Brian Stone writes:
> You link to Compaq on this page:
That link was removed from the official FreeBSD documentation more than
five years ago. Unfortunately, we can't force other peoples' mirrors of
that documentation to be updated.
Byron Campbell via freebsd-doc writes:
> Procedure 4.2. Subversion Method
> ?? Check out a copy of the ports tree:
> ?? # svn checkout /usr/ports
> To work the URL must be changed; drop the 'https' and use 'svn'
> instead. The correct command is th
Isabell Long writes:
> I sent this idea to the #bsddocs IRC channel a few days ago and no-one
> there objected, but here you go. I'd like to know your opinions on the
> documentation font being changed from serif to sans-serif. This would
> only affect the web-based docs, not the ones being prepa
Patrick Powell writes:
> I tried an experiment. At smaller font sizes the San Serif fonts were
> easier to read.
> Ummm... and I am definitely an 'Old Timer'.
Not only is this a bikeshed discussion, it's the equivalent of arguing
what color of papier-mâché to build the bikeshed out of.
The Fr
they *can*
change their browser font settings at all. I wouldn't have thought that
there were really that many such people in the grand scheme of things,
but I'll admit that this discussion does seem to cast that assumption
into question.
Be well.
Lowell Gilbert lo
Eitan Adler writes:
> The vast majority of people don't know they can change their default font.
If that's the case, I withdraw my argument. However, I will still
disagree with setting more invasive options, like specifying a
*particular* sans-serif font, or its size.
The following reply was made to PR docs/178221; it has been noted by GNATS.
From: Lowell Gilbert
To: Brandon Thomson
Subject: Re: docs/178221: Addition to handbook jails chapter: warning about
make deinstall
Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2013 15:22:57 -0400
Brandon Thomson writes:
> The following reply was made to PR docs/178221; it has been noted by GNATS.
> From: Brandon Thomson
> To:
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: docs/178221: Addition to handbook jails chapter: warning about
> make deinstall
> Date: Thu, 2 May 2013 0
Brandon Thomson writes:
>>It seems to me that the Handbook advice includes linking the
>>/s/usr-local onto /usr/local inside the jail. This is highly desirable
>>for regular users because having /usr/local/bin in a PATH works just
>>like on a real system.
> Yes, I think that is correct. This l
"Peter Looyenga" writes:
> Because I don't want to remember all sorts of compile options, and because
> the documentation mentioned that this approach should work, I added the
> following two flags to my /etc/make.conf file:
> # Options for building FreeBSD documentation
Joe writes:
> I understand what 5.1-RELEASE means, but I cannot find references for what
> the tailing "-p6" means.
Try the note at the end of
or the last parag
Joe writes:
> I'd like to point out that neither of these resources are of much help
> for someone trying to figure out what the -p means, though.
That makes sense. What would you suggest as additional text for the
how-to-read-a-security-advisory chapter?
>Class: change-request
>Submitter-Id: current-users
>Arrival-Date: Wed Mar 12 00:20:00 UTC 2014
>Originator: Lowell Gilbert
>Release:FreeBSD 9.2-STABLE amd64
The Ilk
velocidade da luz writes:
>> From:
>> To:
>> Subject: This may help freebsd.doc?
>> Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 20:00:27 +0300
>> Using Google Translate, I am active on several nationality-specific
>> platforms, includingthe Dutch, Spanish, Brazilia
Can0r writes:
> There is a strange issue with search engine in ports collection.
> When I type 'php55', it finds just 3 ports:
> However there are lots of ports with this query in their names - all
> php55 extensions and php
Jacob Helwig writes:
> In going through the FreeBSD Handbook (as of Sun Dec 7 02:44:11 UTC
> 2014), section 5.2 (Overview of Software Installation) mentions using
> ports-mgmt/portaudit to check for security issues. Unfortunately,
> portaudit was removed from ports on October 13th[0].
> The co
Jeremy Gransden writes:
> Since the handbook, FAQ, and other docs come in a variety of formats; what
> files are the correct ones to create a pr and diff from when changes are
> made?
The formats you see are all outputs.
Like for programming, you want to change the source code.
See the FreeBSD
Mike Brown writes:
> Someone needs to update
> to move "HDMI output / framebuffer" from the "What still needs to be done"
> section to the "What works" section. Also strike out the first item in the
> Known Issues section and add "Fixed in r28
> Thanks for reply.
> On Tue, 08 Mar 2016 18:27:21 -0500
> Lowell Gilbert wrote:
>> writes:
>> > 10-REL, for 20160303 p13 FreeBSD-SA-16:12.openssl, why is there no
>> >
>> >
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