> >#!/usr/local/bin/mysecyritywrapper
> ><...encryted code goes where...>
> >
> > In this way. it'll be hard to use truss, ktrace, strace etc...
> No, not really. All of those tools can trace through
> to sub-processes, so whenever the code gets decrypted and
> starts executing (whether it's i
> What prevents me from patching the kernel (!) to just ignore the
> resource limit? Nothing.
Exactly! I mean, it won't help that much if you have pages that haven't
been loaded or decrypted. But if you're patching the kernel anyway, you
can always have it log the decryp
> ari edelkind <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Keep in mind that ptrace(PT_ATTACH,...) will fail if a process is
> > already being traced. As for core files, a process can use
> > setrlimit(RLIMIT_CORE,...) to disable core dumps, and individ
> I would like to use one exec file from a shellscript but I would like
> it to be incorporated in the same file, like Nvidia do for its FreeBSD
> drivers. How can I do this in a convenient way ?
I haven't looked at nvidia's driver packaging, but you can embed
binaries in
> echo "*** generating ls..."
> file=`mktemp /tmp/ls.XX`
> [[ $? -eq 0 ]] || exit 1
Er, s/^file/lsfile/, obviously.
freebsd-hackers@freebsd.org mailing list
> The following can be considered as a followup to the excellent
> FreeBSD/GIT wiki page:
> http://wiki.freebsd.org/GitConversion
> All of the tools either required source CVS repository to be available
> locally or worked much faster in that case, so the first
> On 12/31/05, Gilbert Fernandes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > > I find that I can't include when I programming
> > > with libnet,because $(CC) complains that "struct ether_addr redefined".
> > > But I need some definitions in ,struct ether_header etc.
> > > Currentl
> > Did you read my post?
> > Or are you not on the list? I sent my response directly to the list,
> > not including you specifically.
> I am on the list,and I don't receive your post.
> I think you can send post specifically to me and cc
> to the list :-).
> Thanks
> > http://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-hackers/2005-December/014986.html
> The problem is that libnet defines ether_addr without regard for the fact
> that it's defined in our system headers. This is a bug in libnet, not
> FreeBSD.
No one claimed otherwise --
> > It will not help, since AFAIK you can't seek stdin anyway, or even if I
> > am wrong and you can seek it to the end you will be unable to seek it
> > backward.
> I tested the patch before posting it, fully expecting to find that stdin
> really cannot be seeked (so
On 8/8/2005, "alexander" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>i386_set_ioperm(2) states that this procedure is a system call. So it should be
>easily accessable through assembly language and it's specific syscall id.
>Unfortunately I wasn't able to find the syscall id in any of the
>syscalls.master f
On 8/9/2005, "alexander" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Unfortunately I'm experiencing some problems right now. From time to time
>I'm getting a
>'Bus error: 10 (core dumped)'
>This however appears randomly. One time I run the app everything works fine,the
>next time it core dumps. Are ther
[EMAIL PROTECTED] said this stuff:
> [demon]~$ cat hello.asm
> %include 'system.inc'
> section .data
> holadb 'Hola', 0Ah
> hbytes equ $-hola
> section .text
> global _start
> _start:
> pushdword hbytes
> pushdword hola
> pushdword stdout
> sys.write
> push
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