Re: gateway/firewall script

2003-10-23 Thread Aleksandar Simonovski
On Wed, 22 Oct 2003 20:29:10 -0700 Jonathan Feally <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Your problem lies in that you are counting the traffic twice in the > queue/pipe - once from the internal addr to the dst, and once from the > external addr to the dst. Change your rules to specify which IP Block >

Re: gateway/firewall script

2003-10-22 Thread Jonathan Feally
Your problem lies in that you are counting the traffic twice in the queue/pipe - once from the internal addr to the dst, and once from the external addr to the dst. Change your rules to specify which IP Block should get the bw limiting. I don't know if the keep-state thing is throwing it out of

gateway/firewall script

2003-10-22 Thread Aleksandar Simonovski
this is my script, works just fine, it's purpose is to allow just www,ftp and dns requests but i get only 6KB/s transfer with config bw 128Kbit/s, and 3KB/s with 64Kbit/s and so on and it should be 16KB/s with 128Kbit/s and 8KB/s with 64Kbit/s and do on so is this right or i'am missing something