Re: it's time...

1999-08-08 Thread Daniel O'Connor
screen is done, ie load a 'module' which is just a text file for the sound system to parse.. Don't know how you'd go unload'ing and load'ing the file though. --- Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer for Genesis Software - "The n

Re: it's time...

1999-08-08 Thread Daniel O'Connor
On 09-Aug-99 Mike Smith wrote: > Gosh, let's see; at shutdown it could edit /etc/rc.conf. Wouldn't that > be handy? And so easy too. 8) Ahh but then you have to put up with the default sound levels until /etc/rc.conf is used :) --- Daniel O'Connor software and network

Re: it's time...

1999-08-09 Thread Daniel O'Connor
ell script to write the file on shutdown, then load the file as a kernel mod on startup using the boot loader? That way you don't have that annoying window of time after the card has been initialised before /etc/rc is run :) --- Daniel O'Connor software and network enginee

Re: it's time...

1999-08-09 Thread Daniel O'Connor
_it_ gets run at startup. I just need to find somewhere to put > this instead of, because jkh vetoes it on that account... Sure.. but you still have window of time where the audio is at its default level before the rc stuff is run.. --- Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer fo

Re: it's time...

1999-08-09 Thread Daniel O'Connor
d to line in on my sound card. --- Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer for Genesis Software - "The nice thing about standards is that there are so many of them to choose from." -- Andrew Tanenbaum PGP signature

Re: it's time...

1999-08-09 Thread Daniel O'Connor
s outputing noise again after the sound card has been probed/attached. --- Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer for Genesis Software - "The nice thing about standards is that there are so many of them to choose from." -- Andrew Tanenbaum PGP signature

Re: Dropping connections without RST

1999-08-16 Thread Daniel O'Connor
ould we special case this? Because this doesn't work for non-passive FTP for starters.. --- Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer for Genesis Software - "The nice thing about standards is that there are so many of them to choose from." -- Andrew Tanenbaum PGP signature

Re: Dropping connections without RST

1999-08-16 Thread Daniel O'Connor
n favour for allowing people to shoot themselves in the foot :) IMHO its OK if there is a warning about it. --- Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer for Genesis Software - "The nice thing about standards is that there are so many of them to choose from." -- Andrew Tanenbaum PGP signature

Re: Dropping connections without RST

1999-08-16 Thread Daniel O'Connor
ally I suppose, but at least part of the advantage of dropping them completely would be that the machine wouldn't spend any time doing it at all... --- Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer for Genesis Software - "The nice thing about standards is that

Re: Dropping connections without RST

1999-08-17 Thread Daniel O'Connor
On 18-Aug-99 Ollivier Robert wrote: > > Instead of killing the spammer, make every mailserver like quicksand, > > drawing him down and drowning him :-] > Postfix does this :) Sendmail has tarpit trapping as well I think. --- Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer

RE: [fwd] [fm/news] newsletter for Aug 18th 1999, 23:59

1999-08-18 Thread Daniel O'Connor
On 19-Aug-99 Dominic Mitchell wrote: > Any ideas on who dsubmitted this to freshmeat? No idea, but submitted FreeBSD 3.2 when it was released.. (Just being a mouthpiece for msmith :) --- Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer for Genesis Software - &

RE: mmaping /dev/dsp problems

1999-12-28 Thread Daniel O'Connor
aying around. (Its killable though) Speaking of your mmap() problem.. When I try quake and the mmap sample program they get stuck in pcmflush forever :( --- Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer for Genesis Software - "The nice thing about standards is t

Re: 2 hours to compile mysql?

2000-01-03 Thread Daniel O'Connor
since different users have different memory size limits.. --- Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer for Genesis Software - "The nice thing about standards is that there are so many of them to choose from." -- Andrew Tanenbaum To Unsubscribe: send

Re: So, tell me again why we can't read audio CDs in SCSI drives

2000-01-06 Thread Daniel O'Connor
nt. Then run cdrecord like so -> cdrecord -dev=x,y,z -speed=a -audio track1.wav track2.wav ... Easy! :) --- Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer for Genesis Software - "The nice thing about standards is that there are so many of them to choose from.&

Re: So, tell me again why we can't read audio CDs in SCSI drives

2000-01-06 Thread Daniel O'Connor
it). To remove or change the intertrack gaps you need to burn in Disk-At-Once mode.. cdrdao and the newer versions of cdrecord support DAO. --- Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer for Genesis Software - "The nice thing about standards is that there are s

RE: mouse problem(please help)

2000-01-10 Thread Daniel O'Connor
is working OK. You should double check your X configuration.. The port should be /dev/sysmouse, and the protocol MouseSystems. --- Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer for Genesis Software - "The nice thing about standards is that there are so man

Re: boot messages for pci devices...

