Title: RE: Hacked computer
I would do a find / -name g
g is a well known rootkit, im not sure if it works with freebsd but I am sure it can be modified, that is what most of the script kiddies are using these days, it changes a bunch of things like ps, and last and who... If you find a direc
Title: RE: Redundant connections from separate isp's possible?
I believe what you're talking about is refered to as BGP or Sonnet routing, but i'm not sure, I know it is possible because we have 5 or 6 backbone providers on our Network.
-Original Message-
From: Peter
Title: Adding IP aliases
Does anyone know of a FAQ or HOWTO for adding IP aliases to a FreeBSD box? I can do it under linux and Im just wondering if there are any differences or what-not.
Title: Quick question about IP aliasing
Say I have a main server Ip address of (This is completely made up), and I have 32 IP addresses blocked to it on (or whatever, this is an example) would this alias line still be valid for that? I've never done a ser
Title: IP alias problem /w 2 different subnets.
Does anyone see any problem with the below rc.conf network info? Because the aliases arent working.. and I have verified that the 209.190.xxx.xxx ips are being routed to the 209.51.xxx.xxx IP, anyone have any idea on this?
Title: Unable to change time/date
Whenever i try to change the time/date on my FreeBSD 4.2 server I get the error that says Kernel: time changed clamped to -1 seconds. I have absolutely no idea what is going on, I tried it in both single and multi-user mode. The command I am using is t
operation not permitted, any other ideas?
-Original Message-
From: Bill Vermillion [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2001 11:10 AM
To: Drew J. Weaver
Subject: Re: Unable to change time/date
On Thu, Jun 14, 2001 at
Title: Interesting news article about microsoft using Freebsd.
Title: odd error message in log
Jun 26 23:10:34 localhost /kernel: fxp0: device timeout
Jun 27 01:11:19 localhost /kernel: fxp0: SCB timeout
Jun 27 01:11:36 localhost last message repeated 3 times
Jun 27 01:11:40 localhost /kernel: fxp0: device timeout
Jun 27 01:49:31 localhost /kernel: fxp0:
Title: RE: Help me to configure
Ok i've gotten like 4 of these in the last two days please stop.
-Original Message-
From: FreeBSDlover FreeBSDlover [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2001 11:06 AM
Subject: Help me to configure
pop stream
tcp nowait root /usr/libexec/tcpd
/usr/local/lib/popper qpopper
-c -C -R -F -S
That is the command I am using in inetd.conf
to call qpopper, it works on my 2 linux
servers but for some reason inetd under bsd completely ignores everything after the qpopper is this
Title: RE: inetd on BSD urgent.
Erm, popper qpopper is how you're supposed to call qpopper.
-Original Message-
From: Matt Ayres [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2001 5:33 PM
To: Drew J. Weaver
Hi, I've had this problem for
a few days now, we have a small dial-up ISP and when users dial into one of our
cities they get a 209.xxx.xxx.xxx IP and our mail server responds normally, we
have another modem pool in that city that consists of 206.xxx.xxx.xxx IP
addresses, if a user gets a 2
revent those with no reverse DNS
from connecting.
ALL : PARANOID : RFC931 20 : deny
- Original Message -----
From: Drew J.
Sent: Monday, October 15, 2001 5:40 AM
Subject: DNS causing
problems with sendmail?
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