Old Synopsis: [if_lagg] [panic] kernel with if_lagg compiled in panices at
start if if_lagg.ko is loaded
New Synopsis: [lagg] [panic] kernel with if_lagg compiled in panices at start
if if_lagg.ko is loaded
Responsible-Changed-From-To: freebsd-bugs->freebsd-net
Responsible-Changed-By: linimon
Synopsis: [lagg] [panic] kernel with if_lagg compiled in panices at start if
if_lagg.ko is loaded
Responsible-Changed-From-To: freebsd-net->pluknet
Responsible-Changed-By: pluknet
Responsible-Changed-When: Mon Aug 1 10:29:53 UTC 2011
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S Tracker
We've been investiging an ongoing issue with some machines
we have in Amsterdam, when receiving files via scp from our
London DC.
Initially we suspected a igb driver issue but after continued
diagnosis including disabling hardware tso and cksums on
both end we're currently investigating the possi
- Original Message -
What I believe we're seeing from the tcpdump trace is the
packet loss on the network results in an unrecoverable tcp
From my very limited knowledge of tcp, I would expect to see
the session to recover after receiving the lost packet by
either a fast retransm