> "Lars" == Lars Eggert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Hello Lars,
Lars> See the section on PMTU discovery in draft-touch-ipsec-vpn-06. If
Lars> the requirements of your setup allow is, IPIP gif tunnels
Lars> together with IPsec transport mode (as described in the ID) can
Lars> address this
Eric Masson wrote:
If i reduce lan interface mtu on "Host" to approximately 1450, the
tunnel works fine, so it seems that "Tunnel Endpoint" can't process
correctly packets with a size of 1500 bytes.
If more information regarding this issue is needed, just ask.
Is this a known issue ?
Except playin
003 9:04 AM
Subject: Re: ipsec tunnels & packet length issues
> Eric Masson:
> >>>>>> "Michael" == Michael Sierchio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >
> > Michael> You should allow for an IP header with options and the ESP
> > Michael>
> "Helge" == Helge Oldach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Hello Helge,
Helge> Actually this is the case.
I'd like...
Helge> Or better, it *should* be happening -
Helge> I don't know if you see the ICMPs or not.
Nope no "message too long" icmp packet returned to originator (nothing
in tcpdum
Eric Masson:
>> "Michael" == Michael Sierchio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Michael> You should allow for an IP header with options and the ESP
> Michael> header, which is smaller than 1450. For SKIP I use 1366 as the
> Michael> advertised MTU, and for IPsec usually 1436, unless I need to
> M
> "Michael" == Michael Sierchio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Michael> You should allow for an IP header with options and the ESP
Michael> header, which is smaller than 1450. For SKIP I use 1366 as the
Michael> advertised MTU, and for IPsec usually 1436, unless I need to
Michael> accomodate
Eric Masson wrote:
If i reduce lan interface mtu on "Host" to approximately 1450, the
tunnel works fine, so it seems that "Tunnel Endpoint" can't process
correctly packets with a size of 1500 bytes.
You should allow for an IP header with options and the ESP header,
which is smaller than 1450. Fo
I'm facing a problem with the following setup :
+-+ DMZ ++ LAN +--+
Internet -+ Tunnel Endpoint +-+ Fw +-+ Host |
+-+ ++ +--+
"Tunnel Endpoint" : FreeBSD 4.8-RELEASE with fast