tl;dr -->
Navdeep and I have been poking at an LOR that seems to be popping up
in -current that is related to lagg(4) and lagg_get_counter().
root@sysdev07:~ # ifconfig lagg0 create laggport ix0 laggproto lacp
lagg0: link state changed to DOWN
Dear Netmap Developers,
during the course of my bachelor's thesis, I modified a packet generator
called MoonGen [1] in order to utilize netmap.
One key component was to flexibly offload checksums for different kinds
of packets (IPv4, UDP, TCP).
The ixgbe netmap patch was modified [2] in order to c
On Tue, Jun 14, 2016 at 9:13 AM, Sean Bruno wrote:
> tl;dr -->
> Navdeep and I have been poking at an LOR that seems to be popping up
> in -current that is related to lagg(4) and lagg_get_counter().
> root@sysdev07:~ # ifconfig lagg0 create laggport ix0 laggpr