Hi All
I am the FreeBSD newbie.I never used FreeBSD before. I just install the
FreeBSD 10.0. The FreeBSD Handbook is really helpful to the installation
and setup the system. But the Traditional Chinese translation is outdated.
So all my information is from the FreeBSD Handbook English version. I t
Dear all,
I start to contribute the translation of the FreeBSD Handbook to
Traditional Chinese for 3 months.
The Traditional Chinese Handbook Project is abandoned for several years. It
is outdated. Comparing to the English version, it lacks some chapters.
I updated the chapters.ent and sent proble
me. My friend help me to reply this mail.
2014-09-18 2:50 GMT+08:00 Benedict Reuschling :
> Hash: SHA512
> Am 17.09.14 um 18:46 schrieb Allan Jude:
>> On 2014-09-17 11:44, RayCherng Yu wrote:
>>> Dear all,
There is binary snapshots link in Rasberry Pi wiki page.
But there is no Binary snapshots link in BeagleBone BeagleBone Black wiki
But I found there's 5 binary snapshot images of FreeBSD
Kevlo found some mistakes in Section 2.5.5 of developers' handbook
2.5.5. More advanced uses of make
He pointed out:
1. FreeBSD has replaced make with bmake in 2012.
2.The referenece in incorrect. /usr/share/doc/psd/12.make/paper.ascii.gz
decribes the pmake
3.This is bmake(http://www.crufty.net
In the KDE installation section, there is no mention about addtion
to /etc/rc.conf
After install KDE without the above settings I got an error message " no
dbus. Can you call qdbus?" and can't get into xwindow. So I added
dbus_enable="YES". It fixed. Then, I g