pkg_version on -CURRENT

2002-01-31 Thread Miguel Mendez
Hi there, Some days ago I upgraded a 4.4-RC box to 5.0-CURRENT, and pkg_version is no longer working. Being it a perl script, is this due to the fact that current uses 5.6? How to fix this then? Cheers, -- Miguel Mendez - [EMAIL PROTECTED] Public Key :: http

Re: pkg_version on -CURRENT

2002-01-31 Thread Miguel Mendez
On Thursday 31 January 2002 21:24, Kris Kennaway wrote: Hi Kris, > If you installed it from the port, reinstall the port. > > portupgrade -f p5-\* > > should do the trick. That did it, thanks! Cheers, -- Miguel Mendez - [EMAIL PROTECTED] Pub

Re: Junior Annoying Hacker Task

2002-02-02 Thread Miguel Mendez
TK. I'm doing exams this week but may take a go at it after I finish them. Cheers, -- Miguel Mendez - [EMAIL PROTECTED] Public Key :: EnergyHQ :: FreeBSD - The power to serve! msg34032/pgp0.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: Junior Annoying Hacker Task

2002-02-03 Thread Miguel Mendez
val; > struct wcval *wcval; > } u; > }; > It looks fine to me. Is your idea to manage rc.conf from there or maybe sysctl variables could be added too (once a working version of the rc.conf thing is made, of course). Cheers, -- Miguel

Re: Junior Annoying Hacker Task

2002-02-03 Thread Miguel Mendez
t; > why not use something like webmin ? webmin requires a web browser, 'foo' won't :) My idea is that it will work both on console (ncurses) and X (GTK), and because freedom of choice is a good thing. And I don't like webmin at all :-) Cheers, -- Migue down?

2002-02-07 Thread Miguel Mendez
Hi, I know this is probably offtopic but is there any problem with at the moment? I've been unable to log in for almost an hour, the ftp daemon is up, it just doesn't allow me in and I was about to load -CURRENT on my laptop. Any idea? Cheers, -- Mig down?

2002-02-11 Thread Miguel Mendez
Hi, I know this is probably offtopic but is there any problem with at the moment? I've been unable to log in for almost an hour, the ftp daemon is up, it just doesn't allow me in and I was about to load -CURRENT on my laptop. Any idea? Cheers, -- Mig

Problem with a carbus Realtek 8139 card

2002-02-13 Thread Miguel Mendez
.2 Cheers, -- Miguel Mendez - [EMAIL PROTECTED] GPG Public Key :: EnergyHQ :: FreeBSD - The power to serve! msg34720/pgp0.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: more -current testers

2002-02-19 Thread Miguel Mendez
n't crawl like a 286 :) > My question to the community is: is it too early to do this? If I > start now, the articles would probably appear April-May. I don't think it's too early, IMHO it's a very good idea, having specific info on how to use -CURRENT will be benefic

Re: Patch to improve mutex collision performance

2002-02-21 Thread Miguel Mendez
exactly happy with cvs now, as it's limitations have become evident. So, why not give it a try? Just my 0.02 Eur Cheers, -- Miguel Mendez - [EMAIL PROTECTED] GPG Public Key :: EnergyHQ ::

Re: buildworld fails building boot2

2002-12-31 Thread Miguel Mendez 5.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 5.0-CURRENT #0: Tue Dec 31 14:56:19 CET 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/CHRISTINE i386 Cheers, -- Miguel Mendez - [EMAIL PROTECTED] GPG Public Key :: EnergyHQ :: http://www.energyhq.t

Re: 5.0 without swap

2003-01-11 Thread Miguel Mendez
ving no swap will prevent you from getting crashdumps in case of panic which, if you run 5.0, is not that unusual. Besides these days harddrives cost $1/GB, so why not setup the swap partition anyway? Cheers, -- Miguel Mendez - [EMAIL PROTECTED] GPG Public Key :: http://energyhq.ho

Re: printf....!

2003-02-08 Thread Miguel Mendez
rupt value > wrong though. s/08/0x80/ :-) Cheers, -- Miguel Mendez - [EMAIL PROTECTED] GPG Public Key :: EnergyHQ :: Of course it runs NetBSD! msg52019/pgp0.pgp Description: PGP signature

Instant panic when trying to unload nvidia.ko

2003-10-28 Thread Miguel Mendez
panic. I know the nvidia kernel is proprietary code and yada yada, but the problem seems to be in the open source part of the code, so I have some hope I can get to fix it with a little help :-) Cheers, -- Miguel Mendez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: 40% slowdown with dynamic /bin/sh

2003-11-25 Thread Miguel Mendez
a great job for inter-camp relations, you're making the absurd assumption that such a solution (once/if it appears in DragonFly) cannot/will not be easily ported to FreeBSD. Cheers, -- Miguel Mendez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> http://www.energyhq

Re: Anyone working on fsck?

