Gabor Kovesdan writes:
>>$ make installworld TARGET=i386 DESTDIR=/b/bbb
>>===> usr.bin/mkcsmapper (install)
>>install -s -o root -g wheel -m 555 mkcsmapper /b/bbb/usr/bin
>>strip: /b/bbb/usr/bin/mkcsmapper: File format not recognized
>>install: wait: No such
Gabor Kovesdan writes:
> Em 2010.06.17. 23:21, Anonymous escreveu:
>>> If cross-compiling doesn't work, how did you build the former one that
>>> gave you that error?
>> Here is my guess
>> libiconv_modules compiles fine but instal
(my previous mail didn't appear in the archives)
Anonymous writes:
> Gabor Kovesdan writes:
>> Here's the new patch, which is supposed to fix the following issues:
>> - Fixed build on amd64 and fixed cross-compiling
>> - Fixed hang when linked to libthr
Kostik Belousov writes:
> On Mon, May 24, 2010 at 06:58:56PM +0900, Kohji Okuno wrote:
>> Thank you for your comments.
>> In my usage, it works good by the patch appended to this mail.
> The patch is probably a start in the right direction. But, it would be
> much better to install sys/i386/
I've got a breakage in bin/csh
$ make depend
grep '[FV]_' /usr/src/bin/csh/../../contrib/tcsh/ed.defns.c | grep '^#define'
>> ed.defns.h
grep 'ERR_' /usr/src/bin/csh/../../contrib/tcsh/sh.err.c | grep '^#define' >>
cc -E -O2 -pipe -march=native -I. -I/usr/src/bin/csh
(the message didn't get into the list because of silly typo: `cuirrent@'
instead of `current@')
Gabor Kovesdan writes:
> I've fixed the last two issues that were reported. If you encounter
> something more, please let me know.
Thanks. But I think there is another issue affecting usr.bin/kdump/m
Juergen Lock writes:
> On Sun, Jul 25, 2010 at 12:59:00AM +0200, Juergen Lock wrote:
>> On Sat, Jul 24, 2010 at 05:17:51PM -0400, Ryan Stone wrote:
>> > I believe that you should be using and
>> Aaah thank you! :) I shall make a patch tomorrow.
> Anyone want to test this patch on head?
Can anyone confirm?
$ mkdir foo
$ echo >foo/bar
$ ln -s /usr/include foo/baz
$ find foo -ls
579143 drwxr-xr-x2 holo holo4
Jul 30 11:08 foo
579821 lrwxr-xr-x1 holo holo 12
Jul 30 11:08 foo/baz -> /
Tim Kientzle writes:
> The -L handling here looks correct, though. Remember
> that -L means "follow symlinks", which means that foo/baz
> should get created in the target as a directory and not as
> a symlink, which is exactly what you've shown.
> If you want blah/foo/baz to be a symlink
Gabor Kovesdan writes:
>> It works if I specify both `-t' and `-f'. And crashes when none
>> specified or only one of them.
> Thanks, I've fixed this and the mtree problem, as well. I hope this
> one now works properly on amd64:
$ bsd-iconv
Hello All,
The disk encryption on my NAS (RAIDZ1 + ZFS + GELI (aes-128-xts)) is
running much slower than expected (80MB/S). It seems that GELI is much
slower than openssl for aes-128-xts, the results might be similar for
other cipher, but I only verified aes-128-xts and aes-128-cbc.
My NAS is run
Hellø¸ ãll ýøu kewl hãcker ð00ðZ!
Mãý Ï reþørt this ãs ã bug¸ ør wøulð ýøu ãgree thãt this is
better ðescribeð ãs ãn unðøcumenteð Feãture?
Ýesterðãý´s instãll fløþþies øf -STÃBLË ãnð -©Û®®ËNT...
Ï think this line in /etc/rc.cønf is the þrøblem:
Ï´m nøt cømþlãinin
I tried booting from a pair of kern/mfsroot floppies downloaded from, and no go. the kbd attach fails with 6. This
also happens with grabbing the most current pair of floppies from
today, as well as the beginning of Aug floppies, so this seems to be
b0rken for quite s
On 2585 Sep 1993 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I tried booting from a pair of kern/mfsroot floppies downloaded from
>, and no go. the kbd attach fails with 6. This
What is more, now that I've had success on some other hardware, is
that what I thought was a New Feature is proba
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