Re: My project wish-list for the next 12 months

2004-12-01 Thread Ryan Sommers
ven down to specific methods and sub-libraries necessary for the back-end. Perhaps if I have some time soon I'll put it into a PDF somewhere. Has anyone else put much thought into this? -- Ryan Sommers [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ [EMAIL PROTECTED] mail

Re: Benchmark: NetBSD 2.0 beats FreeBSD 5.3

2005-01-08 Thread Ryan Sommers
his and will use the QMAIL_QUEUE patch and run spamassassin from it. This can result in scanning every email twice, which can be a costly oversight. -- Ryan Sommers [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ mailing list

Re: getting mount points in kernel

2005-01-14 Thread Ryan Sommers
l land: I'd have a look at the code for the syscall. -- Ryan Sommers [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"

Re: Kernel mode programming

2005-01-18 Thread Ryan Sommers
luating why the performance is bad. Making it a kernel module invites all kinds of security and stability issues. -- Ryan Sommers [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ mailing list

Re: Kernel mode programming

2005-01-18 Thread Ryan Sommers
ra savings he is talking about. By already executing in the kernel his code does not have to suffer the overhead of an interrupt handler and can just make a jump to the syscall handler. Least this is all my understanding of it. :) -- Ryan Sommers [EMAIL PROTECTED] _

Re: Kernel mode programming -precisions

2005-01-18 Thread Ryan Sommers
application on an SMP box. However, this is all blind conjecture because we have relatively little information about what you are trying to accomplish. -- Ryan Sommers [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ mailing list

Re: - I A - (was Kernel mode programming - precisions)

2005-01-18 Thread Ryan Sommers
e other benefit is the obvious portability one. Sharing your AI ideas with others will be quite limited if you constrain yourself to a single architecture and ISA. -- Ryan Sommers [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ mailing list

Re: clock time in milliseconds into a c program

2005-01-19 Thread Ryan Sommers
t timeval) that microtime uses is defined in /usr/include/sys/_timeval.h if I remember. There are a lot of good guides to time keeping and accuracies. You might check out I remember him having a section on his timekeeping hobbies. -- Ryan Sommers [EMAIL

Re: device id question (usb and scsi)

2005-01-20 Thread Ryan Sommers
s dynamic rules and static symlinks you name. -- Ryan Sommers [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"

Re: GENERIC build broken

2005-01-24 Thread Ryan Sommers
These smear campaign artists get lazier each time. The least they could do would be to copy PHK's current signature, instead of the one he used in 1999. -- Ryan Sommers [EMAIL PROT

Re: GENERIC build broken

2005-01-24 Thread Ryan Sommers
the main page (mind you I didn't bother downloading the full raw mbox file) was back to Apr 2003. -- Ryan Sommers [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ mailing list To unsubs

Re: Resuming from a crashdump

2005-01-24 Thread Ryan Sommers
need to be something completely modular. -- Ryan Sommers [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"

Re: Simple question about CPUs and processes

2005-01-31 Thread Ryan Sommers
uting process). There are a great many sources on the web on topics like these. -- Ryan Sommers [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to &q

Re: i86 install images

2005-02-06 Thread Ryan Sommers
exactly what site it was. I never looked at the label however. One thing to remember though, when burning ISOs on an OSX mac the best way I've found it to open up a terminal (Applications / Utilities, if I remember correctly) and then do 'hdutil burn isoname' -- Ryan Sommers [EM

Re: Known Bug?

