In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Ruslan Ermilov
> [Redirected to -current]
> On Wed, Feb 09, 2000 at 11:49:30AM -0800, Cy Schubert wrote:
> > Can FreeBSD be upgraded from 3.4-stable to 4.0-current from source.
> > When I installed -current on my testbed
; "Make Money Fast via Sex With Green Card Lawyers"
You can get screwed by a lawyer without sex.
Regards, Phone: (250)387-8437
Cy Schubert Fax: (250)387-5766
Sun/DEC Team, UNIX GroupInternet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
intended purpose
today however with the graphical tools we have today it's a little archaic.
Having said that, it doesn't take up a lot of space and should probably
remain where it is.
BTW, I'm of the age where I did use it and tools like it (on the IBM
mainframe) for real work.
> >
> > ah memories, I had the walls of my office covered with pi with some very lo
> ng
> > precision :-)
> I'm so sorry.
> I'm more prone to remember the ASCII rendering of the artwork of rather
> long images from a popular magazine which would
Feb 9 16:50:03 2003
+++ /etc/pam.d/rsh Mon Jun 16 15:20:00 2003
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
# auth
auth no_warn
-auth no_warn
+auth no_warn allow_root
reside on SCSI devices have yet to exhibit any symptoms, e.g. requiring
anything more than resetting the dirty bit.
Due to this problem I've yet to complete a portupgrade, something I've been
trying to complete over the last four weeks, as it usually hangs the system
within 12 h
and fluid so they chose to code for a specific version). I'm slowly but
surely progressing. If people wish to expedite the process, I would welcome
a patch.
BC Government .
uld be too costly [in time]' to do a clean restore.
I've seen that too. An end user got permission from management to the root
account, e.g. management ordered us to give her the root pw on a Tru64 box.
She chowned every file on the system to herself. Very ugly
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Jacques A. Vidrine"
> So can we just have a statically linked /bin/sh and get on with life?
I was thinking the same thing myself a few days ago.
Cy Schubert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>http://www.ko
y, and 120 GB
hard disk upgrades, and the latest Acer 1.6 BIOS upgrade for this computer).
Cy Schubert
FreeBSD UNIX: Web:
___ mailing list
nks. I'm cc'ing this to current@ just in the chance that someone
there might solve this before I do.
BC Government . FreeBSD UNIX
file -f - | grep ':.*data$'
It's managed to flag quite a few files however only the file in
question appears to be damaged so far.
I'm cc'ing this to current@ as I'm fearing the worst at the moment.
Cy Schubert <[EMAIL
The fsck discovered an unexpectd softupdate inconsistency,
listing the file in question.
Case closed.
BC Government . FreeBSD UNIX
. Apologies.
Cy Schubert
The need of the many outweighs the greed of the few.
-Original Message-
From: Johannes Lundberg
Sent: 24/08/2018 01:08
To: freebsd-current
Subject: priority of paths to kernel modules?
Since we now stuck with drm2 in base for a few more years I have an
In message <>, Ian Lepore writes:
> On Fri, 2018-08-24 at 08:35 -0700, Cy Schubert wrote:
> > My idea, which I implemented locally and should probably create a
> > phab review, was to ifdef DRM in modules/Makefile. We could do this
> >
Are you running powers?
Do you use c-states?
What happens if you boot in (instead of switch to) turbo mode?
Sent using a tiny phone keyboard.
Apologies for any typos and autocorrect.
Also, this old phone only supports top post. Apologies.
Cy Schubert
The need of the many outweighs the
Powers s/b powers (autocorrect).
Sent using a tiny phone keyboard.
Apologies for any typos and autocorrect.
Also, this old phone only supports top post. Apologies.
Cy Schubert
The need of the many outweighs the greed of the few.
-Original Message-
From: Cy Schubert
Sent: 04
5 120/150 60/75
> 1601 is not the actual frequency. That is just how it is reported. It
> is almost certainly running much higher than 1601.
We don't know this until we can independently verify it. Do you mind
running some benchmarks with and w
now how your MB manufacturer implemented this.
