On 22 Jan 2001, at 1:11, Warner Losh wrote:
> In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Neil Blakey-Milner writes:
> : "make buildkernel" currently fails if a "make buildworld" has not
> I've committed this change, as threatened late last week, since no one
> said not to.
> buildworld is still require
Nic - 0x6 is the return value from the error_method routine.
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Donald
> J . Maddox
> Sent: Saturday, January 20, 2001 6:28 PM
> To: Nicolas Souchu
> Subject: Re: more inf
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Nicolas Souchu
> Sent: Sunday, January 21, 2001 4:19 AM
> To: John Baldwin
> Cc: Donald J . Maddox; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: Re: more info about: odd result of pci_read_config
> On Sat, Jan 20,
It seems I need the following parameters to get my PPPoE to work. Could
we have these options, please?
>> -f disc:sess
>>The -f option sets the Ethernet frame types for
>>PPPoE discovery and session frames. The types are
>>specified as hexadecimal numbers separat
On Sun, Jan 21, 2001 at 04:45:50PM +0100, Roelof Osinga wrote:
> Grand gesture. Laudable even. Yeah, that PAM sure seems to've
> become popular. The Courier IMAP port also insisted upon its
> installation. Insisted in that fiddling with the makefile only
> resulted in failure to configure. But tha
On Mon, Jan 22, 2001 at 09:46:47AM +, Dominic Mitchell wrote:
> Would it be a good idea to start using /etc/pam.d ala RedHat, instead of
> the monolithic /etc/pam.conf?
> As far as I can see the support is already there, it's just not being
> used due to the presence of the /etc/pam.conf.
Title: RE: PAM (was: Re: MAIL set by whom?)
I posted a question about PAM & Passwd on 4.2. It seems that passwd "ignores" any passwd lines in pam.conf. I tried the pam.d thing (Run Linux compatibility, copy rc.d/* from Redhat 6.1 to BSD. When you try to log in, the login terminates, and sys
To get pppoe to work, just set the options in the kernel and use a good
config (ppp.conf) and use pppd.
On Mon, 22 Jan 2001, Daniel C. Sobral wrote:
> It seems I need the following parameters to get my PPPoE to work. Could
> we have these options, please?
> >> -f disc:sess
> >>The -f
Hi Hackers,
I've tryed to install Sablotron XSLT Processor version 0.5 (the latest one),
but the configure script said to me that there is no "wchar.h" file on my
I checked this and it is true. Can somebody tell me, what is the reason for
Felix-Antoine Paradis wrote:
> To get pppoe to work, just set the options in the kernel and use a good
> config (ppp.conf) and use pppd.
Kernel options are bad for a number of reasons, not the least of them
the inability to do network installs (I mean, you have ADSL and get
restricted to cd in
Drew Sanford wrote:
> It's been a while since I set up PPPoE on my box here, but if memory
> serves, the handbook covers it very well - I believe it calls for the
> addition of:
> options netgraph
> options netgraph_pppoe
> options netgraph_socket
Yes and all of these can be loaded at run
Drew Sanford wrote:
> It's been a while since I set up PPPoE on my box here, but if memory
> serves, the handbook covers it very well - I believe it calls for the
> addition of:
> options netgraph
> options netgraph_pppoe
> options netgraph_socket
> But you might actually check the handbo
It's been a while since I set up PPPoE on my box here, but if memory
serves, the handbook covers it very well - I believe it calls for the
addition of:
options netgraph
options netgraph_pppoe
options netgraph_socket
But you might actually check the handbook for that.
Daniel C. Sobral wrote:
On Mon, Jan 22, 2001 at 04:05:31AM -0600, Steve Shoecraft wrote:
> > My viapm driver is a kmodule. Could it be that PCI_READ_CONFIG is not
> > correctly resolved and returns ENXIO which is 0x6?
> That's exactly whats going on here. Have you turned on BUS_DEBUG (or mebbe
> DEBUG_BUS) in /kern/s
Felix-Antoine Paradis wrote:
> To get pppoe to work, just set the options in the kernel and use a good
> config (ppp.conf) and use pppd.
> On Mon, 22 Jan 2001, Daniel C. Sobral wrote:
> > It seems I need the following parameters to get my PPPoE to work. Could
> > we have these options, pl
Hi, Gang.
I know that anytime a message starts with a subject like this, the
first reaction is to think that I've hosed the heap or am not freeing
something. While it's possible, I really don't think I have. (I also
know that everyone thinks that. :-)
I'm on FreeBSD 4.1.1. I've not seen any f
* Robert Lipe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010122 09:04] wrote:
> Hi, Gang.
