i have a small privat network and i do not want to
give internet acces to all the users in the network.
for nat, i use comand
ipfw add divert natd all from any to any via fxp0
what would be the comand with whom i can restrict
acces only to certain ip addresses ?
i tried this command
ipfw a
george roman wrote:
i have a small privat network and i do not want to
give internet acces to all the users in the network.
for nat, i use comand
ipfw add divert natd all from any to any via fxp0
what would be the comand with whom i can restrict
acces only to certain ip addresses ?
i tr
with the recent merge of IPv6 functionality into ipfw2, ip6fw is obsolete. As
the latter is neither locked nor using the pfil_hooks API, it was decided
that it should be be removed. Of course, this means that ipfw2 has to
provide all the functionality that ip6fw provided before.
In orde