WRAP.1E and geode.c

2005-05-20 Thread Walter C. Pelissero
Reading geode.c it appears (at least to me) that the led devices are created for the WRAP.1C but not for the WRAP.1E. Guessing from the dmesg output $ dmesg Copyright (c) 1992-2004 The FreeBSD Project. Copyright (c) 1979, 1980, 1983, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994 The Re

Re: WRAP.1E and geode.c

2005-05-21 Thread Walter C. Pelissero
Larry Baird writes: > In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you wrote: > > Reading geode.c it appears (at least to me) that the led devices are > > created for the WRAP.1C but not for the WRAP.1E. > > > > Reading the PC-Engines documentation it looks to me as WRAP.1C and > > WRAP1.E were identical

Re: WRAP.1E and geode.c

2005-05-21 Thread Walter C. Pelissero
Larry Baird writes: > In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you wrote: > > Reading geode.c it appears (at least to me) that the led devices are > > created for the WRAP.1C but not for the WRAP.1E. > > > > Reading the PC-Engines documentation it looks to me as WRAP.1C and > > WRAP1.E were identical

Tyan S2460 and btx.S

2005-05-23 Thread Walter C. Pelissero
Apparently FreeBSD 5.x is neither able to power off nor reset a Tyan Tiger MP (S2460) motherboard. I believe it's a known problem. While the power off may be due to a broken ACPI the reset can be fixed. Revision 1.33 log of /sys/boot/i386/btx/btx/btx.S says: date: 2003/11/16 18:24:23; author

beastie.4th and SMP

2005-08-24 Thread Walter C. Pelissero
I was wondering if anybody would care for a beastie.4th that included a boot option which turns off SMP. I personally believe it could make sense where a SMP bug or a faulty MP motherboard made a boot impossible. It would be easier than having to open up the box and remove a CPU. I personally us

xmovie 1.5.2 for FreeBSD

2000-10-09 Thread Walter C. Pelissero
I just recently ported xmovie 1.5.2 to FreeBSD 4.0. The patch file can be found at my home page http://www.pelissero.org. It's rather big (80K) because it can be considered a fix patch for the Linux version as well. Among the other bugs, the code relied on a (sort of) misbehavior of the Linux p

SVR4 missing syscall

2000-11-20 Thread Walter C. Pelissero
I'm trying to run a SCO SVR4 executable on FreeBSD but I get a SIGSYS (invalid system call) at the very beginning. Here is the kdump: 39525 ktrace RET ktrace 0 39525 ktrace CALL sigprocmask(0x1,0x28061000,0x28061010) 39525 ktrace RET sigprocmask 0 39525 ktrace CALL sigprocmask(

Re: SVR4 missing syscall

2000-11-21 Thread Walter C. Pelissero
Mark Newton writes: > On Mon, Nov 20, 2000 at 05:05:39PM +0000, Walter C. Pelissero wrote: > > > I'm trying to run a SCO SVR4 executable on FreeBSD but I get a SIGSYS > > (invalid system call) at the very beginning. Here is the kdump: > > Which call is i

Re: SVR4 missing syscall

2000-11-21 Thread Walter C. Pelissero
Dan Nelson writes: > In the last episode (Nov 20), Walter C. Pelissero said: > > I'm trying to run a SCO SVR4 executable on FreeBSD but I get a SIGSYS > > (invalid system call) at the very beginning. Here is the kdump: > > > > Which call is it about? I s

PCMCIA hot swap

2001-07-29 Thread Walter C. Pelissero
Having recently upgraded from 4.0 to 4.3 on my laptop I've noticed that PCMCIA insertion and extraction doesn't work as it used to. The system (Vaio PCG-XG9) just freezes. Some time I'm able to rescue the situation inserting and extracting several times the offending card. Some time I have to p

Re: PCMCIA hot swap

2001-07-30 Thread Walter C. Pelissero
As suggested it was a problem with the new polling mode. Assigning an interrupt to the pcic0 controller solved the problem. Thanks to Warner Losh and Ian Dowse. -- walter pelissero http://www.pelissero.org To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe freebsd-hackers" in the

4.4-RC NFS panic

2001-08-20 Thread Walter C. Pelissero
[ it seems my original article didn't get through ] I recently upgraded to 4.4-RC. Now my Vaio panics when I use NFS volumes (as client). The panic is reproducible with a: find /some/NFS/mount/point -type f -exec cat {} \; >/dev/null Sometime I got a "page fault", sometime a "lockmgr: locki

4.4-RC freezes during boot

2001-08-20 Thread Walter C. Pelissero
Upgrading to 4.4-RC a couple of new problems have shown up on my laptop (Vaio PCG-XG9). Beside the already mentioned NFS panic (see freebsd-hackers or freebsd-net), now the bootstrap phase freezes somewhere after: pcic1: Event mask 0x9 The system seems to be frozen beside that if I remove or in

Re: 4.4-RC NFS panic

2001-08-20 Thread Walter C. Pelissero
[ third time I retry to post this message on the mailing list ] Peter Pentchev writes: > On Mon, Aug 20, 2001 at 12:27:24PM +0100, Walter C. Pelissero wrote: > All those ??'s are the result of kgdb being unable to look inside > a kernel module. Are you loading NFS as a mo

