Hi, Michael
The problem about sctp_connectx is solved.Thank you very much.
But I encounter another problem, it's about sctp_getladdrs().Every time I
call this function, the return value is "ENOMEM". Even I reboot the
computer, this problem still exists.
My function is:
struct sockaddr*show_ip
Synopsis: [netgraph] [patch] ng_vlan update for QinQ support
Responsible-Changed-From-To: freebsd-net->melifaro
Responsible-Changed-By: melifaro
Responsible-Changed-When: Sat Dec 3 17:23:08 UTC 2011
On Dec 3, 2011, at 2:34 PM, jyl_2006 wrote:
> Hi, Michael
> The problem about sctp_connectx is solved.Thank you very much.
> But I encounter another problem, it's about sctp_getladdrs().Every time I
> call this function, the return value is "ENOMEM". Even I reboot the
> computer, this problem s
Old Synopsis: Modem-PPP error ppp[1538]: tun0: Phase: Clearing choked output
queue - rs232 external 56k modem
New Synopsis: [tun] Modem-PPP error ppp[1538]: tun0: Phase: Clearing choked
output queue - rs232 external 56k modem
Responsible-Changed-From-To: freebsd-i386->freebsd-net
Synopsis: [ip] [patch] multicast forwarding cache hash always allocated with
size 0, resulting in buffer overrun
Responsible-Changed-From-To: freebsd-net->zec
Responsible-Changed-By: linimon
Responsible-Changed-When: Sun Dec 4 00:22:32 UTC 2011
Marko expressed an interes
Sorry.The return value is -1, that means sctp_getladdrs() and
sctp_getpaddrs() encounter an error. And the errno is set to ENOMEM.
View this message in context:
Sent from the fr
Hi list,
Having a different MAC address on vlan interface and parent interface
requires enabling promiscuous mode. Is this a bug, or is it working as
intended? Will leaving promiscuous mode enabled indefinitely hurt
performance on gigabit em interface?
On 4 December 2011 13:52, Pawel Tyll wrote:
> Hi list,
> Having a different MAC address on vlan interface and parent interface
> requires enabling promiscuous mode. Is this a bug, or is it working as
> intended? Will leaving promiscuous mode enabled indefinitely hurt
> performance on gigab