dhclient doing DISCOVER with bad IP checksum - bge

2008-12-01 Thread Jonathan Feally
Sorry for the cross-post, but this could be either lists problem. I have 2 boxes running 7-STABLE as of 20081130, both i386 SMP. One is running ISC DHCPD 3.0.x from recent ports, and the other dhclient from make world. The server is refusing to answer the DISCOVER request, as it thinks the I

Re: dhclient doing DISCOVER with bad IP checksum - bge (7.1 show stopper??)

2008-12-01 Thread Jonathan Feally
Can someone please confirm or rule out my issue with dhclient sending bad IP checksum packets. It would really suck if 7.1 was released with a broken DHCP client. Jonathan Feally wrote: Sorry for the cross-post, but this could be either lists problem. I have 2 boxes running 7-STABLE as of

Re: dhclient doing DISCOVER with bad IP checksum - bge (7.1 show stopper??)

2008-12-02 Thread Jonathan Feally
ny problems lately, but none involved checksum nor the dhcpd (btw, I assume that you are seeing bad checksum on the receiving server) could you add a nic to your PE1750? danny Jonathan Feally wrote: Sorry for the cross-post, but this could be either lists problem. I have 2 boxes runn

Re: dhclient doing DISCOVER with bad IP checksum - bge (7.1 show stopper??)

2008-12-02 Thread Jonathan Feally
Jonathan Feally wrote: I will try another em card in that server to confirm/rule out the nic driver. I am seeing the same checksum number on both the source machine, the dhcp server machine, and a 3rd windows xp machine sniffing the traffic with etherreal/wireshark. The windows xp box is

Re: dhclient doing DISCOVER with bad IP checksum - bge (7.1 show stopper?? NOPE - We're OK)

2008-12-02 Thread Jonathan Feally
OK, so I installed a different PE1750 with BETA2 and then updated the source via cvsup RELENG_7 from cvsup3 and all is ok now on that box. Went back the first box and cvsup'ed the src again into an empty directory and it compiled and worked fine. Looks like my updating of the source along the w

Re: dhclient doing DISCOVER with bad IP checksum - compile optimization issue

2008-12-02 Thread Jonathan Feally
Ok, I managed to cause it again. dhclient was the problem. My source tree was fine. Turns out that it is my make.conf CFLAGS=-O3 setting. When compiled with -O3 it will generate packets with bad checksums. Simply recompiling it with -O2 did not cause this issue and dhclient works fine. So th

Re: IPSEC_ESP and if_tun failed

2004-06-05 Thread Jonathan Feally
Your problem lies in that vpnc is opening a raw socket to get it's ESP packets. However when you enable esp in the kernel, the kernel already is taking those packets, so you get the SOCK_RAW error as vpnc cannot get ESP packets because the kernel is handling them. I do not know if options FAST

Having issues with bridging vlan and em in 5.4-STABLE

2005-10-08 Thread Jonathan Feally
I'm trying to setup a machine that will be both routing traffic and bridging 2 segments of one network with ipfw processing on that bridged network. The routing seems to be OK and bridging is also OK from Side to side, however when trying to talk to the IP of the machine from another machine on

Re: Having issues with bridging vlan and em in 5.4-STABLE

2005-10-10 Thread Jonathan Feally
ICAST options: RXCSUM, TXCSUM, VLAN_MTU, POLLING vlan199 flags UP, BROADCAST, RUNNING, PROMISC, SIMPLEX, MULTICAST vlan199 has no options. Anybody else run into this problem? I am running 5-STABLE as of today. -Jon Jonathan Feally wrote: I'm trying to setup a machine that will be bo


2002-04-27 Thread Jonathan Feally
Network setup: Networks Inside Net - 192 Outside Net - 63 - Natd from 192 to 63 and back Server Net - 216 I have a esp transport IPSec policy setup from my outside IP(63) to a server on the Internet(216) and back. Machines on the 192 go though the natd on the outside interface and get translated