2000-01-18 Thread Daniel O'Connor
e to have the normal version displayed and the verbose stuff go to a seperate buffer and logged seperatly.. ie so you don't clutter your boot screen with junk, but if you have a problem you can get at the verbose info :) .. and no I don't have any patches :) --- Daniel O'Conno

Re: Problems with PCMCIA Cards

2000-01-19 Thread Daniel O'Connor
Same thing really. So a daemon is needed to load the right device driver when the kernel detects a new card being inserted... --- Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer for Genesis Software - "The nice thing about standards is that there are so many of

Re: bzip2 in src tree (Was Re: ports/16252: Add bzi

2000-01-23 Thread Daniel O'Connor
On 24-Jan-00 David O'Brien wrote: > running Winloose, so I actually *CAN* run this in the background. I > certainly was not idle while Bzip2 was compressing. Its pretty annoying waiting for something to compress if you want to do other things that depend on it being compressed..

Re: kdelibs port broken?

2000-02-27 Thread Daniel O'Connor
e backward compatible.. Its not the ports collection thats at fault, the people who did it this way are cleaning up the mess made by other coders. This happens for tcl, gtk, qt.. There are quite a number. (at least 3! ;) --- Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer for Genesis Softwa

Re: Crypto progress! (And a Biiiig TODO list)

2000-02-17 Thread Daniel O'Connor
On 18-Feb-00 Peter Wemm wrote: > As long as there is some sort of rate limiting system so that it doesn't > provide a trivial online brute force password cracking service... Getting > this right would be an interesting challenge. :-) --- Daniel O'Connor software and n

kdelibs port broken?

2000-02-22 Thread Daniel O'Connor
needing to be recompiled (which is why I'm rebuilding kdelibs in the first place).. --- Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer for Genesis Software - "The nice thing about standards is that there are so many of them to choose from." -- Andrew Ta

Re: status of 'device awe' ?

2000-02-22 Thread Daniel O'Connor
a if there are any plans) --- Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer for Genesis Software - "The nice thing about standards is that there are so many of them to choose from." -- Andrew Tanenbaum To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "

Re: status of 'device awe' ?

2000-02-22 Thread Daniel O'Connor
On 22-Feb-00 Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven wrote: > That's why I wanted to kill voxware in 4.0, would allow pcm to be used > from default... Now we're stuck to the voxware crap for another release > cycle until 5.0 hits the public. You don't _have_ to use it :) ---

Re: kdelibs port broken?

2000-02-22 Thread Daniel O'Connor
ve to rebuild qt2 first to be able to run moc. Ahh yes, that fixed it.. I rebuild qt142.. KDE libs works fine now, thanks :) --- Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer for Genesis Software - "The nice thing about standards is that there are so many of t

Re: Crashing netscape?

2000-02-23 Thread Daniel O'Connor
Netscape for me. If you login to /. you can change your preferences to be 'simple HTML' which makes it not crash netscape and load faster too.. --- Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer for Genesis Software - "The nice thing about standa

Re: kdelibs port broken?

2000-02-27 Thread Daniel O'Connor
se different versions of the same library? A lot of them have support files which are loaded by the library when ITs loaded by the app. You would end up with all sorts of nasty race conditions when people run multiple apps etc.. --- Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer for Genesi

Re: kdelibs port broken?

2000-02-27 Thread Daniel O'Connor
have a config file to aid compiling/linking. Of the ones we 'version' (GTK and GLIB) you can set the GLIB/GTK_CONFIG env. var to tell apps where to find it. I don't think its possible for tcl since it looks in a given path for a config file instead of looking for a config file in

Re: 4.0: default path when su'd

2000-02-27 Thread Daniel O'Connor
st put /sbin and /usr/sbin in the normal user path.. Its not like it allows them to do anything they couldn't do themselves and it saves hassle later on when they ask how to run ping :) --- Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer for Genesis Software - "The

RE: linux-acrobat-4.05 only works with linux-netscape!