> I know that anytime a message starts with a subject like this, the
> first reaction is to think that I've hosed the heap or am not freeing
> something. While it's possible, I really don't think I have. (I also
> know that e
Alfred Perlstein wrote:
> * Robert Lipe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010122 09:04] wrote:
> > I'm calling contigmalloc() with M_WAITOK. For every contigmalloc, I
> > have a corresponding contigfree(). But after a few thousand cycles,
> > contigmalloc() starts returning NULL. It self-destructs in about
* Robert Lipe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010122 10:39] wrote:
> Alfred Perlstein wrote:
> > * Robert Lipe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010122 09:04] wrote:
> > Memory get's fragmented, there's not much you can do about it. I
> > doubt that contigmalloc respects the WAITOK flag, there's a good
> > chance tha
> > In this case, the resource failure isn't temporary. Once it starts
> > failing, it fails until the system is rebooted. Since this is on a
> > dedicated thread, I could handle it if it really was temporary. Of
> > course, putting me to sleep so that someone else (or even another of my
> > ow
> I'm calling contigmalloc() with M_WAITOK. For every contigmalloc, I
> have a corresponding contigfree(). But after a few thousand cycles,
> contigmalloc() starts returning NULL. It self-destructs in about 3
> minutes. I see the same behaviour with M_NOWAIT. As an aside, WAITOK's
> should ne
Hmmm, I seem to remember something about another way to do PPPoE...
But I've been using ppp's built-in PPPoE support for about a year now.
(With Netgraph etc)
Simple to set up, works flawlessly.
Uses 21% CPU on a 486 DX2-50.
"Jupiter accepts your offer..."
- Original Messa
* Robert Lipe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010122 11:21] wrote:
> > > In this case, the resource failure isn't temporary. Once it starts
> > > failing, it fails until the system is rebooted. Since this is on a
> > > dedicated thread, I could handle it if it really was temporary. Of
> > > course, puttin
> Aaaah. There's a hint. Yes, by the time we get into trouble, I've
> allocated (and freed) several thousand chunks that are < PAGE_SIZE/2.
> This is happening in periods of a few dozen. (I don't know the number,
> but I think it's 48 or 64.) The test program allocates a few dozen tx
> buffers,
> > Is there an s/g memory interface in FreeBSD? This was my first choice,
> > but since I couldn't find a set of functions to build a list of buffers
> > that satisfied a set of constraints, I fell back to contigmalloc to get
> > things off the ground. I'd be delighted to use an interface to ge
Actually, I believe that the kernel optons are not needed anymore-
Or, if you tell PPP to start at bootup in "/etc/defaults/rc.conf" it
dynamically loads the netgraph stuff.
And btw, does anyone else completely DETEST the "/etc/rc.conf" -
Why can't we just have ONE file,
Alfred Perlstein wrote:
> > So if I sandbagged the allocs to be *larger* the KMA would behave more
> > consistently with what I'd expect becuase it would then reclaim? I
> > didn't see that one coming. :-)
> but... this is a terrible workaround, I'm not sure it would work
> and you shouldn't
In message <054e01c084b5$6c4ee270$[EMAIL PROTECTED]> "Ras-Sol" writes:
: And btw, does anyone else completely DETEST the "/etc/rc.conf" -
: "/etc/defaults/rc.conf"?
I don't.
: Why can't we just have ONE file, instead of one file, plus an override file?
Because we had one file in the past. It w
* Robert Lipe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010122 12:50] wrote:
> Alfred Perlstein wrote:
> > > So if I sandbagged the allocs to be *larger* the KMA would behave more
> > > consistently with what I'd expect becuase it would then reclaim? I
> > > didn't see that one coming. :-)
> >
> > but... this is
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Alfred Perlstein writes:
: > Yes, this looks to be much closer to the interface I really wanted
: > anyway. I see no man pages for them. Is there any doc anywhere? "Read
: > the source and look at existing examples" will do if it must but any
: > pointers to bette
> > > there's a problem because there's no busdma for mbufs (well
> > > actually there is but it fails on really small unaligned blocks
> > > which basically breaks it for mbufs).
> >
> > Can you tell me more about this hazard? I can't control the
> > alignment that's asked for by the driver, but
> If busdma is "pretty broken" for network-sized requests, I may just
> avoid it for now, implement the contigmalloc cache, and move on to more
> interesting problems.
It's broken for network-sized requests because it uses contigmalloc. 8)
The cache approach will work equally well for either int
* Warner Losh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010122 13:09] wrote:
> In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Alfred Perlstein writes:
> : > Yes, this looks to be much closer to the interface I really wanted
> : > anyway. I see no man pages for them. Is there any doc anywhere? "Read
> : > the source and look at exi
This patch gets rid of the Broken pipe messages.
