To disable sendmail, one expects to set "sendmail_enable=NO" in
/etc/rc.sendmail looks for sendmail_enable=[Nn][Oo][Nn][Ee]
(should be [Nn][Oo] to conform with standard usage.)
The consequence is that an administrator may intend to disable
sendmail, but it will still be enabled.
On 24 Dec, Craig Rodrigues wrote:
> I wrote the attached program to open "/dev/ad0".
> It consistently fails with:
> fd: -1
> Error: : Operation not permitted
At what securelevel are you running?
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Further to my previous message on encrypting swap:
In order for it to work, apparently, one must change the fstype within
the disklabel, so that the swap partition (e.g. /dev/ad0s1b) is fstype
"4.2BSD", not "swap".
At least, I had to do that before it would work.
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I've run into similar problems dual-booting 4.x and 5.x. Is there
some utility one can use to synchronize this once and for all?
IMHO, when the UFS1 superblock was changed, it should have been named
something else like UFS1_1 to avoid confusion.
Geoffrey T. Falk, BSc, MA, SCJ2P, SCS