@olympus ~]$ uname -srm
Linux 5.19.2-arch1-1 x86_64
Will look at sysctl compat.linux.osrelease. Could someone give any
direction in rebuilding my base-c7 or perhaps I can create base-c8. Thanks.
On 8/29/22 09:29, Patrick M. Hausen wrote:
Hi all,
Am 29.08.2022 um 15:19 schrieb Zeus Odin :
Just upgrade FreeBSD from 13.0 RELEASE to 13.1. I downloaded the latestlinux
version of Citrix (linuxx64- The FreeBSD port ishopelessly
out of date (linuxx86- I did a manual conversionof linuxx64 to
install on FreeBSD 13.1. I received no installation errors. I still