2005-02-10 Thread Ryan Sommers
with debugging symbols enabled and provide a stack-trace. The best list to deal with these is [EMAIL PROTECTED] :) If you need help on how to obtain a stack-trace it's listed in the handbook somewhere, unfortunately I'm not currently able to give you a link. -- Ryan


2005-02-12 Thread Ryan Sommers
ump dir. The kernel dumps to the dump device, the savecore utility retrieves a previous dump from the dump device and saves it in the dump dir. Like most things, this is outlined very well in the handbook:


2005-02-12 Thread Ryan Sommers
quot;/dev/ad0s1b", our 2gb swap device and dumpdir="/usr/crash" > So I am doing all this correctly, yet still no dump comes up and I am not > sure why! =( Do me a favor and attach your kernel config. -- Ryan Sommers [EMAIL PROTECTED] _

Re: Freebsd Asm

2005-03-10 Thread Ryan Sommers
out using Linux guides on FreeBSD. Specifically be careful when it comes to system calls. Linux, like Windows, uses registers for passing arguments to syscalls, extras spill onto the stack, FreeBSD however passes all parameters on the stack. -- Ryan

Re: Global / Cluster / Shared filesystem for FreeBSD?

2005-03-14 Thread Ryan Sommers
In general I'd like to see many more file-systems supported in FreeBSD. Not as root devices, necessarily, but general kernel module support for them. I know someone was working on Reiser support, and I think that's great. -- Ryan Somm

Re: sshd dieing? after applying FreeBSD-SA-03:12.openssh

2005-04-20 Thread Ryan Sommers
for a long time and like to watch it grow with new list membership, yours the same, however, hang the 'tude at the door and realize this isn't IRC. We help people here instead of giving them a snide remark and say, "RTFM". Sincerely Ryan. -- Ryan Sommers [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: about execute assembly exapmles under freebsd

2005-04-24 Thread Ryan Sommers
./test CPUid returned: EAX=0001 EBX=68747541 ECX=444d4163 EDX=69746e65 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])~:perl -e 'print "\x41\x75\x74\x68\x65\x6e\x74\x69\x63\x41\x4d\x44\n";' AuthenticAMD ([EMAIL PROTECTED])~: NOTE: If the order in the Perl command confused you, remember, byte-

To C++ or not to C++

2005-06-24 Thread Ryan Sommers
ce on a project? What were your thoughts in retrospect? What would you have done different, what would stay the same... PS For this project things like polymorphisms and inheritance really aren't needed. Thanks -- Ryan Sommers [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___

Re: Pointers for understanding vfs/buffer/filesystem architecture

2005-07-30 Thread Ryan Sommers
freebsd, finding it is eluding me though. -- Ryan Sommers [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"

Re: WinXP and FreeBSD configuration problems

2005-08-05 Thread Ryan Sommers
D to another slice. Let FreeBSD overwrite the MBR with the standard boot manager. This has worked countless times for me. I've always dual booted my laptops with FreeBSD and a Windows OS. Just me .02. If you'd like feel free to contact me personally and I&#

FreeBSD VFS System?

2003-12-16 Thread Ryan Sommers
Are there any good web resources or books on the VFS system that the FreeBSD kernel uses? I'm guessing it might have originated from the 4.4BSD(?) interface. I've been attempting to read through the source code for different system calls (ie mkdir, rmdir, mount/umount) and haven't been able to get

Force a dump without panicing?

2003-12-20 Thread Ryan Sommers
Is it possible to force a kernel dump without panicing the system? I dropped into the debugger and did a "call doadump" however, when I tried to quit the debugger after this it results in a panic. -- Ryan "leadZERO" Sommers Gamer's Impact President [EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ: 1019590 AIM/MSN: leadZER

Re: A FreeBSD bridge..

2003-12-26 Thread Ryan Sommers
On Fri, 2003-12-26 at 13:47, Sumanth NS wrote: > Hi! > > I plan to implement a FreeBSD bridge with two > interfaces connecting my router and my LAN. > All pointers, ideas and suggestions welcome. If in doubt check the handbooks first. The doc@ team has a lot of quality information in there: htt

Re: select() in 5.X

2003-12-26 Thread Ryan Sommers
On Fri, 2003-12-26 at 16:39, Yaoping Ruan wrote: > Not sure if somebody here has already noticed this problem before. I > have a small program using select() . Though it works correctly on 4.x, > some problem happens on 5.1. First of all, I notice that macros about > FD_xx have been moved into sys/

Re: logitech cordless optical mouse problems...