2000-03-01 Thread Daniel O'Connor
sh'ism's.. It fails normally because the shell is /bin/sh but when run from Netscape it finds /compat/linux/bin/sh (which is bash) and works.. --- Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer for Genesis Software - "The nice thing about standards is t

Re: calcru / microuptime problem

2000-03-13 Thread Daniel O'Connor
e machine but not login, no disk I/O. > I'm waiting for two 36GB IBM SCSI disks, which should arrive soon, then > the next round without ATA is what I'm planning. Do you have the latest BIOS rev? --- Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer for Genesis Software - http://

Re: calcru / microuptime problem

2000-03-13 Thread Daniel O'Connor
Also SMP, two PIII-500. When the new disks arrive, > well, I can try the new BIOS also. Worth a shot I suppose.. Other people seem to recommend it anyway 8-) --- Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer for Genesis Software - "The nice thing about sta

Re: HEADS UP! ATA driver (atapi DMA)..

1999-08-31 Thread Daniel O'Connor
d that ... it's a 32x cdrom. dmesg says it > claims to be able to do 5515 KB/sec. Which is slightly more correct.. 32x = 32 * 150 = 4800 kb/s 1 spin = 150kb/sec Of course given the advent of CLV drives a speed rating is now usually the maximum read speed, not the average. --- Daniel

Re: HEADS UP! ATA driver (atapi DMA)..

1999-08-31 Thread Daniel O'Connor
On 01-Sep-99 Daniel O'Connor wrote: > Of course given the advent of CLV drives a speed rating is now usually the > maximum read speed, not the average. Oops.. I mean CAV drives.. Constant Angular Velocity not Constant Linear Velocity. --- Daniel O'Connor software and netw

NewPCM and Quake :)

1999-09-09 Thread Daniel O'Connor
Hi, I am trying NewPCM on -current with an AWE64. It works fine for normal sound apps like esd, splay etc etc.. but Quake 1 & 2 which use the DMA buffers to play their sound. It is allowed to do this (the ioctl is supported), but it stutters very badly. Its a bit hard to explain :) --- Da

Re: NewPCM and Quake :)

1999-09-09 Thread Daniel O'Connor
ram which exibits the problem over the weekend. --- Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer for Genesis Software - "The nice thing about standards is that there are so many of them to choose from." -- Andrew Tanenbaum PGP signature

Re: NewPCM and Quake :)

1999-09-09 Thread Daniel O'Connor
On 10-Sep-99 Mike Muir wrote: > I also get this, on an SB32-PNP, with the pcm0 device (setup for pnp) > I havnt tried q3atest on the sb0 stuff though.. I might do this weekend. Ahh.. I've only tried Q1 & 2, and they both get the problem, but work fine using sb0 and frien

Re: What's wrong with this picture?

1999-09-12 Thread Daniel O'Connor
On 13-Sep-99 Mark S. Reichman wrote: > I would say an apology is due... This is somewhat lame.. Nah, he's right I should have thought about it first :) (And I know him so I'm not offended) --- Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer for Genesis Software - http://www

RE: modules: how to use?

1999-10-06 Thread Daniel O'Connor
ad as a module before the kernel is executed. --- Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer for Genesis Software - "The nice thing about standards is that there are so many of them to choose from." -- Andrew Tanenbaum To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL P

Re: modules: how to use?

1999-10-06 Thread Daniel O'Connor
try and load it just like all the others.. --- Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer for Genesis Software - "The nice thing about standards is that there are so many of them to choose from." -- Andrew Tanenbaum To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMA

Re: modules: how to use?

1999-10-07 Thread Daniel O'Connor
t you can have all your FS's as modules except what / is.. --- Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer for Genesis Software - "The nice thing about standards is that there are so many of them to choose from." -- Andrew Tanenbaum To Unsubscribe: s

Re: modules: how to use?

1999-10-07 Thread Daniel O'Connor
On 08-Oct-99 Mike Smith wrote: > > Yes.. That should work fine.. > > In fact you can have all your FS's as modules except what / is.. > You can have / too, as long as you load it with the loader. 8) And providing / is UFS because thats all the loader understands (?)

RE: Email Acc. Only !

