EP401 PCMCIA ethernet

2000-03-02 Thread Dr. Brain
I've got a laptop that is using one of these lovely little buggers, but not with -current. I recently upgraded to the 4.0-2227 snapshot but to my disappointment, the card is not listed in pccard.conf. Previously I was running 3.2-PAO, and the card worked just fine. It is an ed0/NE2000 compl

Re: Netscape core dump, happily :-)

1999-10-03 Thread Dr. Brain
I have had Linux communicator 4.6 core dump on me (signal 10) with an empty core file a couple of times. However I hacked the linux_base port to install a redhat 6 libraries in order to get glibc 2.1, so I don't know if this will make any difference. -- Eric Hodel To Unsubscribe: send mail to

Re: Netscape 6 Linux pre-release, got it going.

2000-04-11 Thread Dr. Brain
I've had a good deal of success getting Mozilla to build straight out of the nightly source tar files: ftp://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla/nightly/latest/mozilla-source.tar.gz I recommend installing the jpeg and png libraries out of the ports tree and using a ~/.mozconfig with the following lines: