I have configured pseudo ethernet interfaces with the following
1. There is a ethernet interface fxp0 having MAC address MAC0. It also
receives packets with destination MAC address MAC1 and MAC2.
2. The packets with destination MAC address MAC1 are sent to pseudo
interface 1, nge
>I have used ng_eiface nodes impemented by Vitaly
>(available at http://www.riss-telecom.ru/~vitaly/) for interface1/2. I
>have set fxp0 in promiscuous mode.
Have you tried 'setautosrc 0' on the fxp0: node?
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Satyajeet Seth wrote:
> Hi
> I have configured pseudo ethernet interfaces with the following
> requirements:
> 1. There is a ethernet interface fxp0 having MAC address MAC0. It also
> receives packets with destination MAC address MAC1 and MAC2.
> 2. The packets with destination MAC address M
Please see my comments below.
> > I have configured pseudo ethernet interfaces with the following
> > requirements:
> > 1. There is a ethernet interface fxp0 having MAC address MAC0. It also
> > receives packets with destination MAC address MAC1 and MAC2.
> > 2. The packets with destination M
I have just built up a 4.2-RELEASE system with an brand new Intel D815EEA
motherboard that has onboard ethernet using the 82562 chipset.
The card stops every few minutes with a /kernel: fxp0: SCB timeout error
I have found reference to others experiencing the same problem with the