1999-10-07 Thread Daniel O'Connor
On 08-Oct-99 Hector Colmenares wrote: >What will be the best way to create an email acc. only ? > without have to create a shell acc. ? Like virtual table or > something like that ? Use cyrus IMAPD (which does POP3 too). Its in the ports collection. --- Daniel O'Conno

Re: current unable to attach USB, Power Mgmt, sound

1999-10-18 Thread Daniel O'Connor
Vibra 128's are REALLY cheap, then the 'hardware' wavetable would probably mean that it DMA's wavetable samples from physical RAM when it needs them. --- Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer for Genesis Software - "The nice thing

sys/socket.h broken..

1999-10-21 Thread Daniel O'Connor
Err.. also sys/mount.h defined AF_MAX which causes lots of nice warnings. --- Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer for Genesis Software - "The nice thing about standards is that there are so many of them to choose from." -- Andrew Tanenbaum To

RE: sys/socket.h broken..

1999-10-21 Thread Daniel O'Connor
Hmm.. well it looks fixed now :) I think I had an old patch which was being screwy. (and wpaul fixed sys/socket.h) --- Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer for Genesis Software - "The nice thing about standards is that there are so many of them to c

mount_nfs hanging in sbwait

1999-10-26 Thread Daniel O'Connor
ait. All NFS mounts are mounted with the options 'rw,bg,resvport,intr,soft,tcp' --- Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer for Genesis Software - "The nice thing about standards is that there are so many of them to choose from." -- Andrew Tanenbaum dmesg.boot GUPPY.nosmp

Re: really draggy NFS access in -current?

1999-10-28 Thread Daniel O'Connor
On 28-Oct-99 Matthew Jacob wrote: > UDP. Local network. Very puzzling. Have you tried a week old kernel? Might be worth the test to see if someone broke something subtle. --- Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer for Genesis Software - "The nic

Re: K6-III wrtalloc + mtrr support ?

1999-10-30 Thread Daniel O'Connor
he correct order. I suppose I could fiddle with it and find out how big the command window but I haven't bothered yet. --- Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer for Genesis Software - "The nice thing about standards is that there are so many of them to

Re: vga driver and signal

1999-01-02 Thread Daniel O'Connor
d the KLD commands to do on a vert refresh, and when it happens the commands are executed in kernel mode, which would save you a lot of time. Kind of complex though. Also the interrupt latency problem is still there. --- Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer for Genesis Software - http://ww

Re: vga driver and signal

1999-01-02 Thread Daniel O'Connor
t GGI for stuff about kernel gaphics drivers. --- Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer for Genesis Software - "The nice thing about standards is that there are so many of them to choose from." -- Andrew Tanenbaum To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL P

Re: vga driver and signal

1999-01-02 Thread Daniel O'Connor
> up changing the scheduler slightly, or playing with rtprio. So what sort of latency do you achieve? What do you mean by 'more involved'? :) --- Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer for Genesis Software - "The nice thing about standa

Re: Netscape and -current

1999-11-22 Thread Daniel O'Connor
On 22-Nov-99 Steve Kargl wrote: > FreeBSD 4.0-CURRENT #1: Mon Nov 15 09:52:45 PST 1999 > [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/src/sys/compile/TROUTMASK > netscape (for FBSD) works fine. I have -current as of 19-Nov-99 and Netscape works fine (well as well at it ever does..) --- Daniel

RE: calcru() warnings...

1999-11-24 Thread Daniel O'Connor
up for more than 24 hours. Its a dual PII-350. --- Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer for Genesis Software - "The nice thing about standards is that there are so many of them to choose from." -- Andrew Tanenbaum To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EM

Re: New sound driver and Linux games

1999-12-20 Thread Daniel O'Connor
file changes, but no dice. Does it mmap() the DMA sound buffers? I know Quake 2 does this, and preusmably so does Q3.. I have noticed that the new pcm driver doesn't seem to do mmap()'d audio very well :( --- Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer for Genesis Software - h

Re: emu10k1 (SB Live!) support under FreeBSD?

2000-03-20 Thread Daniel O'Connor
On 20-Mar-00 Dan Moschuk wrote: > | How current is this? Will it work against 4.0-STABLE? > I haven't tested it, but I believe so. I applied the patch to a machine which is *just* pre 4/5 split and it patched fine. I used it to get my ALS120 to work. --- Daniel O'Connor soft

Re: emu10k1 (SB Live!) support under FreeBSD?

