to generate an error when a packet
is small enough to be accommodated by the MTU of the link to the next hop. I
may be wrong though.
RFC1191 section 6.3.
On Tuesday, July 22, 2003, at 12:10 PM, Van Vinh Vo wrote:
freeBSD is developped from BSD 4.4 lite,
freeBSD 1.0 hit the market in 1993,
BSD 4.4 lite was born in 1994
Please, you explain me this situation
See http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/opensources/book/kirkmck.html