2003-03-17 Thread Miguel Mendez
e on a x86. I'm sure most of us have computers with more than 24MB :-P, sorry couldn't resist. It's an interesting problem anyway, does anyone have insight on how other OSs and FS handle these kind of problems? e.g. Solaris with vxfs or Linux with XFS/JFS/this week's FS. C

Re: Anyone working on fsck?

2003-03-18 Thread Miguel Mendez
NetBSD's LFS to FreeBSD? Granted it's not 100% reliable yet, but it's improving. I'd rather have that than wait for JFS4BSD to be ready. In fact, I'd volunteer to work with my (limited) knowledge. Cheers, -- Miguel Mendez - [EMAIL PROTECTED] GPG Publi

Re: 5.1-beta2 failed upgrade install

2003-06-04 Thread Miguel Mendez
entium4 without panics. Here, here. I was doing installworld and got a double fault. After rebooting with the new kernel (5.1-RC1) and running fsck it installed fine. Funnyly enough, make was gone, so I had to run the one in /usr/obj. Otherwise seems to work fine so far. Cheers, -- Miguel

Re: libc size

2002-10-31 Thread Miguel Mendez
ired shared libs for those programs residing in /[s]bin. IMHO it would be beneficial to, at least, have the option to build a fully dynamic system on FreeBSD. NetBSD now defaults to fully dynamic, but you can set a knob in /etc/mk.conf to get the old behaviour, how about something like that? Cheers,

Re: libc size

2002-11-03 Thread Miguel Mendez
7;s go shopping :) Seriously, of course it would need testing, just because it requires work doesn't mean it's not worth doing it. rcNG has been in work for a long time. Is it worth it? Absolutely, try it once and you'll wonder how you could live with the old system, or even with the s

Is RAIDframe currently usable?

2002-11-16 Thread Miguel Mendez
3 box, running a slightly modified GENERIC (added SMP, raidframe and pcm), with INVARIANTS and WITNESS enabled (tried without them too, no success). So, any known issues with RAIDframe? I can supply more detailed info if needed. Cheers, -- Miguel Mendez - [EMAIL PROTECTED] GPG Publi

Re: Booting from floppies

2002-11-19 Thread Miguel Mendez
#x27;/mfsroot not found' I just had that problem last week booting a -STABLE jpsnap. Having had bad experiences with floppy disks reliability I just dd'ed it again, just in case. The second time it worked. Could be a faulty disk. FWIW I think a lot of people use boot floppies to do ne

'-ax' option in gcc

2002-11-23 Thread Miguel Mendez
ello.c -o hello cc1: unrecognized option `-ax' *** Error code 1 Stop in /usr/home/flynn. Is the -ax option deprecated? It's still present in the man page. No problem building such program in a -STABLE box with 2.95 Cheers, -- Miguel Mendez - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: '-ax' option in gcc

2002-11-23 Thread Miguel Mendez
timizations". Yes, thanks for the info, FWIW I think it's quite against POLA to remove an option yet keep it documented in the man page :) Cheers, -- Miguel Mendez - [EMAIL PROTECTED] GPG Public Key :: EnergyHQ :: http

Re: Current issues

2002-12-10 Thread Miguel Mendez
at Dec 7 22:56:40 CET 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/CHRISTINE i386 Cheers, -- Miguel Mendez - [EMAIL PROTECTED] GPG Public Key :: EnergyHQ :: Of course it runs NetBSD! To Unsub

Re: ipfw userland breaks again.

2002-12-15 Thread Miguel Mendez
the flamage you've brought up on the issue. You're a great hacker Matt, just keep it easy and don't take it so personal. Cheers, -- Miguel Mendez - [EMAIL PROTECTED] GPG Public Key :: EnergyHQ ::

Re: SMP kernel on 5.0-release ISO's?

2002-12-16 Thread Miguel Mendez
ace on the first CD, I'd say go for it. Cheers, -- Miguel Mendez - [EMAIL PROTECTED] GPG Public Key :: EnergyHQ :: Of course it runs NetBSD! To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message

Re: rtld messing up?

