Hello Charlie,
Thursday, July 29, 2004, 1:23:33 AM, you wrote:
CS> So, what is the order, if I'm running ipf AND ipfw at the same time?
CS> Will it work at all in this manner?
Load both firewalls as modules, then you can be sure packets goes
first through firewall you load first. And yes, this sh
Hello Max,
Thursday, July 29, 2004, 1:46:06 AM, you wrote:
ML> Another alternative (on FreeBSD-current) would be pf+ALTQ, btw ;)
Is there any chance to see one day pf for 4.X-RELEASE? I'm still
thinking pf is the best firewall ever made but it is very frustrated i
can't use it on freeBSD boxes. :
Hi all,
Monday, January 19, 2004, 12:34:25 PM, you wrote:
DN> hey all,
DN> i need some understanding on what exactly ng_iface achieves, as it makes a
DN> reference to the hook inet being connected to something. however,
DN> connecting the ng_iface hook inet to ng_ether's upper or lower
Hi, Dinesh,
Monday, January 19, 2004, 8:29:23 PM, you wrote:
DN> On Mon, 19 Jan 2004, Andrew Riabtsev wrote:
>> DN> connecting the ng_iface hook inet to ng_ether's upper or lower doesnt make
>> DN> any sense because ng_ether itself does not do an encasulation of th
GS> On Tue, Jan 20, 2004 at 11:48:44AM +0300, Andrew Riabtsev wrote:
A>> >> Connecting ng_iface:inet and ng_ether:upper/lower do nothing, well, it
A>> >> do something but not what you are waiting for, i think.
A>> DN> i know, hence was asking if th
Tuesday, January 20, 2004, 9:51:52 PM, you wrote:
DN> On Tue, 20 Jan 2004, Gleb Smirnoff wrote:
>> Isn't ng_etf(4) the one you need?
DN> ng_etf does filtering, i'm planning on doing round robin IP tranmission,
DN> with source IP address set accordingly. see ng_one2many which gives an
DN> exampl
Hi, All
I'm trying to let my FreeBSD 4.9 box, working as bridge, divert and fwd
bridged packets. As i undestand it is not realized in FreeBSD 4.9. I
was thinking about to do it (realize), but im too lazy and when i see
this huge amount of work i start thinking :)
Befor i continue my work i just w
Hi Anshuman,
Thursday, February 5, 2004, 8:19:46 PM, you wrote:
AK> Hi all,
AK> I have a situation where my servers (Freebsd Solaris
AK> and Linux) are connected to two independent switches
AK> via 2 seperate NIC cards. To enhance my redundancy I
AK> want to group 2 adapters in a active-standby
Hi Gleb,
Wednesday, February 18, 2004, 3:49:58 PM, you wrote:
GS>Dear collegues,
GS>a port of ng_netflow has been just commited to ports
GS> tree. It builds both on STABLE and CURRENT, and was tested
GS> to work on really busy routers.
GS>As before, I'd be glad for any kind of feedba
Привет Gleb,
Thursday, February 19, 2004, 3:18:11 PM, you wrote:
GS> On Thu, Feb 19, 2004 at 02:34:02PM +0300, Andrew Riabtsev wrote:
A>> GS>a port of ng_netflow has been just commited to ports
A>> GS> tree. It builds both on STABLE and CURRENT, and was tested
Привет Gleb,
Thursday, February 19, 2004, 4:50:42 PM, you wrote:
GS> On Thu, Feb 19, 2004 at 04:02:09PM +0300, Andrew Riabtsev wrote:
A>> GS> In most cases the answer is no. In 90 % cases ng_netflow is used on
A>> GS> top of ng_ether(4) node, which passes all data comin
>> # ifconfig rl0 $ip (where ip can be also, my
>> default route is deleted, cut off server for my net.
SDS> Say you wanted to change from to
SDS> With default gateway changed from to
SDS> ifconfig rl0 inet a
Привет Iasen,
Wednesday, February 25, 2004, 3:37:25 PM, you wrote:
IK> netstat -s -p ip
IK> .
IK> .
IK> .
IK> 3575124 datagrams with bad address in header
IK> Could it be this that drops "bad" packets before they enter the IPFW ?
To me it would be also interesting to know where this
I have the following problem with runing AIR-PCI340 on FreeBSD
#ifconfig an0 media autoselect
ifconfig: SIOCGAIRONET: Operation not permined
#ifconfig -m an0
shows availible media types just as usual. Other parameters sets
normal (essid, stationname and so on). But with media
Hi Jian-Wei,
Thursday, May 6, 2004, 6:46:16 PM, you wrote:
JWW> Hi, I spent times to figure out the packet flow with ng_ether, like this:
JWW> upper layer
JWW> |
JWW> ^
JWW> [ether_demux]
JWW> ^
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