Amancio Hasty wrote:
> Curious why are you cvsupping every couple of minutes ?
He isn't. He's saying normally when he cvsups, it only takes a couple of
minutes, not that he does it every couple of minutes. At least that's the
way I read it.
Ben Smithurst| PGP:
Adrian Penisoara wrote:
> (cc uses /var/tmp for
> temporary files)
so do "TMPDIR=/tmp; export TMPDIR", problem solved. (Or just use -pipe
when compiling.)
Ben Smithurst| PGP: 0x99392F7D
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | key available from keyservers and
let me know.
This is a fairly recent -current, cvsupped around 1 a.m. GMT saturday
Ben Smithurst / [EMAIL PROTECTED] / PGP: 0x99392F7D
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e to sync the time to my ISP's
servers when ever I go online, I can't see it being easy to tell xntpd
to sync the time when I tell it to, and only when I tell it to. Unless
you know otherwise? :-)
Ben Smithurst / [EMAIL PROTECTED] / PGP: 0x99392F7D
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the DNS lookup can fail
quickly, but it will take a while to timeout with an intermittent
connection. :-(
Ben Smithurst / [EMAIL PROTECTED] / PGP: 0x99392F7D
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with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message
> 1 error
> *** Error code 2
> 1 error
> --
> How would I fix that.
Add NO_OPENSSH=true and NO_OPENSSL=true to /etc/make.conf, that fixed it
for me.
Ben Smithurst / [EMAIL PROTECTED] / PGP: 0x99392F7D
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William Woods wrote:
> Grr..cant say I like that idea, I would like to have them both...
Oh. You *have* cvsup'ed the cvs-crypto collection, right? I think that's
the one you need.
Ben Smithurst / [EMAIL PROTECTED] / PGP: 0x99392F7D
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> --- to here
well, that will fix it for "localhost", but for the more general case
of other unqualified hostnames (I guess I should have made this clearer
earlier on). Still, I'll put that line in anyway.
Ben Smithurst / [EMAIL PROTECTED] / PGP: 0x99392F7D
To Unsubscribe:
ot; in /etc/hosts for either address type
lookup "foo.domain." in DNS ()
lookup "foo.domain." in DNS (A)
lookup "foo." in DNS ()
lookup "foo." in DNS (A)
this seems the best to me, but I wouldn't know if it's a) easy, b) possible,
c) standard
won't apply to freebsd-current.
oh, OK. As long as it's kind of known about and not just something I've
broken locally.
Ben Smithurst / [EMAIL PROTECTED] / PGP: 0x99392F7D
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nt an idle hangup (assuming you use idle
> timeouts).
ok. I wasn't aware that ntpd would constantly try to sync... I thought
it would just try every few minutes, which might miss a connection. I'll
look at this then, I didn't realise it was so easy. :-)
Ben Smithurst /
I wrote:
> I'm not sure where /etc/hosts would go.
sorry, forget that bit, I wrote that before I'd finished writing the
search order, which did include /etc/hosts in the end.
Ben Smithurst / [EMAIL PROTECTED] / PGP: 0x99392F7D
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things seem to be working better now, as the initial IPv6 query
> More description can be found in NetBSD PR I've replied (URL
> attached in one of previous emails).
I'll take a look. Thanks for the help.
Ben Smithurst / [EMAIL
ke installworld'. The first
> make will install the new install-info binary which has the new
> options, the second make will use that binary to install the info
> files.
Isn't that overkill? I just did "cd
/usr/src/gnu/usr.bin/texinfo/install-info; make install" before a no
William Woods wrote:
> My ISP mail was down for about 5 hrs yesterday..what is the 4.0 release
> cvsup tag?
Better to ask that after 4.0 is released, then there might actually be a
valid answer other than "there isn't one". :-) I think it's planned for
ssh$ grep ssh-askpass *
ssh.h: * Default path to ssh-askpass used by ssh-add,
ssh.h:#define SSH_ASKPASS_DEFAULT "/usr/X11R6/bin/ssh-askpass"
have you tried putting it in that location?
Ben Smithurst / [EMAIL PROTECTED] / PGP: 0x99392F7D
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_NPX irq 13
device rl
device sc0 at isa?
device vga0at isa?
pseudo-device bpf 4
pseudo-device loop
pseudo-device ether
pseudo-device pty
pseudo-device splash
If you want more information, let me know.
