On Mon, Mar 18, 2013 at 2:38 PM, Fbsd8 wrote:
> To all interested parties;
> I have completed the final draft of the total rewrite of FreeBSD's
> handbook Chapter 16 on Jails.
> Before submitting my work for submission to the documentation group for
> insertion in the handbook I am looking for
>"Fbsd8" wrote:
> This is my first public exposure. The Doc gang is seeing it for the
> first time just like you.
>> I also see you're pushing the sysutils/qjail port for users who don't
>> want
>> to configure things themselves. In my experience, ezjail is a much
>> better
>> solution.
On Fri, Mar 22, 2013 at 6:12 PM, Fbsd8 wrote:
> Boy this simple critique request sure has gotten out of hand. So lets
set the record straight.
You got exactly what you asked for.
> On the subject ezjail not being referenced in the document like it is in
the current version of the online handbook