2000-03-21 Thread Daniel O'Connor
On 21-Mar-00 Thomas T. Veldhouse wrote: > What kind of drivers are these? Are these ports of the ALSA drivers, or > are > they more OSS? They're native BSD drivers.. I'd say Cameron read the code from Creative and wrote a newpcm driver with it. --- Daniel O'Con

Re: 4.0 sysinstall fails to recognize disks

2000-03-23 Thread Daniel O'Connor
On 23-Mar-00 Mike Smith wrote: > Just rebuild sysinstall, like I told you to start with. Or just bring > the disks up by hand, which is much faster. Or even try Warner's > 'diskprep' tool. If anyone want diskprep, its at...

Re: SMP changes and breaking kld object module compatibility

2000-04-25 Thread Daniel O'Connor
kes 10-20 minutes to run on my crappy IDE disks. --- Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer for Genesis Software - "The nice thing about standards is that there are so many of them to choose from." -- Andrew Tanenbaum To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PR

Re: SMP changes and breaking kld object module compatibility

2000-04-26 Thread Daniel O'Connor
allowing for using NFS mounts. True, depending on your setup you can do it ON your production machine :) Or on your workstation etc.. --- Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer for Genesis Software - "The nice thing about standards is that there ar

Re: mktemp() patch

2000-06-07 Thread Daniel O'Connor
doesn't greatly reduce the number of possibilities, but it DOES greatly reduce the chance of an obscure error message appearing when you try and make a temp file on a brain dead FS. BTW.. For 5 character long temp names with + and = the number of possibile names is 2073071593, without it is 1

RE: WARNING "/dev/wd" compat hack removed...

2000-06-15 Thread Daniel O'Connor
On 15-Jun-00 Poul-Henning Kamp wrote: >Remove the "wd" compatibility name from the "ad" driver. > >WARNING: If you have not updated to use /dev/wd* in your /etc/fstab You mean 'If you have not updated to use /dev/ad* in your /etc/fstab...' r

RE: HEADS UP!: config changes...

2000-06-16 Thread Daniel O'Connor
7;device sc 1'. I had a minor problem where the perl script generated lines like -> hint.fdc.0.port=""0x3F0"" Which the loader barfed on.. easy to fix though. --- Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer for Genesis Software - &quo

Re: -e option to umount?

2000-06-19 Thread Daniel O'Connor
should be handled by an event daemon.. It could handle stuff like a user hitting the eject button, someone pressing a magic key on the keyboard, and apm events etc.. then do something about it. --- Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer for Genesis Software -

Re: hotmail now running win2000

2000-08-08 Thread Daniel O'Connor
as n olonger responding ... Personally I would wire something up to the reset switch instead.. Much less potential for accidentally nuking your hardware if your script is broken and starts toggling machines on and off like mad.. (much less violent on disk etc too) --- Daniel O'Connor software and

Re: kern.flp blown out again

2001-09-13 Thread Daniel O'Connor
load kld's from a floppy. Basically if you can boot the floppy you can load everything else you need later on. (Except non-pnp ISA devices because you can't specify port/irq/etc) --- Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer for Genesis Software - "

Re: kern.flp blown out again

2001-09-13 Thread Daniel O'Connor
On 13-Sep-2001 David O'Brien wrote: > On Thu, Sep 13, 2001 at 06:37:22PM +0930, Daniel O'Connor wrote: > > I have a patch for sysinstall which allows you to load kld's from a floppy. > > Please post!! :-)

Re: uucp user shell and home directory

2001-10-01 Thread Daniel O'Connor
is a shame, as it can still be a useful tool in certain > situations. I think a more 'modern' solution is POP or IMAP over SSH, you can also feed SMTP over an SSH tunnel too (This is what I use). --- Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer for Genesis Software - http:

Re: uucp user shell and home directory

2001-10-01 Thread Daniel O'Connor
rom a foreign location. --- Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer for Genesis Software - "The nice thing about standards is that there are so many of them to choose from." -- Andrew Tanenbaum To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "u

Re: uucp user shell and home directory

2001-10-02 Thread Daniel O'Connor
complete message. > > There are still uses for UUCP. > E.g. I'm doing printing over UUCP from my notebook. I'm not saying there aren't, just curious as to what it gets used for :) --- Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer for Genesis Software - http://www.g

Re: NIS client does perform Ok when my duplex is right (Was: Re:

2001-10-18 Thread Daniel O'Connor
On 17-Oct-2001 Peter S. Housel wrote: > At Wed, 17 Oct 2001 18:32:15 +0900 (JST), Daniel O'Connor wrote: > > Either hack the startup script, or man 5 dhclient.conf :) > > (Look for medium) > > And then use "media" instead, because dhclient.conf(5) is wr

