On Friday, 16 September 2016, Matthew Midgett via freebsd-doc <
freebsd-doc@freebsd.org> wrote:
> As a newer Freebsd user I was updating from src and I asked Allan Jude
> a question on irc about a step and he recommeded that we do "pkg-static
> upgrade -f" between steps 10 and 11 on https://www.fr
On 7 January 2017 at 23:59, ?? wrote:
> Hello,
> I'd like to change the porting status for netdata.
> I've created a wiki account VladimirKobal and confirmed my e-mail.
> Could you grant me permissions to change
> https://wiki.freebsd.org/WantedPorts
> https://wiki.freebsd.org/
On 22 March 2017 at 08:17, Olzhas Rakhimov wrote:
> Hello,
> I'd like to add a port request in WantedPorts wiki page,
> but I currently don't have edit permissions.
> The application is https://github.com/rakhimov/scram
> My wiki account id: rakhimov
> Thanks,
> Olzhas Rakhimov
Hi Olzh
Hi everyone,
I was hoping I could interest a few people into reviewing a patch I have
submitted for the handbook, to update the handbook "Chapter 23. Updating
and Upgrading FreeBSD" to replace the instructions for using mergemaster(8)
with etcupdate(8).
I would be grateful if people could have a
On 14 May 2016 at 09:09, Russell Haley wrote:
> Is there any reason we can't have our man pages hosted from
> man.freebsd.org? It pis... perturbs me ever time I have to go to the
> main website to find the link to click.
I'm not sure what you mean. I regularly use man.freebsd.org to read
On Monday, 27 June 2016, Allan Jude wrote:
> On 2016-06-27 12:41, Warren Block wrote:
>> On Mon, 27 Jun 2016, Mohammad Eslami wrote:
>> hi.
>>> good evening.
>>> i did your instructions for install gnome3 on freebsd on my virtual box.
>>> but when reboot my machine it doesn't boot gnome.
On Thursday, 11 August 2016, Aleksander Alekseev wrote:
> Hello.
> I noticed that Suspend/Resume page [1] could be improved in two ways:
> * Link to laptop.bsdgroup.de seems to be dead, it should probably be
> removed.
> * I would like to add my laptop to Field Data table. FreeBSD works