Ben Smithurst / [EMAIL PROTECTED] / PGP: 0x99392F7D
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with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message
Perhaps there's some flag I missed. If there is no way, there should
be; perhaps a -W flag for wider output for IPv6 addresses? I'll try
this myself if people think it would be a good idea, or have any better
ideas, but it may be too much for me. :-)
Ben Smithurs
e: netstat [-Aan] [-f address_family] [-M core] [-N system]
netstat [-abdghimnrs] [-f address_family] [-M core] [-N system]
netstat [-bdn] [-I interface] [-M core] [-N system] [-w wait]
netstat [-M core] [-N system] [-p protocol]
Ben Smithurst / [EMAIL PROTECTED] /
Jim Bloom wrote:
> The tag was laid down earlier today. Here is what my current kernel
> claims to be at the moment:
I saw the RELENG_4 tag in my cvsup log, but I don't think that's the
same as the 4.0 release tag is it? That would be RELENG_4_0_0_RELEASE
Ben Sm
angers must be host names, not IP addresses.
Ben Smithurst| PGP: 0x99392F7D
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | key available from keyservers and
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e never had any problems sending mail from my
dialup (which has a static IP address -- I think static IP dialups are
exempt from many dialup blocking lists), and I hope this will continue.
Ben Smithurst| PGP: 0x99392F7D
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | key available from keyservers and
_getuid retries: 1
Oct 3 12:48:00 scientia identd[93188]: getbuf: bad address (137b not in
c0116360-0xFFC0) - ofile
Oct 3 12:48:00 scientia identd[93188]: k_getuid retries: 1
but I haven't got round to looking into it much. Other than those two
errors, it works fine.
Ben Smi
mis-configurations which will soon be fixed.
Ben Smithurst| PGP: 0x99392F7D
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | key available from keyservers and
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with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in
if (fd < 0)
err(1, "open");
if (flock(fd, LOCK_EX) != 0)
err(1, "flock");
switch (fork()) {
case -1:
err(1, "fork");
case 0:
0:00.01 /usr/libexec/getty Pc ttyv2
> That just means that on your 4.0 box, the gettys have been swapped out.
Wouldn't there be a difference in the STAT columns on each system if
that were the case? (A 'W' according to ps(1) for the swapped out
Ben Smithurst
ported problems with an HP 8100 on (I think) -stable
recently. Maybe coincidence, maybe not.
Ben Smithurst / [EMAIL PROTECTED] / PGP: 0x99392F7D
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with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message
;? It looks as though if_tx.c is #including "bpf.h" when
nothing else in /sys/pci seems to, which strikes me as odd as well.
Ben Smithurst / [EMAIL PROTECTED] / PGP: 0x99392F7D
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to be working for me. Of course, I'm on 4.0-stable, so if that works
for you anyway and it's just 5.0-current which is broken, ignore me.
Ben Smithurst / [EMAIL PROTECTED] / PGP: 0x99392F7D
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with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message
thought it might have been an
artifact of my botched installation attempt on that machine. This was a
clean 5.0 install, not an upgrade of any kind.
Ben Smithurst / [EMAIL PROTECTED] / PGP: 0x99392F7D
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with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message
> neutron:/usr/home/mp3 9591515 9298876 29263997%/usr/home/mp3
> neutron:/usr/home/brenn 695311 5948384484993%/usr/home/brenn
You probably have a symlink in the client path somewhere. Is /usr/home
a symlink to /home or something?
Ben Smithurst /
care to fix it? :-) Whether it's a bug in the mount(8) program, the
mount(2) syscall, or somewhere deeper, I don't know.
Ben Smithurst / [EMAIL PROTECTED] / PGP: 0x99392F7D
PGP signature
Both the original postings look normal in mutt whichever way I use to
> look at them.
Try "|less". I think it says a lot that you have to make special effort
to even _see_ the virus on FreeBSD, when on Windows it probably gets
executed by default...
Ben Smithurst / [EMAIL PROTECTED] / PGP: 0x99392F7D
PGP signature
stion. :-) Sheldon - you can
commit this yourself if you want, or shall I do it and you just take
care of passing it back to KAME? It's releated to PR 19163 by the way.
Ben Smithurst / [EMAIL PROTECTED] / PGP: 0x99392F7D
PGP signature
Sheldon Hearn wrote:
> On Tue, 11 Jul 2000 14:56:35 +0100, Ben Smithurst wrote:
>> 'pseudo-device stf' gives an error, stf lives in the gif driver, so this
>> is required really. Is that ok? Is there anyone at KAME I should send
>> this to as well?