IPSEC Tunnel

2002-07-09 Thread Jonathan Feally
Is it not possible to have the internal ip addresses of the tunnel machines talk with other internal addresses on the other side of the tunnel? Example Set Up: Packets from say to and back ( Lan)-( Internal)->( Interface)===IPSEC TUNNEL==

RE: IPSEC/NAT issues

2002-10-18 Thread Jonathan Feally
On a side note: For whoever tackles this project - a sysctl variable would be nice to turn the second ipsec processing(pre ipfw/ipf) on or off. To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe freebsd-net" in the body of the message

Re: IPsec/NAT FreeBSD

2002-10-18 Thread Jonathan Feally
I was just looking at the latest postings from the net list and was reading yours when I found this e-mail you sent directly to me. I've had some success with IPSEC/IPFW and NATD. The problem lies in the kernel, ipsec and ipfw ordering of where the packets flow. What you are trying to do - makes

Having a problem with getting ipfw fwd to work with vlans and bge - 6.1-RC1 amd64

2006-05-01 Thread Jonathan Feally
Hello, I have setup a new firewall and I'm having trouble with it. Perhaps the bge is to blame, perhaps its something else. I'll explain my setup, problem and the workaround to get it going. Box connects to 2 Internal Lans and 2 External Wans. Vlans are mixed untagged and tagged on a single bg

Re: Having a problem with getting ipfw fwd to work with vlans and bge - 6.1-RC1 amd64

2006-05-02 Thread Jonathan Feally
: options IPFIREWALL options IPFIREWALL_FORWARD options IPFIREWALL_FORWARD_EXTENDED options IPFIREWALL_DEFAULT_TO_ACCEPT options DUMMYNET options IPDIVERT options IPSTEALTH# Tried with sysctl set to on and off. options FAST_IPSEC device crypto Help Thanks, -Jon Jonathan Feally wrote

Re: Having a problem with getting ipfw fwd to work with vlans and bge - 6.1-RC1 amd64

2006-05-03 Thread Jonathan Feally
Good to know about the mtu, however I'm still having the same problem with a Pro/1000 em0. I have only tagged vlans running on em0 and the admin vlan (1) running untagged on bge0. The only 2 networks in play are 900 and 902. I'm not even working on packets from the lans passing through yet. Jus

Re: Having a problem with getting ipfw fwd to work with vlans and bge - 6.1-RC1 amd64

2006-05-03 Thread Jonathan Feally
ure things are working with changing the vlan mac's. -Jon Jonathan Feally wrote: Good to know about the mtu, however I'm still having the same problem with a Pro/1000 em0. I have only tagged vlans running on em0 and the admin vlan (1) running untagged on bge0. The only 2 networks in p

Re: bge and "no carrier" on IBM Blade 8843L1U

2006-05-05 Thread Jonathan Feally
Why whould you want to use that kernel option? I don't see that it is a requirement on the blade how-to. My guess is you haven't specifically set the interface to a media speed and duplex as the option indicates to me that the driver would not attempt auto negotiation. If the option is not requ

Problems with 6.2-PRE and udp applications - dhcpd and named

2006-10-13 Thread Jonathan Feally
Hello, I have a P4 2.8 box running on an intel MB with a em0 acting as a firewall. The em0 has multiple tagged vlans on it, no ip assigned to main interface. Almost clockwork now, 6-7 days after bootup named or dhcpd completly locks up. I can't even kill -9 the apps. I have recompiled both apps

Re: Problems with 6.2-PRE and udp applications - dhcpd and named - ipfw stateful issue?