2002-03-20 Thread Miguel Mendez
so have had that same problem when I tried to build the port, but was never able to find the reason for the program to segfault, I even opened a PR on that. The program seems to work on NetBSD btw. Cheers, -- Miguel Mendez - [EMAIL PROTECTED] GPG Public Key :: http://energyh

BTX halted

2002-03-25 Thread Miguel Mendez
host, last December or 4.5-R install disks. Cheers, -- Miguel Mendez - [EMAIL PROTECTED] GPG Public Key :: EnergyHQ :: FreeBSD - The power to serve! msg36542/pgp0.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: BTX halted

2002-03-25 Thread Miguel Mendez
ab 38 c0 05 a0 - 1d ff ff a3 60 ab 38 c0 ss:esp=00 40 83 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 BTX halted Cheers, -- Miguel Mendez - [EMAIL PROTECTED] GPG Public Key ::

Re: BTX halted

2002-03-25 Thread Miguel Mendez
org. If it helps, the snapshot floppies from 11th of March work, every floppy made after that date fails with the same error. I'm going to install that snapshot, upgrade the system and try to reproduce the error with a debug kernel. Cheers, -- Miguel Mendez - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: BTX halted

2002-03-26 Thread Miguel Mendez
his, but the kernel problem can be discarded, those kernels boot fine from harddisk. I'm going to build a floppy image when I get some time and report my results here. Cheers, -- Miguel Mendez - [EMAIL PROTECTED] GPG Public Key ::

Bus error compiling thefish 0.2 on -current

2002-03-30 Thread Miguel Mendez
t only shows in -CURRENT or is the compiler in current broken? Cheers, -- Miguel Mendez - [EMAIL PROTECTED] GPG Public Key :: EnergyHQ :: FreeBSD - The power to serve! msg36776/pgp0.pgp D

Re: Bus error compiling thefish 0.2 on -current

2002-03-30 Thread Miguel Mendez
On Sat, Mar 30, 2002 at 02:17:45PM +0100, Miguel Mendez wrote: Just for the record, and to make things more fun, the program works when linked with efence. Could this narrow the problem to libc? Any ideas? Cheers, -- Miguel Mendez - [EMAIL PROTECTED] GPG Public Key :: http

Re: Bus error compiling thefish 0.2 on -current

2002-03-30 Thread Miguel Mendez
the malloc'ed mem is the cause. Why this problem doesn't show on -STABLE is still beyond my comprehension, default malloc behaviour maybe? Anyway, problem solved, thanks for all. Cheers, -- Miguel Mendez - [EMAIL PROTECTED] GPG Public Key ::

Re: Card has no functions

2002-04-01 Thread Miguel Mendez
My Thinkpad 310 is running -CURRENT as of the 29th of March. I normally use a CARDBUS nic, but I've just inserted a PCCARD nic on the second slot and it's recognized as ed0. My hardware has a TI1131 PCI-CardBus Bridge. It seems to work here, when did you last cvsup your src? Cheers, --


2002-04-11 Thread Miguel Mendez
and ftp files, a la NetBSD's laptop floppy images, so users of CARDBUS nics can do a net install without having to use a PCCARD device first. As I said, other than these two minor giltches, a very smooth install. Kudos to all that work on this. Cheers, -- Miguel Mendez - [EMAIL PROTEC

Re: sh dies w/ sig 12

2002-04-11 Thread Miguel Mendez
enabled me to successfully installworld, I took note of the faulty places and installed them afterwards. I know it's not the 'kosher' solution, but it worked for me. Cheers, -- Miguel Mendez - [EMAIL PROTECTED] GPG Public Key ::

problem building libh

2002-04-17 Thread Miguel Mendez
atic __inline u_int16_t -dkcksum(lp) - struct disklabel *lp; +dkcksum(struct disklabel * lp) { u_int16_t *start, *end; u_int16_t sum = 0; - Has this been fixed in recent -CURRENT includes? Cheers, -- Miguel Mendez - [EMAIL PROTECTED] GPG Public Key :: htt

Re: Problems with Dell Inspiron 2500/NEWCARD/Xircom CBEM56G

2002-05-06 Thread Miguel Mendez
now if that's the expected behaviour or not, it works flawlessly with 16bit stuff. My hardware is a Thinkpad 300E, a 16bit ne2k clone and a RealJunk 8139 Cardbus NIC. Cheers, -- Miguel Mendez - [EMAIL PROTECTED] GPG Public Key ::