My guess is it's probably through ACPI but you don't know until you have some
rough measurements.
Sent using a tiny phone keyboard.
Apologies for any typos and autocorrect.
Also, this old phone only supports top post. Apologies.
Cy Schu
I'd be interested in seeing systat -z output.
Sent using a tiny phone keyboard.
Apologies for any typos and autocorrect.
Also, this old phone only supports top post. Apologies.
Cy Schubert
The need of the many outweighs the greed of the few.
-Original Message-
performance. In addition disabling atime for the ZFS dataset containing
/usr/obj also improved buildworld/installworld performance by reducing
unnecessary (IMO) metadata writes. I think evicting metadata only might
cause a new set of problems for different workloads. (Maybe this should
be a sysctl
In message
, Matthew Macy writes:
> On Sat, Sep 8, 2018 at 11:03 Cy Schubert wrote:
> > In message , Jakob
> > Alvermar
> > k writes:
> > >
> > > I will test the patch below and report back.
> >
> > Agreed, though IMO your workload a
Yes, I was thinking that myself.
Sent using a tiny phone keyboard.
Apologies for any typos and autocorrect.
Also, this old phone only supports top post. Apologies.
Cy Schubert
The need of the many outweighs the greed of the few.
-Original Message-
From: Michael Tuexen
Yes, failure to delete old files can also lead to weird ports build failures.
Sent using a tiny phone keyboard.
Apologies for any typos and autocorrect.
Also, this old phone only supports top post. Apologies.
Cy Schubert
The need of the many outweighs the greed of the few
ould be replaced next year, fails to communicate
with the server. The classic rock & a hard place scenario.
Cy Schubert
FreeBSD UNIX: Web:
The need of the many outweighs the greed of the few.
I was digging into this before I left on vacation. You can recreate
this by,
mount -t zfs tank/nonexistent /mnt
A nonexistent dataset or zpool triggers the panic. I discovered it by
chance through a typo in fstab. The panic occurs with INVARIANTS.
Without INVARIANTS results in a hard
In message <>, Daniel
Eischen w
> > On Oct 12, 2018, at 10:58 PM, Cy Schubert wrote
> :
> >
> > In message , Don Lewis writes:
> >> Prior to the OpenSSL 1.1.1 import, the base OpenSSL l
Apologies for any typos and autocorrect.
Also, this old phone only supports top post. Apologies.
Cy Schubert
The need of the many outweighs the greed of the few.
-Original Message-
From: Don Lewis
Sent: 14/10/2018 09:06
To: FreeBSD current
Subject: Re: OpenSSL
. Apologies.
Cy Schubert
The need of the many outweighs the greed of the few.
-Original Message-
From: Graham Perrin
Sent: 14/10/2018 15:19
Subject: Problem compiling rust: observations on swap
On 06/10/2018 23:41, Rebecca Cran wrote:
> On 10/6/1
In message <>, Graham
Perrin writ
> On 14/10/2018 22:34, Cy Schubert wrote:
> > Set TAR in make.conf to gnu tar from ports. Some tarballs will cause bsdtar
> to exhaust memory and swap. There was discussion a while ago su
It's failed to ensure gtar is installed as a prereq. The only thing I can
suggest at the moment is kludgy.
Sent using a tiny phone keyboard.
Apologies for any typos and autocorrect.
Also, this old phone only supports top post. Apologies.
Cy Schubert
The need of the many outweigh
This is caused by
Sent using a tiny phone keyboard.
Apologies for any typos and autocorrect.
Also, this old phone only supports top post. Apologies.
Cy Schubert
The need of the many outweighs the greed of the few.
s I've used this configuration.
Can you provide output of sysctl net.wlan.devices, please? Also the
relevant bits of rc.conf (with PI redacted of course), and any
modifications to devfs.conf. dmesg output and anything relevant in
messages might also be helpful.
Cy Schubert
t check hashes.
My next test was to add inode check hashes to the filesystem but never
mount it, just run fsck against it on the host, not the guest. fsck
didn't fix any check hashes.
I only had half an hour to look at this but my guess is that there are
two separate issues here.
