Any news on the driver update for 5709S yet Dave?
- Original Message -
From: "Steven Hartland"
Thanks for the update David, if there is anything we can do
to help let us know.
- Original Message -
From: "David Christensen"
Hiroki Sato wrote
in <>:
hr> Anyway, I will try the a-box-with-three-NICs case when I return home
hr> today. I didn't try it.
Okay, I tried the case of all of NICs on a host and confirmed it
works fine.
hr> qi> Would it be possible for you to em
Basically I have a dlink WBR-1310 thats in bridge mode connected to my
current BSD router ( 6.3) I'm trying to replace this 1310 product with
FreeBSD 7. The last problem i'm dealing with is poor preformance. When I
use my current BSD 7 setup it works, but ping times from client to an
Sin wrote:
Does anyone know how to enable short preamble in 7-STABLE ?
I'm using ath with hostapd in ap mode. It seems there was an option in
hostapd.conf, but this is not in FreeBSD's
The missing hostapd.conf option was found in google:
Does anyone know how to enable short preamble in 7-STABLE ?
I'm using ath with hostapd in ap mode. It seems there was an option in
hostapd.conf, but this is not in FreeBSD's
The missing hostapd.conf option was found in google:
# Short Preambl
Stef Walter wrote:
> A short while ago (perhaps due to a change in traffic), every few hours,
> the wireless interface becomes unresponsive, and I started seeing
> thousands of lines like this in:
> ath0: ath_rx_proc: no mbuf!
> ath0: ath_rx_proc: no mbuf!
> ath0: ath_rx_proc: no mbuf!
> ath0: a
"Li, Qing" wrote
qi> Hi Hiroki,
qi> >
qi> > 2) Issue of subnet-router anycast address with a global address
qi> >
qi> > Thanks for the fixes! With the two patches 1) and 3) are gone, but
qi> > 2) still remains. Is there something I can help to narrow down it?
qi> >
qi> Hmm...