art ssh in jail, ssh into jail and run netstat -rn
> fib binds to process and childs, not to jail - jexec and childs started
> with your current fib, not with jail fib.
Thanks for the tips. But it's not working. I try every combinaison my poor
mind can invente and no one work.
I'm runnin
Albert Shih wrote:
> Hi all.
> I'm trying to make setfib working with jail. I'm not sure to do correctly,
> but I'm sure it's not working.
> So this is what I do :
> - Rebuild kernel with
> option ROUTETABLES=4
> - Re-install the kernel, reboot
Hi all.
I'm trying to make setfib working with jail. I'm not sure to do correctly,
but I'm sure it's not working.
So this is what I do :
- Rebuild kernel with
- Re-install the kernel, reboot
- Stop the jail
- flu