Re: 4.4-RC NFS panic

2001-08-20 Thread Walter C. Pelissero
John Baldwin writes: > > fault virtual address = 0x65746e69 > "etni" > > Looks like a string has gotten spammed across a data structure or a > weird pointer, etc. Whatever mess happend, I've got some news for you that should remove the NFS module from the list of

Re: 4.4-RC NFS panic

2001-08-20 Thread Walter C. Pelissero
David Malone writes: > On Mon, Aug 20, 2001 at 07:51:17PM +0100, Walter C. Pelissero wrote: > > This enforces my belief that there is something broken in some deeper > > layer of the network code (see the remote printing issue). > > Just out of curiosity, what sort of

Re: 4.4-RC NFS panic

2001-08-22 Thread Walter C. Pelissero
Warner Losh writes: > After talking with Ian Dowse, I think that we've hammered out what may > cause this. Basically, the problem is I'm afraid your patch didn't fix the problem on my laptop. It certainly changed the behaviour and the system doesn't crash any more, but I'm almost unable to

Serious i386 interrupt mask bug in RELENG_4 (was Re: 4.4-RC NFS panic)

2001-08-23 Thread Walter C. Pelissero
Ian Dowse writes: > In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Warner Losh writes: > > > >I think that might be due to a bug in the shared interrupt code that > >Ian Dowse sent me about earlier today. > > Just to add a few details - there is a bug in the update_masks() > function in i386/isa/intr_mac

tar and nodump flag

2001-11-21 Thread Walter C. Pelissero
How about adding the nodump flag processing in tar? Something like: --- /usr/src/gnu/usr.bin/tar/create.c Wed Aug 11 09:03:39 1999 +++ create.cWed Nov 21 13:52:54 2001 @@ -817,6 +817,8 @@ strcpy (namebuf + len, d->d_name); if (f_exclude && check_exclude (namebuf))

Re: tar and nodump flag

2001-11-27 Thread Walter C. Pelissero
David O'Brien writes: > On Wed, Nov 21, 2001 at 02:18:42PM +, Walter C. Pelissero wrote: > > How about adding the nodump flag processing in tar? > > This would be a *bad* idea. It would diverge our tar even more > than it already is -- which is so bad it is

apmd fixes

2001-10-14 Thread Walter C. Pelissero
Here are a couple of patches to apmd (as of FreeBSD 4.4-STABLE) to fix a bug and add a feature necessary on my Vaio PCG-XG9. The fix is to handle properly termination signals (currently ignored). The feature is the -s option that lets you fake POWERSTATECHANGE when the BIOS doesn't report it. T

USB -> PS/2

2003-08-30 Thread Walter C. Pelissero
I just bought a USB -> PS/2 keyboard and mouse converter for my laptop. It's a Sitecom brand and it gets recognised as MCT Corp. addr 1: UHCI root hub, Intel addr 2: Generic USB Hub, ALCOR addr 4: HID-compliant Mouse (USB), Mitsumi addr 3: PS/2 - USB Interface Adaptor, MCT Corp. Although th

Re: USB -> PS/2

2003-08-31 Thread Walter C. Pelissero
Just noticed that the patch to usbd.c I proposed yesterday shows an undesirable behaviour. That is, usbd executes the actions in usbd.conf of all matching devices, which is not exactly what I meant to do. In fact, usbd should execute for every device name the "best" matching action in usbd.conf.

Re: USB -> PS/2

2003-08-31 Thread Walter C. Pelissero
n Sat, Aug 30, 2003 at 01:51:27PM +0200, Walter C. Pelissero wrote: > > I just bought a USB -> PS/2 keyboard and mouse converter for my > > laptop. It's a Sitecom brand and it gets recognised as MCT Corp. > > I had similar problems with a Tangtop USB->PS/2 k+m a

don't dump core dumps

2003-09-18 Thread Walter C. Pelissero
I don't know if this a widespread opinion, but I believe that saving core files in backup tapes is a waste of time and space, often a big waste. Consider that Emacs itself can fill hundred of megs of disk space with just one core dump, that if you don't bother to debug, it will likely sit there fo

auto-patching the system

2003-09-27 Thread Walter C. Pelissero
I keep my src tree updated with cvsup, but I start to accumulate patches to kernel or programs that I'd like to include automatically each time I recompile the kernel (pretty often) or I do a "make world" (much less often). Those are usually patches that have been already put forward to the attent

CAM suspend

2003-10-01 Thread Walter C. Pelissero
Having noticed that there is not a big interest in it, among the fellow FreeBSDers, I was about to set off and hack up the scsi subsystem to implement spindown on suspend and spinup on resume of the da devices, when I realized that there seems to be no hook in the SCSI code for this events. I'm no

SCSI spin down on suspend (patch)

2003-11-02 Thread Walter C. Pelissero
I eventually got around to hack scsi_da.c to implement spin down/up on suspend/resume events of APM or ACPI. Actually the ACPI stuff is untested and the APM once didn't work properly on my system: one of the disks, after resume, was misbehaving (hardware errors). A power toggle fixed the problem,

SCSI spin down on suspend (patch)

2003-11-04 Thread Walter C. Pelissero
I amended the patch. Now: - the behaviour is controlled by a sysctl (off by default) . - a 1s delay is done after each drive spin up, making things easier for the system power supply - no need to define anything; APM or ACPI methods are chosen according to what has been made available