Synopsis: Rewrite of the Handbook Chapter 16 Jails.
State-Changed-From-To: open->feedback
State-Changed-By: remko
State-Changed-When: Sat Jun 15 19:48:54 UTC 2013
Dear Joe,
Please submit an unified diff so that I can review what you have written and
the changes are
Synopsis: bhyve man page incorrect -s parameter
Responsible-Changed-From-To: freebsd-doc->remko
Responsible-Changed-By: remko
Responsible-Changed-When: Wed Jan 8 08:12:21 UTC 2014
I'll take it.
Synopsis: Handbook typo
Responsible-Changed-From-To: freebsd-doc->remko
Responsible-Changed-By: remko
Responsible-Changed-When: Fri Jan 10 08:46:20 UTC 2014
Take this PR
Synopsis: HTTPS does not follow visitor among sub-domains
Responsible-Changed-From-To: freebsd-www->freebsd-doc
Responsible-Changed-By: remko
Responsible-Changed-When: Mon Feb 24 11:48:26 UTC 2014
redirect to doc, also, should we make links on the htd
Synopsis: ASCII docs should reflect tags in the source
State-Changed-From-To: suspended->closed
State-Changed-By: remko
State-Changed-When: Mon Mar 24 11:29:50 UTC 2014
Bite the bullet, this had not been touched for almost 13
years. This will not likely be ever resol
ncerely yours
> Joe Barbish
Dear Joe,
If you feel you have been treated incorrectly by me or Glen, then I would like
to tell you that doceng@ is the place to go.
Perhaps you might get further there, but not on my end.
Best of luck
/"\ With kind regards,
n using it (note that you might get different results then you
might expect, world and kernel needs to be aligned up as possible to ensure
that they understand eachother).
There is no need to adjust the documentation for the specific yyparse step, in
the tuture there will be other things that
/"\ With kind regards, |
\ / Remko Lodder |
/ \ The Power to Serve| Quis custodiet ipsos custodes
at all, because the why's cannot be
filled in with this
information. What were people looking for and what did they hit? "Download
FreeBSD" and
getting the page "Why contribute to FreeBSD" doesn't satisfy the download
request so we should
adopt it.
Nice graphs, usel
>> Hi, I didn't review the diff itself, but I like the change. However
>> why don't you change also the layout of the future release?
> It is a separate file, and I figured I'd see if there was any interest
> in the first patch befo
e long td lines like:
45 +^I Release Notes Hardware Notes Installation Notes Errata$
Does it impact rendering if we try to have that information over a few lines so
that it’s still well-readable what is printed there?
Thanks :)
> --
> Allan Jude
OpenVPN is one of the very flexible
packages that can do a variety of things on different ways of implementation
so I would prefer to see updates on our current documentation set prior to
adding such a chapter/document.
Thanks for the idea however!
> --
> CeDeROM, mailing list
> To unsubscribe, send any mail to ""
/"\ Best regards, |
\ / Remko Lodder | remko@EFne
> Warren is one of the best persons who can take the role. I hope you
> can also agree.
> The current members of doceng include me, Glen Barber
> , Marc Fonvieille , Gabor
> Kovesdan , and Warren Block .
> -- Hiroki (doceng hat on)
Ha! Congratul
b site for translation, useful as an example of what
> can be done:
> Benedict (CCed) has made some progress with some of these tools. I think
> there are plans to add a page to the wiki, but don't know if it is present
> yet.
Do note that
On 18 Feb 2014, at 17:17, Warren Block wrote:
> On Tue, 18 Feb 2014, Remko Lodder wrote:
>> My project at work is not able to keep up with the ?content spree? that Dru
>> is
>> doing to make things better. Good work, but a drama for translation teams
>> th
t. Google et all use it for including javascript to
> avoid 'mixed content’.
Cool. That would solve the problem here as well. To what degree should
we support the ‘lynx’es out there and cli based browsers ?
> --
> Allan Jude
> ___
ceived a Security Advisory and/or Errata Notice.
A non -p system is fully patched and ready to go when it had been released,
though afterwards flaws and problems
can be found that were not known yet, needing it to be updated, to be able to
see that, the -pX comes into play.
It’s sa
hrs, wblock
> [gabor] - Allow generating only PGP fingerprints
This is nice!
/"\ Best regards, |
\ / Remko Lodder | remko@EFnet
X |
/ \ ASCII Ribbon Cam
translations. As far as I know none of the translation projects actually use
Google Translate
to do the translations. As one of the two doc_NL members, I can state for sure
that we do not
use that. And I would not consider it at all given the … strange translations
it generates.
ur private email discussions which you copied on the
forum, that we do not do these translations.
We translate word for word, context for context, because for example google
translate makes a mess out of it.
You are again asking the same question? What is it in my reply that confuses
you because
ve documentation that has
high historic value?
> Regards,
> Bapt
Description: Message signed with OpenPGP using GPGMail
should be corrected in the handbook?
> Thanks,
> Ricky
Hi Ricky,
Yes this is a known issue, there even is a ticket for it and it is under
reviewal. Jason Helfman is working on this.
Thanks for bringing this to our attention, it is greatly appreciated!!
> The in
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