I have a freebsd box with a gif tunnel configured. I observed that even if
ifconfig displays MTU 1500 for both gif and physical interface, 1300 bytes
ipv6 packets transiting on the gif interface are systematically fragmented
while transiting on the lower physical interface to 1280 bytes. Is
>-Original Message-
>From: JINMEI Tatuya / _¾BÆ [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: jeudi 9 décembre 2004 05:53
>To: Konstantin KABASSANOV
>Subject: Re: the correct ipv6 behavior for interfaces with gif tunnel on
I'm actually working on a teredo server/relay implementation as a
netgraph node. Can you tell me, please, who I need to contact for an
eventual integration of my code into the netgraph source.
Konstantin K. KABASSA
I'm actually trying to make some tests between 2 wireless cards
supported by the atheros driver in Freebsd 5.2.1 release. Everything
works fine except the adhoc mode. When I put both cards in adhoc mode,
no packet is going out through the wireless interface even if the status
of the interfa