k space, mirroring the entire repo
> infeasible...]
> Transferring the entire source tree over the network via anoncvs is
> suboptimal when all I really want is a few kilobytes of 'CVS'
> subdirectories. But I guess it will have to do for now.
home office workhorse
(fileserver, SAMBA, print spooler, mail server, and firewall).
Is there any way that I can build ports on the fast -STABLE box
using a -CURRENT cross-environment?
Chris BeHanna http://www.pennasoft.com
Principal Consultant
t; about application-layer benchmarks for other protocols, such as SMTP,
> > POP3, or IMAP?
> >
> > Just curious. Thanks!
> This can quickly turn into a bikeshed, but suggest ones. We're looking for
> good benchmarks. lmbench, rawio, and bonniee are rather &q
, rather than roll my own.
Chris BeHanna http://www.pennasoft.com
Principal Consultant
PennaSoft Corporation
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better code than gcc does, even than gcc -O3 (and all
> known optimizations on).
Is someone working on such a port?
Will a "bootstrap" port to build it with GCC be part of the work?
Chris BeHanna http://www.pennasoft.com
Principal Consultant
hors. Of course, the "no warranty" aspects of
> > open source drivers turns a blind eye to liability, but would things really
> > come back to Broadcom?
> The logic is simple. the FCC hold the manufacturer responsible for
> improper RF from any product. The Br
r since I am sure "patching" it won't be enough to map the
> linux innards to freebsd's.
Get someone to pair with you and do a clean-room implementation.
One of you studies the GPL'd driver and writes a specification. The
other writes a BSD-lic
hat have
been acquired by processes on host A. I have not tried these tests on
To be fair, I only recently read (here) that rpc.lockd has to
run on the client side as well as on the server side, and I have
not yet repeated my tests. That's on my List of Things to Do RSN.
ed for some kind of overall
architectural document, as well as the difficulty of keeping it
up-to-date, but it would be of tremendous help to everyone working on
the project. *If* developers can get used to updating the in-comment
documentation whenever they make changes, then this reference would