RE: Un-install & upgrade application software

2001-10-28 Thread Daniel O'Connor
look in /var/db/pkg) Also look at the sysutils/portupgrade port. --- Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer for Genesis Software - "The nice thing about standards is that there are so many of them to choose from." -- Andrew Tanenbaum To Unsubscribe: s

Re: USB and SMP

2001-11-10 Thread Daniel O'Connor
the driver or some combination :) --- Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer for Genesis Software - "The nice thing about standards is that there are so many of them to choose from." -- Andrew Tanenbaum To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECT

Re: Approach to integrate a driver into the kernel [winmodem]

2001-10-10 Thread Daniel O'Connor
approach too.. --- Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer for Genesis Software - "The nice thing about standards is that there are so many of them to choose from." -- Andrew Tanenbaum To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe fre

RE: NIS client does perform Ok when my duplex is right (Was: Re:

2001-10-17 Thread Daniel O'Connor
On 17-Oct-2001 Thyer, Matthew wrote: > P.S. I would still like to try using DHCP but *NOT* autonegotiating. > > Is this possible ? Either hack the startup script, or man 5 dhclient.conf :) (Look for medium) --- Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer for Genesis S

Re: cvs commit: src/sys/kern subr_diskmbr.c

2001-12-09 Thread Daniel O'Connor
people have for using something that is labelled as DANGEROUS. No, it won't hurt your cats but you may lose hair from using it, and for what benefit? NONE! --- Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer for Genesis Software - "The nice thing about standar

RE: How could I do with my sound card?

2001-02-22 Thread Daniel O'Connor
rite, can't use sh MAKEDEV snd0, and > all software to look for /dev/mixer0 .. >So how could to now? try MAKEDEV snd1 I'm fairly sure there is a FAQ or handbook entry on this. --- Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer for Genesis Software -

RE: Proposal to mergemaster

2001-03-13 Thread Daniel O'Connor
be very useful for later usage in the ports- > tree (handle make update) I think you could generate this file at installworld time fairly trivially. The ports code does this for each file which is installed and its not too onerous. This would solve my previous point also :) --- Daniel O'

RE: usb modems

2001-03-31 Thread Daniel O'Connor
one know? or could some one advise me of the best approach to > a fix or a how2. I ve tried and well errmm no succes :( I recently bought a NetCOMM Roadster II which works very well.. (At least I can dial up and stuff - haven't exaustivly tested it) You may have a Win

RE: PPP modem dial is completely broken

2001-06-11 Thread Daniel O'Connor
PCP NAKs sent - abandoning negotiation" and drop > carrier forever without further redialing. > > About months old PPP works fine with the same config. Is it a 'normal' modem, or a USB one? (Not that I have a solution either way, but the usb modem code is still a bit do

RE: netscape

2000-09-08 Thread Daniel O'Connor
this to work you need the 2.2/3.x compat distribution installed. You can install this with sysinstall. Another option is to use the Linux version (ports/www/linux-netscape47-communicator) which has the added advantage of having more plugins (eg flash) available. --- Daniel O'Connor software and

Re: netscape

2000-09-08 Thread Daniel O'Connor
On 08-Sep-00 Bruce Burden wrote: >since the native netscape doesn't bother to read any library path >but the "standard" one, which of course points to ELF libraries, >and not a.out ones... You're supposed to use ldconfig -aout for that.. --- Daniel

RE: Linux Emulation ETTW?

2000-09-13 Thread Daniel O'Connor
Anybody know when this is schedueled to be looked at / fixed? You are probably using the wrong modules. Make sure you don't have an old /modules directory lying around since the kernel and modules have moved to /boot/xxx --- Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer for Genesis Softwa

RE: -current grinds exceeding slow

2000-10-10 Thread Daniel O'Connor
gish too, and the snake sometimes wiggles to a > standstill. > > This is a UP box, I've got an SMP box with the same symptoms. 'Me too'. I notice it gets MUCH worse when using NFS, and just bad when using UFS (don't know if it is FS specific or just the fact th

RE: -current grinds exceeding slow

2000-10-12 Thread Daniel O'Connor
t getting stuck in things like vnlock, inode and ffsvgt... --- Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer for Genesis Software - "The nice thing about standards is that there are so many of them to choose from." -- Andrew Tanenbaum To Unsubscribe: send

RE: kernel trap 12 with interrupts disabled?