2003-12-30 Thread Ryan Sommers
On Tue, 2003-12-30 at 08:54, Evren Yurtesen wrote: > I tried to use ums0 device and with moused I tried sysmouse device > but none makes any effect in X. > Sysmouse is the device moused sets up, you can't just use it. Try this: killall -9 moused moused -t auto -p /dev/ums0 vidcontrol -m on if

Re: Where is FreeBSD going?

2004-01-07 Thread Ryan Sommers
r me to do is find something I can work on. I think this might be some duplication of the PR database; some PRs are things that could be accomplished without too much skill. I think the trouble though is wading through to find these specific issues. Perhaps such a list could contain cross-references to the PR db. -- Ryan Sommers [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"

Re: SCM options (was Re: Where is FreeBSD going?)

2004-01-10 Thread Ryan Sommers
large or multi-part commit. -- Ryan Sommers [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"

Method of compiling boot0

2004-04-23 Thread Ryan Sommers
I was browsing over the boot0 makefiles and source when I was playing with some boot sector code of mine and I was wondering why the designers chose to use objcopy to output a binary file instead of just using the --oformat option when it's run over the linker. I'm guessing it's just 6 of one and

Question for C++ Experts

2004-07-26 Thread Ryan Sommers
sed to delaying it to a second 'init' type call? Ryan Sommers [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"

IPFIREWALL_VERBOSE stopped logging?

2004-09-07 Thread Ryan Sommers
I'm trying to figure out why my firewall has stopped logging to /var/log/security. The last entry was from Aug 17 and there has been at least one restart and a few hundred thousand packets denied. FreeBSD * 5.2.1-RELEASE-p8 FreeBSD 5.2.1-RELEASE-p8 #1: Thu Jul 1 18:24:26 CDT 2004 [EMAIL P

Re: gdb attach on 5.3-beta5?

2004-09-21 Thread Ryan Sommers
Short answer, you still need to supply GDB with the executable name. do 'gdb -p /path/to/executable'. Long answer: Hope this helps! -- Ryan Sommers [EMAIL PROTECTED] Mike Hunter said: > Hi, > > I am having problems with gdb

Re: jump from kernel to loader

2004-09-22 Thread Ryan Sommers
hat case it would be impossible to jump back to the loader without first being sure to reload it into memory. I could be wrong on this however. -- Ryan Sommers [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: Fwd: default resolver(5) configuration and behavior of functions like gethostbyname(3)

2004-10-15 Thread Ryan Sommers
you have a hostname in /etc/resolv.conf that resolves to multiple IPs? -- Ryan Sommers [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"

Re: open() vs the lowest unused file descriptor

2004-10-16 Thread Ryan Sommers
h discussion as finding the first free descriptor can cost a lot of processing power for applications that use large numbers of descriptors. FreeBSD uses a bitmap with hints I believe. All code would be in sys/kern_descrip.c. -- Ryan Sommers [

Serial Console / GDB Port

2004-09-29 Thread Ryan Sommers
7;m unable to access the box over the serial line (and currently don't have physical access to the box). Now, I don't think I added the 0x80 flag onto the serial port. Will adding that flag fix this? Or is there something more I need to do to be able to enable gdb and a console on the same s

Re: Protection from the dreaded "rm -fr /"

2004-10-02 Thread Ryan Sommers
' as an argument to rm it will ask you if you are sure you want to do that. As for adding this kind of oops-proofing. I'm not sure I like the idea of completely removing the ability to use / as an argument. How about prompting and needing 'yes' as input? -- Ryan Sommers [E

Re: Wired memory monitoring

2004-10-02 Thread Ryan Sommers
hem to non-pagable per process structures? -- Ryan Sommers [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"

Re: bootable install CD - relocate to subdir

2004-10-23 Thread Ryan Sommers
s our installer or doing a new one. The more I think about it a complete live file-system CD with the installer as a user process seems the logical way to go. DFBSD has gone this route with their new installer ( -- Ryan Sommers [EMAIL PROT

GEOM whitepaper?

