stp explicitly.
My question is:
Is there any way to configure the bridge to add stp protocol to any
added (via ifconfig bridgeX addm ifX) member interface - so to change
the default behaviour? Or specifying it explicitly is unavoidable?
Best regards.
pluknet pisze:
> 2009/5/28 Jedrzej Kalinowski :
>> Hello,
>> I'm using a bridge to connect tap devices used by qemu emulator to an
>> outside world.
>> I run into a bit of problem however, because if I feed qemu virtual
>> machine with two t
Bruce Simpson pisze:
> Jedrzej Kalinowski wrote:
>> pluknet pisze:
>>> 2009/5/28 Jedrzej Kalinowski :
>>>> Is there any way to configure the bridge to add stp protocol to any
>>>> added (via ifconfig bridgeX addm ifX) membe