Re: poor fastforwarding and polling performance

2006-12-03 Thread Mike Tancsa
On Sat, 2 Dec 2006 19:09:03 -0800, in you wrote: > >With polling (ifconfig sis0 polling; ifconfig sis1 polling) I get >about 1.5-2Mbit (pf doesn't make a difference). For Polling, set kern.polling.idle_poll=1 Also, try removing options ADAPTIVE_GIANT #

poor fastforwarding and polling performance

2006-12-02 Thread Ask Bjørn Hansen
Hi, I'm playing with the settings for some PC Engines WRAP cards[1] (sis interfaces) that acts as mini routers on relatively slow networks. I am testing with iperf from two Linux boxes (that are plugged directly into an interface each on the FreeBSD box). The IP addresses used for the rou