2006-10-18 Thread Jonathan Feally
ly since I'm running what is going to be 6.2-RELEASE. Looking back at the mailing list - I see that there was a change to ipfw.c that deals with dynamic rule timeout, perhaps this is to blame? I am willing to give ssh access to debug this problem. -Jon Robert Watson wrote: On Fri, 13

6-STABLE (6.2-PRE) and applications (named natd dhcpd) getting stuck in state zoneli (zone limit) - dynamic ipfw rules not working after time - vlans on em

2006-11-22 Thread Jonathan Feally
Sorry to cross post, but the net list didn't help a couple weeks back on this. names, natd, and dhcpd have all been getting stuck in zoneli (zone limit) since I upgraded to the box to stable about a month ago. It was running a 6.1-STABLE before with out difficulty. Very little has changed on

Re: 6-STABLE (6.2-PRE) and applications (named natd dhcpd) getting stuckin state zoneli (zone limit) - dynamic ipfw rules not working after time- vlans on em

2006-11-24 Thread Jonathan Feally
1:04 -0800, Jonathan Feally <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Sorry to cross post, but the net list didn't help a couple weeks back on this. names, natd, and dhcpd have all been getting stuck in zoneli (zone limit) since I upgraded to the box to stable about a month ago. It was running a 6.1-S

Re: IPSEC/NAT issues

2002-10-18 Thread Jonathan Feally
As I think about it, it isn't IPSEC that needs to process twice once before and once after ipfw. Its the other way around. IPFW should first allow the ESP packets into the machine, then IPSEC extracted the secured packet, and then IPFW will process the normal packet again, thus allowing the dive


2002-12-09 Thread Jonathan Feally
You will also need optionsIPDIVERT in your kernel config Martin Stiemerling wrote: Am Montag den, 9. Dezember 2002, um 18:18, schrieb soheil soheil: Dear ALL i run this commands on my 4.4FreeBSD-Release Do you have this line in your kernel configuration file and compiled into the ke


2002-12-09 Thread Jonathan Feally
Also - In your second line for ipfw you have the syntax wrong to divert all ip traffic to divert port 5050 ipfw add 1000 divert 5050 ip from any to any where 1000 is the rule # - you may omit the # if you want it to get a rule # automatically - not recomended when other rules are in use! lower rul

DNS Translation

2002-12-11 Thread Jonathan Feally
Has anyone come across a daemon that will translate dns query responses from inside ip's to outside ip's, when the query is though the firewall? The CISCO PIX I have at work does this with the alias command - but - I'm not at work where I'd like to do that. Thanks - Jonathan To Unsubscribe: se

Re: cant get out with two interfaces.

2003-02-25 Thread Jonathan Feally
When monitoring a network, your monitoring interface should have no IP set or an IP address that matches you network with a netmask of if your monitoring software will not work with out an IP. Example: LAN is fxp0 is rl0

Re: Cisco PIX 501 (3DES) to FreeBSD VPN Gateway

2003-03-13 Thread Jonathan Feally
I have a similar setup from my home (FreeBSD) to my work (PIX-515) 10/8 is my work 192.168.X.0/24 is my home - this setup will give you 3des encrypt tunnel with a Pre-Shared Key Your PIX will need these config lines(adjust to match your networks): access-list ipsec-ok-list permit ip 255.

Re: gateway/firewall script

2003-10-22 Thread Jonathan Feally
Your problem lies in that you are counting the traffic twice in the queue/pipe - once from the internal addr to the dst, and once from the external addr to the dst. Change your rules to specify which IP Block should get the bw limiting. I don't know if the keep-state thing is throwing it out of

Re: Disable Bridge Loop Detection?

2003-11-05 Thread Jonathan Feally
I don't see why do you have 2 FreeBSD Boxes running as bridges. The only reason I could possibly imagine, is that you are using IPFW or IPFilter to do some packet filtering. Now with vrrp, each router would have a unique IP and only one of the routers would have the shared IP at any given time


2004-03-21 Thread Jonathan Feally
You need to compile a custom kernel with as a minimum options IPFIREWALL # puts ipfw statically into kernel options IPDIVERT # see divert Disable - this will enable it which is required for divert rule and natd You may also want this options options IPFIREWALL_FORWARD #en