PPP problems in -CURRENT

1999-04-08 Thread GuRu
cvsupped, built CURRENT as of April 8th, upgrading a 3.1-STABLE system to 4.0. A reboot later, all seems fine, except that I'm experiencing severe problems connecting to my ISP. Everything goes well till after the login phase, when entering the lcp negotiation phase, then things get FUBARed. (pas

Re: PPP problems in -CURRENT

1999-04-09 Thread GuRu
At 09:24 4/9/99 +0100, Brian Somers wrote: >Does anything different happen if you > > set accmap 000a > >in your ppp.conf ? If not, you're going to have to approach your ISP >and ask them why their ppp implementation is ignoring our requests >(which needless to say violates the rfc). It wo

Re: Link failure in ata driver

2002-12-06 Thread GuRU
Out of da blue Kris Kennaway aka ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said: > Kernels with the following configuration do not link: > > # ATA and ATAPI devices > device ata > device atapicd # ATAPI CDROM drives > > linking kernel.debug > ata-all.o: In function `ata_boot_attach': > ata-al

kdelibs-kde4 is marked as broken on FreeBSD 13.0: incompatible with base SSL ...

2018-12-24 Thread guru
Hello, I know that KDE4 will be removed from ports by the end of the year, that's why I wanted to update my CURRENT and ports right now before this. I now find that one of the fundamental ports (x11/kdelibs-kde4) is marked as broken... Is there a fix for this (for example using SSL from ports an