Re: FreeBSD route tables limited 16?

2010-09-14 Thread Dave Seddon
lla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X 10.4; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100825 Thunderbird/3.1.3 On 9/13/10 5:18 PM, Dave Seddon wrote: > Greetings Julian, > > I've been wondering if it's possible to increase the number of FreeBSD > route tables to a larger number. It seems this

running out of mbufs?

2005-08-02 Thread Dave+Seddon
0 options=4b ether 00:11:0a:56:b2:4c media: Ethernet autoselect (1000baseTX ) status: active em3: flags=8843 mtu 1500 options=4b ether 00:11:0a:56:b2:4d media: Ethernet autoselect status: no carrier lo0: flags=8049 mtu 16384 inet

Re: running out of mbufs?

2005-08-02 Thread Dave+Seddon
So as for the system losing all network connectivity, do you have any suggestions? regards, Dave Kris Kennaway writes: On Wed, Aug 03, 2005 at 01:49:32PM +1000, Dave+Seddon wrote: Greetings, I'm trying to do some performance testing of a content filtering system, so I'm try

Re: running out of mbufs?

2005-08-03 Thread Dave+Seddon
ghts on multiple IP stacks on FreeBSD. It would be really cool to be able to give a jail it's own IP stack bound to a VLAN interface. It could then be like a VRF on Cisco. Regards, Dave Seddon ___ mailing list http://list

Re: running out of mbufs?

2005-08-03 Thread Dave+Seddon
Perhaps a quick "fix" to the bug would be to output a message to the console when somebody tried to set the tcp.sendspace or tcp.recvspace space > 65535 * 2. Regards, Dave Seddon Pieter de Boer writes: Mike Silbersack wrote: net.inet.tcp.sendspace=1024000 net.inet.

Re: running out of mbufs?

2005-08-08 Thread Dave+Seddon
isn’t usually very high, and it is more likely to be secure if the daemons are separate. If somebody was going to run a large instance of routing they should probably use a router, not a unix box. Regards, Dave Seddon ___ mailing list

Re: two dc cards on 5.4

2005-08-10 Thread Dave+Seddon
uot; So you want: ifconfig_dc0="100baseTX mediaopt full-duplex" ifconfig_dc1="100baseTX mediaopt full-duplex" Regards, Dave Seddon dave writes: Hello, I'm trying to get a pair of netgear cards to work on a 5.4-RELEASE-p6 box. My rc.conf looks as follows: if

Re: Why Ierrs is so high?

2005-08-10 Thread Dave+Seddon
Greetings, Yeah I'd say there is something funny also. I've stuffed around with HZ and polling settings heaps and could only manage about 120MB/s-ish of HTTP traffic. I'm as running 5.4-stable from about 2-3 weeks ago. /etc/sysctl.conf kern.polling.enable=1 kern.polling.each_burst=50 #need

Re: Why Ierrs is so high?

2005-08-10 Thread Dave+Seddon
Greetings, Also, how were you measuring the packet and data rate? What were you using to generate the traffic? I used /usr/ports/benchmark/siege and /usr/ports/www/thttpd. Regards, Dave Mao Shou Yan writes: Hi, all, I have a machine with 3 Intel pro1000 cards. em0 is in promisc

Re: Aggregate network interfaces

2005-08-25 Thread Dave+Seddon
Greetings, - Gig cards are cheap. - PCI bus throughput is really bad (like 32MB/s) - There is no easy way to "bond" on FreeBSD, but you can just use multiple IP addresses. It would be cool to have something like Etherchannel, but that doesn't work. Solaris has Etherchannel. Regards, Dave

Re: Aggregate network interfaces

2005-08-25 Thread Dave+Seddon
ance the load across multiple gig links with traffic going to a sinlge backup host, for example. (I you want to know how I'll have to look that up) Regards, Dave Seddon Evgueni V. Gavrilov writes: In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you wrote: IP addresses. It would be cool

Re: dhclient and ADSL modem trouble...

2005-08-31 Thread Dave+Seddon
What ISP is it? You sure the ISP doesn't use PPPeE? Dave Digital Brain writes: Hi Chuck and thanks for your reply -- unfortunately dhclient still fails to get an IP... Here's a copy of my dhclient.conf: #dhclient config for interface ed0 interface "ed0" { send host-name "

Re: Testing Ethernet Ports

2005-09-01 Thread Dave+Seddon
Greetings, You need a seperate routing table. Try using Xen (, or there's a patch floating around for FreeBSD4.9. Dave Barney Wolff writes: On Thu, Sep 01, 2005 at 09:58:14AM -0500, Will Maier wrote: On Thu, Sep 01, 2005 at 10:36:04AM -

Re: VLANs / Bridging / BPDU

2005-09-01 Thread Dave+Seddon
Or just interface GigabitEthernet0/1 spanning-tree portfast Or disable spanning tree no spanning-tree vlan 1-100 You could also do some MAC address filtering as the BPDUs are ethernet multicast, but that smacks of hard work. :) Peter Wood writes: Sods law, after working on this f