Cy Sch
Have you tried -CURRENT?
Sent using a tiny phone keyboard.
Apologies for any typos and autocorrect.
Also, this old phone only supports top post. Apologies.
Cy Schubert
The need of the many outweighs the greed of the few.
-Original Message-
From: Bob Bishop
Sent: 13/12/2018
standard NFS implementation these days).
> >
> > What do others think I should do?
> Hi Rick,
> I think we should go ahead and honor nfs_privport.
Agreed and an UPDATING entry.
Cy Schubert
FreeBSD UNIX: Web:
We would port the feature ourselves and push the code upstream.
Sent using a tiny phone keyboard.
Apologies for any typos and autocorrect.
Also, this old phone only supports top post. Apologies.
Cy Schubert
The need of the many outweighs the greed of the few.
-Original Message
ing a tiny phone keyboard.
Apologies for any typos and autocorrect.
Also, this old phone only supports top post. Apologies.
Cy Schubert
The need of the many outweighs the greed of the few.
-Original Message-
From: Alexey Dokuchaev
Sent: 20/12/2018 06:40
To: Eugene M. Zheganin
inal message does if
> we are running as a VMware guest. The workaround is known and it works,
> but it's not immediately clear and I just wanted it to be the default
> for the time being.
The patch assumes VMWARE_GUEST_WORKAROUND uncon
In message , Yuri
Pankov write
> This is an OpenPGP/MIME signed message (RFC 4880 and 3156)
> --NAG3HGfiwhsHyGq3aNdsIv1NzTEMODbUH
> Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="c7yUHUJpZYpJqOrOWLAb4sE3Rmh2alrdi";
> protected-headers="v1"
> From: Yuri Pankov
> From: Yuri Pankov
> To: Cy Schubert
> Cc: Mark Peek , Enji Cooper ,
> Warner Losh , =?UTF-8?Q?Dag-Erling_Sm=c3=b8rgrav?=
> , freebsd-current
> Message-ID: <>
> Subject: Re: workaround for VMw
In message <>, Enji
Cooper writes
> > On Dec 22, 2018, at 1:03 PM, Cy Schubert =
> wrote:
> =E2=80=A6
> > Regarding the Red Hat bugzilla bug, looks like they're doing the right
> > thing by reaching out
In message <>, =?utf-8?Q?Dag-Erling_Sm=C3=B8rg
rav?= w
> Cy Schubert writes:
> > Add it to ssh_config or sshd_config if one must but have VMware fix
> > their bugs. Putting workarounds in our O/S to work around a bug in some
> > other
In message <>, =?utf-8?Q?Dag-Erling_Sm=C3=B8rg
rav?= w
> Cy Schubert writes:
> > Hmmm. I guess Red Hat Enterprise Linux must be a toy OS then.
> I don't speak for them, but I assure you that both their code and ours
> are full of
In message <>, =?utf-8?Q?Dag-Erling_Sm=C3=B8rg
rav?= w
> Cy Schubert writes:
> > I know our code is full of workarounds and theirs probably too. The
> > question is should we? IMO no.
> Unfortunately, the world is imperfect a
ks. Should I report it as a bug with devel/glib20?
> Hi,
> I think it's a regression in the toolchain (the problem doesn't occur
> on 11.2 or 12.0), so it should be reported to freebsd-toolchain@
No issue here however I rebuilt glib on Dec 21.
Cy Schu
Chromium was rebuilt Nov 28.
Cy Schubert
FreeBSD UNIX: Web:
The need of the many outweighs the greed of the few.
In message <002301d49f01$f83c6bc0$e8b54340$>, "Thomas
" writes:
> Just rebuild Chrom
sion number.
This assumes that /etc actually exists and assumes that your root
filesystem is, except for this, generally ok. It's suggested that you
ascertain the state of the filesystem first and nothing else is missing
or damaged before attempting any further recovery.
top post. Apologies.
Cy Schubert
The need of the many outweighs the greed of the few.