--- makewhatis.orig Mon Jan 22 12:54:09 2001
+++ makewhatis Mon Jan 22 13:01:31 2001
@@ -333,7 +333,8 @@
local($source) = 0;
-while() {
+local($flag) = 0;
+LOOP: while() {
# ``man'' style pages
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Nicolas Souchu
> Sent: Monday, January 22, 2001 10:48 AM
> To: Steve Shoecraft
> Cc: 'John Baldwin'; 'Donald J . Maddox'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: Re: more info about: odd result of pci_read_confi
I think the best way to implement this is some sort of config message
to the pppoe node (before the connect/listen). The NETGRAPH version
of ppp(8) is capable of doing ``chat scripts'' with netgraph nodes,
so it's fairly easy to configure the node configuration conversation...
Hopefully now t
I would say...
options NETGRAPH
That's it. recompile and conf'd your pppd.
On Mon, 22 Jan 2001, Daniel C. Sobral wrote:
> Felix-Antoine Paradis wrote:
> >
> > To get pppoe to work, just set the options in the kernel and use a good
> > config (ppp.
On Mon, Jan 22, 2001 at 05:24:46PM -0500, Felix-Antoine Paradis wrote:
> I would say...
> options NETGRAPH
add NETGRAPH_ETHER for 4.2 and above.
Eat the rich -- the poor are tough and stringy.
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In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> "Dan Langille" writes:
: http://www.freebsd.org/handbook/kernelconfig-building.html
This change should do the trick if I'm reading things right.
Index: chapter.sgml
RCS file:
I am debugging a kernel. Since a kernel is consisted of many files, how
can I load a specific file into gdb, browse it, and set a break point at
some line within that file? Right now, I can only view the file whose
statements are being executed. Thanks.
To Unsubscribe: send mail to [E
Jos Backus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> This patch gets rid of the Broken pipe messages.
No need to name the loop...
Dag-Erling Smorgrav - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with "unsubscribe freebsd-hackers" in the body of the message
To mention it from the start, I've backed out my changes.
(Yes, the pre-backed-out version was the one with the old behavior
enabled by default and changed behavior enabled by an option).
Doug Barton wrote:
> On Sun, 21 Jan 2001, Sergey Babkin wrote:
> > Doug Barton wrote:
> > >
> > >
Matt Dillon wrote:
> :> with your rather large diff set. For better or for worse, people
> :> already know about the daylight savings shift problem. Thousands
> :> of people depend on cron to work, which means that when you
> :> make a major change like this it must be tested
Greg Black wrote:
> Sergey Babkin wrote:
> > It still can be backed out.
> Well, what are you waiting for? Back it out. Listen to what
> people are saying and then maybe propose something that takes
> into account their concerns.
I wanted to get a confirmation from Doug Barton that he
I am adding a set the new system calls to FreeBSD kernel,
but to compile and to test new source code within the kernel
is a little hard when there is some problem.
Is there anybody knows some reference (URL), tools or some help
to programming and debugging in the kernel FreeBSD?
Are you looking for something more than:
I don't know if there is any. There are a fair amount of undocumented
system calls in the FreeBSD kernel as I understand it. Chapter 22 of
the handbook may be helpful too.
There may also be some
Sergey Babkin wrote:
> To mention it from the start, I've backed out my changes.
Thank you.
> There are other things which may not allow a job to finish in
> a predefined time slot. For example, other operations going on
> and consuming CPU, disk or network bandwidth. So presuming
> that a job
On Tue, Jan 23, 2001 at 02:31:48AM +0100, Dag-Erling Smorgrav wrote:
> No need to name the loop...
Oops, you're right, sorry.
Jos Backus _/ _/_/_/"Modularity is not a hack."
_/ _/ _/-- D. J. Bernstein
Dominic Mitchell wrote:
> On Sun, Jan 21, 2001 at 04:45:50PM +0100, Roelof Osinga wrote:
> > Grand gesture. Laudable even. Yeah, that PAM sure seems to've
> > become popular. The Courier IMAP port also insisted upon its
> > installation. Insisted in that fiddling with the makefile only
> > resu
On Tue, Jan 23, 2001 at 02:42:41AM +0900, Daniel C. Sobral wrote:
> Ports shouldn't touch /etc.
> Does the existance of /etc/pam.conf precludes /usr/local/etc/pam.d from
> working?
Other way around. From the man page (the last sentence is even
underlined :-)
Alternatively, the configura
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