Re: The future of perl on FreeBSD

2002-05-09 Thread Miguel Mendez
for > new systems can easily figure out something is wrong when they get: Now that I think of it, you are absolutely right, John. Just let's make a big big banner saying "Perl is no longer in base" so everybody notices :) Cheers, -- Miguel Mendez - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

panic in 5.0-DP1

2002-05-17 Thread Miguel Mendez
---> I've also attached the dmesg output. TIA Cheers, -- Miguel Mendez - [EMAIL PROTECTED] GPG Public Key :: EnergyHQ :: FreeBSD - The power to serve! Copyright (c) 1992-2002 The FreeBSD Pro

Re: cannot link C++ apps any more (GCC 3.1)

2002-05-21 Thread Miguel Mendez
he lang/gcc thing, but system's supplied compiler doesn't work for C++ code. Cheers, -- Miguel Mendez - [EMAIL PROTECTED] GPG Public Key :: EnergyHQ :: FreeBSD - The power to serve!

Problems with DP1

2002-05-21 Thread Miguel Mendez
oes down once a day, as is just a desktop, and not doing any production work, just feel curious. Cheers, -- Miguel Mendez - [EMAIL PROTECTED] GPG Public Key :: EnergyHQ :: FreeBSD - The power to ser

Re: Problems with DP1

2002-05-22 Thread Miguel Mendez
ted. I've attached both a backtrace and my dmesg. Is any extra info needed? Kernel was built from a modified GENERIC with SMP enabled, WITNESS and INVARIANTS disabled, and device pcm. The rest is off the shelf 5.0-DP1 stuff. Cheers, -- Miguel Mendez - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Problems with DP1

2002-05-23 Thread Miguel Mendez
in about 40 mins or so :) /me launches cvsup Cheers, -- Miguel Mendez - [EMAIL PROTECTED] GPG Public Key :: EnergyHQ :: FreeBSD - The power to serve! msg38727/pgp0.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: Problems with DP1

2002-05-25 Thread Miguel Mendez
DP1, so yes, I assume the bug is gone, and this version feels incredibly stable btw :) Cheers, -- Miguel Mendez - [EMAIL PROTECTED] GPG Public Key :: EnergyHQ :: FreeBSD - The power to serve!

Re: gcc3.1 problems: undefined reference to `__gxx_personality_v0'

2002-05-29 Thread Miguel Mendez
NT's C++ compiler has been broken for a while. The workaround has been to install the gcc31 port and use it, e.g make CXX=/usr/local/bin/g++31 Cheers, -- Miguel Mendez - [EMAIL PROTECTED] GPG Public Key :: EnergyHQ

Re: gcc3.1 problems: undefined reference to `__gxx_personality_v0'

2002-05-29 Thread Miguel Mendez
bug here. Cheers, -- Miguel Mendez - [EMAIL PROTECTED] GPG Public Key :: EnergyHQ :: FreeBSD - The power to serve! msg38935/pgp0.pgp Description: PGP signature

Re: gcc3.1 problems: undefined reference to `__gxx_personality_v0'

2002-05-29 Thread Miguel Mendez
compiler used it's own libgcc and libstd++. At least I can recall some comment about it in the port's Makefile. ยบ Cheers, -- Miguel Mendez - [EMAIL PROTECTED] GPG Public Key :: EnergyHQ ::

Re: gcc3.1 problems: undefined reference to `__gxx_personality_v0'

2002-05-29 Thread Miguel Mendez
NT to be perfectly usable, but, as always, YMMV. My 0.02EUR is, if it's not a production box, and you want to play with new stuff and don't mind the (lack of) stability and think you can (possibly) help with debugging, go for -CURRENT, the more people who test it, the better, else

Re: Seeking OK to commit KSE MIII

2002-05-30 Thread Miguel Mendez
e's done the lion's share of work on > getting KSE into FreeBSD so far (IMO). Agreed. I also completely agree with what Matt said in another message about coding style, although it was my idea that it was obvious enough for everybody already, as per style(9) Cheers, --


2002-06-04 Thread Miguel Mendez
r? There seems to be some problems with that server, you can use in the meantime. Cheers, -- Miguel Mendez - [EMAIL PROTECTED] GPG Public Key :: EnergyHQ :: FreeBSD - The