2004-10-29 Thread Ryan Sommers
Are there any whitepapers, documentation, etc (aside from the new book about 5.2) on GEOM? I've been reading over the code and it would be nice to have an annotation to go with it. -- Ryan Sommers [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing

Re: EHCI Kernel Panic w/ 5.2.1-RELEASE Kernel

2004-11-01 Thread Ryan Sommers
know what is causing the panic! Not a good first FreeBSD experience! I don't think this constitutes a show stopper. A show stopper would be if a bug in sysinstall caused it to zero all your harddrives regardless of your desires. -- Ryan Sommers [

Re: Re; tcsh is not csh

2004-11-12 Thread Ryan Sommers
if any programs rely on I don't see it as being a necessity. -- Ryan Sommers [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"

Assembly Syscall Question

2003-07-31 Thread Ryan Sommers
When making a system call to the kernel why is it necessary to push the syscall value onto the stack when you don't call another function? Example: access.the.bsd.kernel: int 80h ret func: mov eax, 4; Write call access.the.bsd.kernel ; End Works. However: func: mov eax, 4; Write in

x86 Disassembler

2003-08-14 Thread Ryan Sommers
Are there any tools to disassemble an x86 binary file? objdump does a nice job on most files. However, I'm messing with some machine-code binary files that don't have ELF headers or anything other then the machine-code (ie MBR's). I'd like to disassemble them on FreeBSD, possibly to a format tha

Assembly Language and writing bootstraps?

2002-07-31 Thread Ryan Sommers
Greetings, I haven't posted here much but I've been watching the list for awhile. I recently became interested in researching how bootstraps, kernels and the basic systems of the computer work. One project I would like to mess with is to just write a very VERY basic "operating system" that would j

Assembly, Kernels and Bootstraps

2002-07-31 Thread Ryan Sommers Thank you, Ryan Sommers -- Ryan "leadZERO" Sommers Gamer's Impact President [EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ: 1019590 AIM/MSN: leadZERO -= =- To Unsubscribe: send


2002-07-31 Thread Ryan Sommers
Sorry about the double post, I must have hit CTRL+X in Pine while typing... I was wondering why the message disappeared on me. -- Ryan "leadZERO" Sommers Gamer's Impact President [EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ: 1019590 AIM/MSN: leadZERO -= =- To Unsubscribe: send mail to

Re: runtime

2002-08-16 Thread Ryan Sommers
On Fri, 2002-08-16 at 10:21, Stephen Montgomery-Smith wrote: > How do I do the following: > > 1) Find out how much time a program has currently consumed in computer > time (something like what the time command outputs - but I want the > program to do find this out about itself); 'man 5 procfs

Re: Runlevels and opcodes

2002-09-27 Thread Ryan Sommers
On Fri, 2002-09-27 at 11:47, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > *** But what does prevent a user-level process from executing > wild instructions (RESET, traps, other dangerous instructions > and undocumented features) ? I'm probably less knowledgeable then you are but in protected-mode programming isn

GDB & Linux binaries.

2002-11-10 Thread Ryan Sommers
Is it possible to use GDB on linux binaries? When I try to run the program in GDB I get the following errors: (gdb) run Starting program: /usr/home/ryans/src/bomb/bomb warning: Unable to find dynamic linker breakpoint function. GDB will be unable to debug shared library initializers and track expl

Playing with Current.

2002-11-19 Thread Ryan Sommers
First off I wasn't sure which list to send this to: current, hackers or questions; so if this is the wrong destination my apologies. Anyway, last year, after years of using Linux, I fell in love with the FreeBSD project. Now, I've had the desire offer my time and energy to help development. My pro

Re: Playing with Current.

2002-11-21 Thread Ryan Sommers
On Tue, 2002-11-19 at 22:13, Ryan Sommers wrote: > My question is could I keep and build the CURRENT source tree on the > FreeBSD desktop, mount it over NFS to the laptop, and install it over > the NFS mount? Is the kernel on the 5.0SP2 ISO built with PCCard support? I installed from CD