-Original Message-
From: White Wizard
Sent: 06/01/2019 10:49
Subject: Re: config files break after mergemaster -Ui
Le dimanche 06 janvier 2019 à 09:30 -0800, Cy
pports top post. Apologies.
Cy Schubert
The need of the many outweighs the greed of the few.
-Original Message-
From: Michael Zhilin
Sent: 10/01/2019 08:00
To: Michael Butler
Cc: freebsd-current
Subject: Re: kernel panic in wireless-related sysctl walk
I'm not lucky to reprodu
I'm not able to reproduce this at the moment.
Cy Schubert
FreeBSD UNIX: Web:
The need of the many outweighs the greed of the few.
In message <>, Cy Schubert
> --_E525281E-
s produced
>from this script in FreeBSD?
Check out the port. However the file isn't installed by it. Make extract. You
should find it there.
Pardon the typos and autocorrect, small keyboard in use.
Cy Schubert
FreeBSD UNIX: Web:
The need of th
ls just this file. I don't recommend the second option.
Why this specific file? There are other apps that perform the same function,
like compile_et that is distributed with MIT KRB5 and Heimdal, and installed.
Pardon the typos and autocorrect, small keyboard in use.
Cy Schub
Let me know if I am to rewrite these loader statements into Lua or
whether the Lua loader should be taught to read loader statements
Cy Schubert
FreeBSD UNIX: Web:
The need of the many outweighs the greed of the few
On February 11, 2019 5:05:37 AM PST, Cy Schubert
>Under the old Forth loader the line:
> include /boot/testbed/test_sys
>would load the file and execute loader commands.
>However the the Lua loader results in the following:
>OK incl
> mailing list
>To unsubscribe, send any mail to
The only irritation
On February 19, 2019 9:35:54 AM PST, Steve Kargl
>On Tue, Feb 19, 2019 at 08:17:48AM -0800, Cy Schubert wrote:
>> On February 18, 2019 9:17:37 AM PST, Pete Wright
> wrote:
>> >
>> >
>> >On 2/18/19 8:50 AM, Rodney W. Grimes wrote:
>> >>"
We deprecated and removed support for 386 and 486 processors. We should
consider removing support for low end Pentium as well. I'm specifically
thinking of removing the workarounds like F00F. Are there any processors that
are still vulnerable to this?
Pardon the typos an
On February 28, 2019 11:21:24 AM PST, Steve Kargl
>On Thu, Feb 28, 2019 at 11:14:51AM -0800, Cy Schubert wrote:
>> On February 28, 2019 11:06:46 AM PST, Conrad Meyer
>> >On Thu, Feb 28, 2019 at 10:32 AM Steve Kargl
>> > wrote:
>> >> Th
>Perhaps make zfs list -s mountpoint a default?
There is a zpool property that sets whether zfs list includes snapshots or not.
Could a similar sort property, should we choose to implement it, be useful?
Default sort could be set at pool creation time by the user.
a reliable reporting tool. Obviously two separate symptoms, not sure if the
same cause.
Pardon the typos and autocorrect, small keyboard in use.
Cy Schubert
FreeBSD UNIX: Web:
The need of the many outweighs the greed of the few.
Pardon the typos and autocorrect, small keyboard in use.
Cy Schubert
FreeBSD UNIX: Web:
The need of the many outweighs the greed of the few.
___ mailing list
In message <>, Andriy Gapon
> On 18/03/2019 17:30, Cy Schubert wrote:
> > Top did not report any swap used by git and GB of swap were used.
> Last time I checked top reported something very different as swap.
cially sensitive to load. If you're doing buildworld
-j while using ff, don't or give ff a higher priority. I've seen it use
multiple threads within multiple processes.
Make sure you have lots of RAM. ff doesn't like to have any of it's working set
paged out.
Pardon the
ymbol24$$ + 1401
> >frame #2: 0x000800293b91
> >`___lldb_unnamed_symbol22$$ + 609
> >frame #3: 0x000800293df0`xo_emit + 256
> >frame #4: 0x00212dc5 netstat`intpr + 1669
> >frame #5: 0x00217
kg install from
>That does not work well on ^head or for that mater any snapshot,
>as I said, lsof has internal knowledge of kernel data structures
>and must match the running kernel for it to work.
