On 12-Jun-07, at 6:39 AM, ntr wrote:
how about:
Are there good ways to limit each jail one by one ...?
The jtune command included with my patches allows you to set limits
for each jail individually. Please test it out (see previous
messages on
Ahoy, folks --- hit http://www.ualberta.ca/~cdjones/jail-cpumem-
current.tgz for a patchset against -CURRENT. Instructions are
included; contact me with questions.
freebsd-jail@freebsd.org mailing list
On 29-May-07, at 5:49 AM, Bill Moran wrote:
In response to Chris Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Hi, folks --- I did up some stuff to put (soft) limits in place for
CPU and RAM usage in jails as part of last year's Summer of Code
project, which was originally coded against 6.x. Ov
Hi, folks --- I did up some stuff to put (soft) limits in place for
CPU and RAM usage in jails as part of last year's Summer of Code
project, which was originally coded against 6.x. Over the past two
weeks, I've updated it so that it's built against -CURRENT; I've
tested it, and it seems