Hajimu UMEMOTO wrote:
>>>>>> On Tue, 11 Jul 2000 14:56:35 +0100
>>>>>> Ben Smithurst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> ben> 'pseudo-device stf' gives an error, stf lives in the gif driver, so this
> ben> is required really. Is tha
Kris Kennaway wrote:
> On Tue, 11 Jul 2000, Ben Smithurst wrote:
>> 'pseudo-device stf' gives an error, stf lives in the gif driver, so this
>> is required really. Is that ok? Is there anyone at KAME I should send
>> this to as well?
> Um, &qu
count=0'' first. That makes ifconfig work for me at least, I'm not sure
if it's the "right" way.
Ben Smithurst / [EMAIL PROTECTED] / PGP: 0x99392F7D
FreeBSD Documentation Project /
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"%s", piaddr (broadcast));
I think this needs fixing.
Ben Smithurst / [EMAIL PROTECTED] / PGP: 0x99392F7D
FreeBSD Documentation Project /
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with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message
Ben Smithurst wrote:
> dhclient seems to be broken, it's giving me the all zeroes broadcast
> address instead of all ones:
> inet netmask 0xfff0 broadcast
> (should be broadcast
ok, ignore this, it seems to b
If you change port numbers in /etc/services, things will break.
> What if you _have_ no services running, e.g. inetd & portmap?
?? What relevance does that have to your problem/question?
Ben Smithurst / [EMAIL PROTECTED] / PGP: 0x99392F7D
FreeBSD Documentat
see for rc.local not to
get read at boot time. I'd recommend the original poster compare his
other /etc/rc* files with those in /usr/src/etc to make sure there has
been no local modification to remove the code which calls rc.local.
Ben Smithurst / [EMAIL PROTECTED] / PGP: 0x99392F7D
To Unsu
+ if mount | grep -q "devfs on /dev "; then
+ fi
;; # End of the "RERUN" test
Ben Smithurst / [EMAIL PROTECTED] / PGP: 0x99392F7D
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James Johnson wrote:
> Having to specify
> which kernel to build with the KERNEL= parameter seems to indicate that
> people should be running GENERIC kernels all the time as it is the default.
No, it seems to indicate that you should specify KERNEL=YOURKERNEL in
s cp < bigfilelist
> should do the trick.
Err, neither of those will work if there are too many filenames for a
single invokation of "cp" since none but the last will get the "destdir"
Ben Smithurst / [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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#x27;t remember the details. If it's still needed
perhaps you could commit it, I have no time at the moment for FreeBSD
stuff unfortunately, I might after June 2nd when my exams have finished
and I've got nothing much else to do for 4 whole months. :-)
Ben Smithurst / [EMAIL PROTECTE
rmission denied". The
> build process will want to write files. Your filesystem is mounted as
> read-only.
All writes during a buildworld are supposed to go to /usr/obj, not
Ben Smithurst / [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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and the default config file will exclude cd*, acd*, and md*.
Also, you shouldn't get these errors soon even if diskcheckd did try to
check the CD drive, because it will no longer read in 512 byte blocks.
Ben Smithurst / [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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ben@ref5:~$ sysctl kern.disks
kern.disks: ad0
i.e. floppies aren't included in kern.disks.
Not sure about zip disks, and if tapes are included in kern.disks
there's something very broken going on. ;-)
Ben Smithurst / [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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s writing it though, but this seems to be
causing problems for people. :-(
I think excluding CDs and MDs should solve most of the problems that
have been reported, I'm not sure what the situation with zip/jaz type
things is though. Are they included in kern.disks? Anyone?
Ben Smit
Dag-Erling Smorgrav wrote:
> Ben Smithurst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> I was gonna commit a fix for this, but after reporting the problem DES
>> never tested the patch I supplied. :-(
> I never got a patch.
Oh. Well I'll leave you to figure out why the
" ] && cmd="egrep -v ${ignore#|}" || cmd=cat
-if mount -p | $cmd > $TMP; then
+if mount -p | $cmd | sort > $TMP; then
if [ ! -f $LOG/ ]; then
echo "no $LOG/"
Ben Smithurst / [EMAIL PROTECTED] / PGP: 0x99392F7D
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ice sc 1
device sio
device splash
device vga
device vn 4
Ben Smithurst / [EMAIL PROTECTED] / PGP: 0x99392F7D
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Ben Smithurst wrote:
> A kernel from the latest sources gets a page fault in sched_ithd. DDB says:
> Stopped at: sched_ithd+0x3c:movl $0x01,0x14(%edi)
> Any ideas what's wrong?