2000-10-23 Thread Daniel O'Connor
> aic7880: Wide Channel A, SCSI Id=7, 16/255 SCBs > > known problem, or new one? I get the kernel trap messages 5 times on a boot, but my system seems OK, except occasionally it hangs bad (no DDB). I don't have any SCSI adapters however. (Dual PII350 BX chipset, IDE) --- Da

Re: Support for USB scanners in FreeBSD

2000-10-27 Thread Daniel O'Connor --- Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer for Genesis Software - "The nice thing about standards is that there are so many of them to choose from." -- Andrew Tanenbaum To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsub

RE: making an install CD

2000-10-31 Thread Daniel O'Connor
my/cvsroot Read the Makefile for handy tips :) --- Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer for Genesis Software - "The nice thing about standards is that there are so many of them to choose from." -- Andrew Tanenbaum To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMA

Re: Mutex, SMBUS, ACPI (Re: how to mutex'ify a device driver)

2000-11-28 Thread Daniel O'Connor
ommitters, -developers and -arch? Even if he did it's fairly easy to not read a mail that is important. --- Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer for Genesis Software - "The nice thing about standards is that there are so many of them to choose from

RE: PalmPilot emulators don't work on CURRENT

2000-12-28 Thread Daniel O'Connor
e you tried recompiling the application and dependancies? etc etc.. Bad bug reports are useless. --- Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer for Genesis Software - "The nice thing about standards is that there are so many of them to choose from."

Sound gets the occassional 'beep' coming through

2001-01-13 Thread Daniel O'Connor
back as a low pitched buzz.. --- Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer for Genesis Software - "The nice thing about standards is that there are so many of them to choose from." -- Andrew Tanenbaum To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Switchover to CAM ATA?

2010-04-26 Thread Daniel O'Connor
does it when FreeBSD is running but the BIOS does it before then so boot0, the loader, et al can read the disk without having an underlying driver. -- Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer for Genesis Software - "The nice thing about standards is that there ar

Re: Today's Make World

1999-01-17 Thread Daniel O'Connor
it doesn't put /boot/loader on) The fixit CD seems OK tho, but we don't boot off it :) --- Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer for Genesis Software - "The nice thing about standards is that there are so many of them to choose from." -

RE: boot.flp versions

1999-01-20 Thread Daniel O'Connor
things twice and sig-11'ing.. I recommended a source install after that :) --- Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer for Genesis Software - "The nice thing about standards is that there are so many of them to choose from." -- Andrew Tanenbaum To

RE: boot.flp versions

1999-01-20 Thread Daniel O'Connor
On 21-Jan-99 Matt Behrens wrote: > From 19990112? I had no such problems on three different systems. Hmm.. OK.. Maybe pilot error :) --- Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer for Genesis Software - "The nice thing about standards is that there a

Re: DEVFS, the time has come...

1999-01-27 Thread Daniel O'Connor
ngs like 'wire down' your ethernet card etc.. But the idea is nice IMHO :) --- Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer for Genesis Software - "The nice thing about standards is that there are so many of them to choose from." -- Andrew Tanenba

Re: DEVFS, the time has come...

1999-01-27 Thread Daniel O'Connor
On 28-Jan-99 Archie Cobbs wrote: > That would be easy part! :-) Something like this... >$ ngctl mkpeer ed0: eth_iface upstream downstream Heh.. It would be nice if it was automagic though.. (Where's my kernel config option :) --- Daniel O'Connor software and network engi

Re: DEVFS, the time has come...

1999-01-27 Thread Daniel O'Connor
# List of network interfaces (lo0 is > loopback). >ifconfig_lo0="inet" # default loopback device configuration. >ifconfig_ed0="inet" >...etc... I suppose thats true.. So whens do the patches for it arrive? ;) --- Daniel O'Con

Re: DEVFS, the time has come...

1999-01-27 Thread Daniel O'Connor
different type without having to look through your config code for references to ed0 or whatever. Another thing.. we get to be more Linux like, which is a good thing, right? *duck* --- Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer for Genesis Software - "The

Re: DEVFS, the time has come...

1999-01-27 Thread Daniel O'Connor
re them down in the config file (which will at > least address part of the problem)? IMHO it would address ALL of the problem.. --- Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer for Genesis Software - "The nice thing about standards is that there are so

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