Re: stopping response to nmap

2005-09-14 Thread Dave+Seddon
Just configure /etc/rc.conf with one of these options and the firewall should work. These are the options, from /etc/rc.firewall: # Define the firewall type in /etc/rc.conf. Valid values are: # open - will allow anyone in # client - will try to protect just this machine

Re: Problems with SK and EM network cards/drivers on my system

2005-09-18 Thread Dave+Seddon
It would also be interesting to know if you've got device polling enabled. If so, what sysctl settings do you have. Regards, Dave Seddon Mike Tancsa writes: On Sun, 18 Sep 2005 14:15:51 -0400, in you wrote: Im having an issue with my new linksys eg103

Re: Efficient use of Dummynet pipes in IPFW

2005-09-18 Thread Dave+Seddon
skipto man ipfw -> e.g. ipfw add 10 skipto 4000 all from any to any layer2 out Brett Glass writes: For years, we've used "Dummynet" in FreeBSD for bandwidth control. Unfortunately, the semantics of IPFW can, at times, make the use of Dummynet awkward and inefficient. For example, suppose

Re: UDP dont fragment bit

2005-09-21 Thread Dave+Seddon
ISP does drop ICMP then the don't defragment option will just result in packets disappearing anyway. Regards, Dave Seddon ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"

Re: Problems with SK and EM network cards/drivers on my system

2005-09-21 Thread Dave+Seddon
Greetings, There seems to be heaps of people on the list reporting errors with em cards and FreeBSD 5.4 -stable-ish (as in cvsup-ed within the last couple of months). Are there many people running these ok? Perhaps is not the network card so much as some other element of the computer? Rega

Re: iperf results

2005-09-21 Thread Dave+Seddon
Greetings, We would all be very interested to see the complete report. Particularly if you fix up the results for FreeBSD :) Chucks right, we need waaay more info. We don't even know what version of FreeBSD your running. There are lots of sysctl variables to adjust. Here's a bunch I play

Re: wierd problems with openvpn [update]

2005-09-22 Thread Dave+Seddon
So ditch pf and let us know. Or swap to ipf Z.C.B. writes: I am positive it is something to do with pf. I copied the exact same config file from the vpn server over to another box and pointed the client at it and it worked perfectly fine. Any one see any thing odd in that pf setup or have any

Re: em(4) receive part wedging randomly at moderate load

2005-09-26 Thread Dave+Seddon
Can we try running the windows drivers? Wasn't that called project evil. Dave Scott M. Ferris writes: On 9/26/05, Petri Helenius <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Does anyone have the programming data for the chipsets so the driver could be taken further? I've been unable to obtain them from I

Re: arplookup problems

2005-09-27 Thread Dave+Seddon
There seem to be serious issues around this driver. There have been many posts on this list in the last days particularly, as well as over the last few months. People seem to be looking at it, and I guess once we all rush out and by other (e.g. broadcom) NICs intel might try to help. dave

Re: tcpdump based packet generator

2005-10-01 Thread Dave+Seddon
Greetings, Yes I was wondering about doing that the other day. I'd like to here how you go if you do get somewhere. Perhaps this is how the load generators work? I've been using one based on SmartBits, which seems to be linux. Dave Nickolay Kritsky writes: combination of tcpdump and

Re: problems with em(4)

2005-10-02 Thread Dave+Seddon
niffing 150MB/s. Normally libpcap can't handle that amount of traffic. Regards, Dave Seddon ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"

Re: dummynet, em driver, device polling issues :-((

2005-10-04 Thread Dave+Seddon
Jeremie, Sorry for "top posting". My time machine is broken :) Kevin, You mention your running at "near" line rate. What are you pushing or pulling? Whats the rough spec of these machines pushing out this much data? What setting do you have for the polling? I've been trying to do near lin

Re: Which em(4) chips work/don't work? [Was: RE: dummynet, em driver, device polling issues :-((]

2005-10-04 Thread Dave+Seddon
Under 5.4 this revision of the em card doesn't work: 82546EB [EMAIL PROTECTED]:1:0: class=0x02 card=0x00db0e11 chip=0x10108086 rev=0x01 hdr=0x00 vendor = 'Intel Corporation' device = '82546EB Dual Port Gigabit Ethernet Controller (Copper)' class= networ

Re: dummynet, em driver, device polling issues :-((

2005-10-05 Thread Dave+Seddon
100 #define MAX_POLL_BURST_MAX 1 I tried doing this, but encountered the problems with the throughput somehow related to the em cards and gave up. Maybe you're results will be better. Regards, Dave Seddon Ferdinand Goldmann writes: Kevin Day wrote: In one case, we had a sys

ipf ttl question

2005-10-11 Thread Dave+Seddon
Greetings, I'm running ipf+ipnat and proftp. I'm encountering a problem where the data connection is working fine, however because there's a large tranfer no data is tranferred on port 21, so the port 21 session dies (ttl expires). The transfer is running now. How can I change the ttl on t