>It should be complaining about a version mismatch, but perhaps
nât already been filed.
> I filed to tra
> ck the issue.
This should probably be reverted until it is tested and resolved.
Cy Schubert
FreeBSD UNIX: Web:
install while person B wanted to replace, picking a random example, BSD
tar with GNU tar. Isn't that the real advantage of pkgbase?
If OTOH it's binary updates V 2.0, what's the point? I'm a little
rhetorical here but you get my point. If I want ipfw instead pf or
t be maintainer's nightmare to take care of all the
> dependencies on the base packages for each port we have in the ports tree?
No more than it is today. Remember, people have been doing this sort of
thing for decades. If the folks at Red Hat, Oracle (formerly Sun), and
IBM can
>of requiring to count the number of sent SIGUSR1's.
>More, in traditions of malloc(3), /var/run/mountd.debug could be a
>which is read and interpreted as some options controlling the debug.
On May 19, 2019 12:00:58 PM EDT, Rick Macklem wrote:
>Cy Schubert wrote:
>[lots of stuff snipped]
>>Instead of syslog() calls, DTrace probes are designed for this type of
>DTrace us way too obscure for
to wireless or back you
are on another network, there is no way to know what network you're on
until dhclient is killed and restarted.
OK, so we automatically restart dhclient every time then: Problem: this
is highly disruptive when you happen to be connected to the same
network don't need
>To unsubscribe, send any mail to
Could this be a possible race? I had an unrelated build failure on one of my
machines, all with the same src tree. Simply restarting the failed buildworld
resolved it. All my other machines had no
In message
, Warner Losh writes:
> --c175e9058b881f98
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
> On Mon, Jun 17, 2019, 8:06 AM Cy Schubert wrote:
> > On June 17, 2019 3:55:45 AM PDT, "Bjoern A. Zeeb" wrote:
> > >On 17 Jun 2
mkesdb.1.gz mkesdb.full.meta yacc.o
lex.c.metamkesdb.1.gz.meta mkesdb.meta yacc.o.meta
lex.o mkesdb.debug yacc.c
lex.o.metamkesdb.debug.meta yacc.c.meta
mkesdbmkesdb.full yacc.h < here it is
rror code 1
> >
> > Stop.
> > make[3]: stopped in /usr/src/usr.bin/mkesdb_static
> >
> > A double waste of CPU & human time & power in a hot office.
> > Commit bits used to be suspended for un-buildable code. I'll boot
> > stable.
bad commits.
> My time ran out.
> Current does not benefit from commits that break buildworld.
> I (like a friend before) must switch to stable to avoid breakage.
This my friend was not a bad commit. From what I can tell you are the
only person having a problem. That, as my previous
In message , Enji
Cooper writes
> > On Jun 17, 2019, at 18:26, Cy Schubert wrote:
> >
> > Now that I'm back home, to reply inline re the yacc.h issue.
> >
> > In message <>, "Julian
>To unsubscribe, send any mail to
This is a generated file. It would appear the make target to build yacc.h
hadn't run yet by the time the target that consumed the file ran.
I had a similar problem on Sunday. It wasn't yacc
don't know the details, just remember seeing some commits about that.
> I remember that as well. This might have changed the dependency order subtly,
> introducing a race.
Cy Schubert
FreeBSD UNIX: Web:
The need of the many outweighs th
t fine after simply restarting it.
I've experienced these oddities before Bryan's series of commits though
I thought it was a strange coincidence one of four would fail a day
after the makefile changes. Hence my choice of words: exacerbated.
> Correction: I meant Julian Stacey.
; > >
> > > Thanks,
> > > -Enji
> > >
> > > PS This is one of the reasons why I wasnât quick to discount Peter
> > > Jeremyâs reported build issue.
> >
> > Correction: I meant Julian Stacey.
> Julian Stacey has 3 proble
>> FYI...
