Thank marko.
My machine mainboard chipset is intel c206, and network is dual-port intel
x520 card.
I'll find other machine to test once more.
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Hi, Prof.Luigi RIZZO
Firstly i should thank you for netmap. I tried to send a e-mail to you
yestoday, but it was rejected.
I used two machines to test netmap bridge. all with i7-2600 cpu and intel
82599 dual-interfaces card.
One worked as sender and receiver with pkt-gen, the other worked
My hardware setup is:
CPU: i7 2600,MEM:16G NETWORK: intel 82599 OS:freebsd 9.1
when the packet size increases,the transmit rate drops. 1518-byte packet can
only transmit about 80%
can you tell me your hardware setup ?
do you have any modification to bridge.c and netmap ?
thanks for yo
I tried netmap bridge to transmit 64-byte packets , the performance is well
almost line rate.but when we increase the packet size, to performance
dropped rapiddly, anyone have tried this situation ? or can we tune some
parameters to improve the performance ?
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