After poking around a bit with remote GDB, this seems to be caused by a
stray I
he time.
Mike wrote:
>> Isn't a stray IRQ a hardware glitch? If so, I'd say that logging it
>> and then ignoring it would be the right thing.
If people think so then I'll improve my patch a bit to do this. I
agree, unless there's a better way to fix the problem.
Ben Smithurst wrote:
> Greg Lehey wrote:
>> Sorry, I missed the beginning of this. Could somebody send me the
>> patch? I'd assume that a relatively simple check would handle the
>> issue, based on what I've seen here.
> I've lost the actua
in sched_ithd() before it ever de-references ir. I've some up with a
slightly bigger patch which adds stray IRQ logging too, but I haven't
tested that yet.
Ben Smithurst / [EMAIL PROTECTED] / PGP: 0x99392F7D
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to sound weird, but did you rebuild the kernel? I'm
*sure* I had my system at one point such that ssh worked with the new
kernel but not with the old one. I'm not sure why, perhaps I was
Ben Smithurst / [EMAIL PROTECTED] / PGP: 0x99392F7D
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gt; 0 && p->p_pid == 1)
return EPERM;
Ben Smithurst / [EMAIL PROTECTED] / PGP: 0x99392F7D
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with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message
n't help when you
want to read more than one file, one of which is stdin.
> If anything I would propose we ditch it...
And break loads of scripts at the same time?
Ben Smithurst / [EMAIL PROTECTED] / PGP: 0x99392F7D
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with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message
k with "-" instead of "/dev/stdin" but I
personally think it's the "-" hack to mean stdin/stdout which should be
abolished, not /dev/std{in,out,err}. No doubt others will disagree.
Ben Smithurst / [EMAIL PROTECTED] / PGP: 0x99392F7D
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Bruce Evans wrote:
> On Sat, 9 Sep 2000, Ben Smithurst wrote:
>> After poking around a bit with remote GDB, this seems to be caused by a
>> stray IRQ 7, since irq == 7, ir == ithds[irq] == NULL, ir->foo == BOOM.
>> The attached rather crude patch has
orld in a state of change
> described in a cvs-all or current message I missed or hadn't read yet?
This is an intentional change, and was discussed on freebsd-arch. I'm
not sure why you needed to fix anything though, it should have worked
Ben Smithurst / [EMAIL PR
s 0x10 on isa0
sio1: type 16450
vga0: at port 0x3c0-0x3df iomem 0xa-0xb on isa0
ep0: <3Com 3C509-Combo EtherLink III> at port 0x300-0x30f irq 10 on isa0
ep0: Ethernet address 00:a0:24:eb:f4:a2
ad0: 407MB [898/15/62] at ata0-master using BIOSPIO
Mounting root from ufs:/dev/ad0s1a
problem first cropped up it was briefly mentioned, but
evidently no-one could be bothered to fix it at the time.
Ben Smithurst / [EMAIL PROTECTED] / PGP: 0x99392F7D
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ix for
this tonight and MFC it soon.
Ben Smithurst / [EMAIL PROTECTED] / PGP: 0x99392F7D
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with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message
MB the default /
> size, I guess few care too much about that anymore.
I'd prefer it in /usr/sbin, some of my root partitions are only 32MB,
and that's not big enough at the moment. If your /usr is hosed to
the extent you can't mount it you've probably got more problems t
I forgot to fix that. :-(
Fixed now, I hope. If this fixes it for you I'll MFC it.
Ben Smithurst / [EMAIL PROTECTED] / PGP: 0x99392F7D
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10008494, size 321300 : OK
ffs_mountfs: superblock updated for soft updates
ffs_mountfs: superblock updated for soft updates
ffs_mountfs: superblock updated for soft updates
ffs_mountfs: superblock updated for soft updates
splash: image decoder found: green_saver
Ben Smithurst
Brian Feldman wrote:
> It could. Ahem... are you absolutely certain there are no messages in
> /var/log/messages that happen before the reboot?
Completely certain, there was nothing in /var/log/all either (which as
the name suggests, all syslog messages are written to).
Ben Smith
Dmitry Valdov wrote:
> Is there Any way to fix it?
Yes. Limit the number of processes they can have in /etc/login.conf. If
they've already done it once, appropriate use of a baseball bat may make
them think twice about doing it again.
Ben Smithurst
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