I was wondering if there was a way that I could monitor the bandwidth usage
live? I have heard of a linux program called iptraf, is there something
similar to that for FreeBSD?
Thank You,
Brad Davis
Send and receive Hot
I'm developing for RTEMS OS, and thus this post is bit offtopic, but
RTEMS uses networking code
ported from FreeBSD. I'm trying to implement forwarding of UDP
broadcasts to enable MS Network browsing
through chain of routers. As I noticed from code - the best place to do
it - is udp_inpu
I'm seeing that "struct sockaddr_in" has a field like this:
char sin_zero[8];
Why ?
Could anyone explain me what's used for ?
Could it be bad if I'd add the same field to
"sockaddr_in6" ?
PS: I'm trying to implement divert sockets for
IPv6 using the KAME implementation of "ip6fw".
On Tue, Jul 09, 2002 at 03:26:21AM -0600, Brad Davis wrote:
> Hello,
> I was wondering if there was a way that I could monitor the bandwidth usage
> live? I have heard of a linux program called iptraf, is there something
> similar to that for FreeBSD?
If it's just the bandwidth something lik
On Tue, 9 Jul 2002, Juan Francisco Rodriguez Hervella wrote:
> Hello:
> I'm seeing that "struct sockaddr_in" has a field like this:
> char sin_zero[8];
> Why ?
> Could anyone explain me what's used for ?
> Could it be bad if I'd add the same field to
> "sockaddr_in6" ?
> PS: I'm tr
I can't figure out why this code won't bind to on FreeBSD. I get
an error "Can't assign requested address".
int main() {
int sock;
struct so
* Chris Given <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [020709 14:50] wrote:
> I can't figure out why this code won't bind to on FreeBSD. I get
> an error "Can't assign requested address".
I don't think you want to htonl the return value from inet_addr, as it
should already be in network order.
On 9 Jul, Chris Given wrote:
> I can't figure out why this code won't bind to on FreeBSD. I get
> an error "Can't assign requested address".
> struct sockaddr_in dp;
> unsigned long bind_to_addr = inet_addr("");
> sock = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPP
Is it not possible to have the internal ip addresses of the tunnel
machines talk with other internal addresses on the other side of the tunnel?
Example Set Up:
Packets from say to and back
( Lan)-( Internal)->(
Interface)===IPSEC TUNNEL==