Network in VNET jail does not work on my FreeBSD current bhyve vm

2021-05-29 Thread mj-mailinglist
Hello everybody, since a few weeks, my jails on a bhyve-vm, running current are not reachable via network, when configured with VNET. They can't even access the gateway. I don't remember when this problem started, but it's a few weeks. The same jail.conf works on a 13.0 host, on a current system

Questions about the output of jls

2020-12-13 Thread mj-mailinglist
Hi, I habe a current system, where i have current and 12.2-STABLE jails. Checking with jls, i get this output: root@fbsd13:~ # jls -h jid name ip4.addr host.hostname vnet osrelease path | column -t jid name ip4.addr host.hostname vnet osrelease path 8j0192.168.0.10 j0.loca