>> Jung-uk Kim
>In my machine, some executable, such as chromium, perl will hang like
>It is also fixed by reverting r349154. Thanks.
yone the
right to go postal in a virtual way. The fact is a person can attract more good
will by objectively addressing the problem rather than subjectively attacking
the person, or in this case attacking the group of people. It's like being
bitten by a dog. You want nothing to do with the an
;t much care about 1 and 2.
>> >
>> > Bingo! My point exactly!
>> You can't understand the frustration of 25 years of
>> having system build breakage on a pretty regular basis
>> as a trigger point for anger?
>I understand how inapprop
suspicion is correct. My firewall panicked with a similar
traceback. Reverting it provided some relief. I'll post the traceback
on svn-src in reply to Doug's commit email.
Cy Schubert
FreeBSD UNIX: Web:
The need of the"
I've seen clients inadvertently DoS themselves when I was a Solaris admin.
Solaris never used limits for tmpfs.
As to how we arrived at 20m, I recall an OSF/1 course where the instructor
intimated that 20m was industry best practice
rror: struct inferior *find_inferior_pid(int): As
> sertion 'pid != 0' failed.
> And I also try the gdb in ports/devel, and got the same error.
> Any workaround for the error?
Which kgdb are you using? The /usr/libexec one or the port?
Cy Schubert
tely rebuild this video
>driver module which has nothing to do with the machine the build is
>And it's not just about crossbuilds, because it's about versions too.
>Even when a developer is running 13-current and wants their video
>driver rebuilt and inst
ash_test /usr/tests/lib/libc/hash/hash_t
> est
> make[7]: don't know how to make _testsDATA_FILESINS1_data/md5test-in. Stop
> make[7]: stopped in /usr/src/lib/libc/tests/hash
> *** Error code 2
> The original context was -r350364 .
Revert r351055 and installworld co
efault to on with an opt out mechanism perhaps
>while we gain experience change this to a default to off with
>an opt in mechanism?
>Sadly I do not have proposed solution, but something better
>than what is there now needs to be found.
Could we have a .src.conf in the r
On August 16, 2019 4:32:18 PM PDT, "Rodney W. Grimes"
>> On Fri, 16 Aug 2019 15:40:24 -0700
>> Cy Schubert wrote:
>> > On August 16, 2019 2:51:22 PM PDT, "Rodney W. Grimes"
>> > wrote:
>> > >> On 8/14/19 3:40 P
, send any mail to
Yes. I replied privately, this is fixed now. Thank you for the quick fix.
Pardon the typos and autocorrect, small keyboard in use.
Cy Schubert
FreeBSD UNIX: Web:
The need of the many outwe
> kern.elf64.aslr.enable=3D0
> # service ntpd status
> ntpd is running as pid 30528.
I'll take a look at this. When you get a chance can you open a PR for this
and assign the ticket to me, please.
Cy Schubert
FreeBSD UNIX: Web:
In message <>, Konstantin Belousov writes:
> On Thu, Sep 05, 2019 at 06:07:22AM -0700, Cy Schubert wrote:
> > In message <20190905063354.qxecqjkafikdtdyq@vzakharov>, Vladimir Zakharov
> > write
> > s:
> > >
> > >
In message <>, Cy Schubert
> In message <>, Konstantin Belousov writes:
> > On Thu, Sep 05, 2019 at 06:07:22AM -0700, Cy Schubert wrote:
> > > In message <20190905063354.qxec
In message <>, Cy Schubert
> In message <>, Cy Schubert
> writes:
> > In message <>, Konstantin Belousov writes:
> > > On Th
In message <>, Konstantin Belousov writes:
> On Sat, Sep 07, 2019 at 12:53:19AM -0700, Harlan Stenn wrote:
> > Cy,
> >
> > On 9/6/2019 4:56 PM, Cy Schubert wrote:
> > > ...
> > >
> > > For those who en
In message <>, Konstantin Belousov writes:
> On Sat, Sep 07, 2019 at 06:09:16AM -0700, Cy Schubert wrote:
> > In message <>, Konstantin Belousov writes:
> > > On Sat, Sep 07, 2019 at 12:53:19AM -0700,
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