I had forgotten last night.
> What do you others think?
> Greg
> --
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of disk io activities and
problem went away by switching to DMA.
Amancio Hasty
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Curious why are you cvsupping every couple of minutes ?
Amancio Hasty
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Arghh... Yeap, upon reading the original message again it reads
as you have stated .
I need more sleep ... 8)
> On Sun, 4 Jul 1999, Amancio Hasty wrote:
> > Curious why are you cvsupping every couple of minutes ?
> I think what was meant was that the CVS
rvlet and query from dhcpd.
What do you guys think?
Amancio Hasty
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el is currently available). Also, a Linux version
> (based on RedHat 5.2 with a 2.0.37 kernel) is currently in beta (the
> distributed beta is a 2.0.36 kernel, though).
> -Mark Taylor
> NetMAX Developer
> http://www.netmax.com/
starting with www 8)
> At 02:29 PM 7/4/99 -0700, Amancio Hasty wrote:
> >Record locking and batch requests is a bit more difficult to solve perhaps
> >someone in the list can shed light into this problem for instance does
> >LDAPv3 provide such mechanism?
Hi Guys,
Lets pick up this discussion on http://www.openldap.org and
the mailing list :
Amancio Hasty
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Not sure if this will help
My test / compile box : Pentium III 450 MHZ with 8 gig ide disk drive
does not hang at all . FreeBSD-current is about a week old.
Amancio Hasty
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> "In jedem Stück Kohle wartet ein Diamant auf seine Geburt"
> (Terry Pratchett)
> To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message
Amancio Has
microcode for your VIA chipset?
Amancio Hasty
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anging hard
for instance with the Bt848 driver.
The bottom line is that if it is working for you great.
Amancio Hasty
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while you are at it try to compile a kernel with symbols ...
Amancio Hasty
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> On Sun, 25 Jul 1999, Amancio Hasty wrote:
> > while you are at it try to compile a kernel with symbols ...
> I already have (this is my standard practice). What should I do with it
> here?
> Kris
Well, if the process is not in a zombie state and you c
Try tcpdump which is in the system . man tcpdump.
Amancio Hasty
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I would starrt by looking at the api and making the mods to X11R6
and if you can do a net search on xdm and kerberos -- there is an
X11R6 xdm for kerberos 5 floating around.
Amancio Hasty
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Fine , take it up with the kerberos group over at MIT -- it is hard
to believe that they would not have patches for X11R6 and
proper protocol.
> Amancio Hasty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I would starrt by looking at the api and making the mods to X11R6
> No,
Well, he can run "ktrace -di ./MAKEDEV " then
kdump >foo.dump
Or compile sh with debug symbols and trace down the failure.
Amancio Hasty
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Any one care to recommend a CD writer for FreeBSD-current since thats
typically what I run over here.
Amancio Hasty
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Sorry about that . The emphasis is more on the hardware and second is the
software -- I usually get around problems with the software.
Is there any support for IDE CD writers or are they not worth bothering with
on FreeBSD.
> On Sun, 15 Aug 1999, Amancio Hasty wr
Most Cool!
Is there a list of IDE cd writers which work FreeBSD?
Tnks Again!
> On Mon, 16 Aug 1999, Amancio Hasty wrote:
> >
> > Sorry about that . The emphasis is more on the hardware and second is the
> > software -- I usually get around pr
I think that emulation usually denotes simulation so I would find another term
or invent one to describe the linux emulation layer.
Amancio Hasty
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I forgot to ask about heat generation. My 10k rpm scsi disks are external
due to that they like to run hot so my cd recorder most likely will also
be external.
Tnks for the info on the Yamaha!
> On Mon, 16 Aug 1999, Amancio Hasty wrote:
> >
> >
So can we have the manufacture and model of your cd-recorder ? 8)
Browsing a little over at http://www.buy.com and noticed that they
have quite a few Plextor cd recorders so I am wondering if
anyone has any experience with Plextor cd recorders...
Amancio Hasty
; or some such...
> I'd just like to have it described as running a program in "linux mode"
> In Linux mode, FreeBSD appears exactly a s alinux muchine would to a Linux
> program and the program can run un-modified.
> (Now that Red Hat has a market capi
have a nice web article on why they are
using FreeBSD 8)
And I have to kill this thread lets continue on -chat
Amancio Hasty
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Okay, I will bite.
What would you call the linux emulator to convey the proper
meaning to the suits types?
Amancio Hasty
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and 24X CD. I like it. :)
> - Jordan
Amancio Hasty
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Oh Guys,
I simply am trying to get information on which cd-recorder works
well on FreeBSD. It will help to avoid confusion and postings if
there was a cd-record handbook section explaining all the gory
Amancio Hasty
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write the doc.
Amancio Hasty
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with your drive.
> Hmm, actually it requires Linux's `scsi emulation layer' which makes
> atapi's look like scsi's (I know this is a simplification) - FreeBSD
> currently has no equivalent :) .
> Andrew.
Amancio Hasty
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if(flags[i]) {
It still needs a little work however gdb appears to work java programs
compiled with "gcj" -- GNU's java compiler -- java to native binary ..
gcj still needs work however it is starting to shape up.
Perhaps PHK could add this item to his list of baby
hacker projects...
> Amancio Hasty wrote...
> > Lets see what the CAM people have to say about providing an
> > interface to ATAPI CDs including CD recorders.
> >
> > >
> > >
> > &
ealings with Soren in the past have not beeng that
smooth -- This is not a flame rather a fact.
Nevertheless, if no one else volunteers to respond to the linux
challenge I can take a peek at the CAM stuff and ATAPI to
see how difficult it would be to integrate .
Amancio Hasty
Where did you get your Yamaha cd writer ?
Amancio Hasty
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Tnks I will drive around a little , Fry's , compusa , central computers --
they are all very close to were I live in Sunnyvale, California.
Tnks Again Guys!
Amancio Hasty
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with "unsubscribe freebsd-c
Last but not least tnks to all who responded to my original
P.S.: Going off-line to install my brand new cd recorder and I am very
happy to get off my dat drive for backups 8)
Amancio Hasty
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Again a very good advice.
Got four CD-RW . Two came with the unit and I bought 2 HP CD-RW disks.
Plus got 5 CD-R . Those I will save much much later 8)
Tnks Again!
Amancio Hasty
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CD-ROM SCSI-2 device
cd0: 10.000MB/s transfers (10.000MHz, offset 15)
cd0: Attempt to query device size failed: NOT READY, Medium not presen
Amancio Hasty
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with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in t
scsidev: '1,0'
scsibus: 0 target: 1 lun: 0
Device type: Removable CD-ROM
Version: 2
Response Format: 2
Capabilities : SYNC
Vendor_info: 'YAMAHA '
Identifikation : 'CRW6416S'
Revision : '1.0b'
Device seems to be: Generic mmc CD-
print the device's name and its
scsi address:
cd0 at ahc0 bus 0 target 1 lun 0
cd0: Removable CD-ROM SCSI-2 device
Amancio Hasty
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e sky:
Do step 2 and use xml as your protocol . For instance , if
an app such gcombust sents a status query to the plug-in
its response should be encapsulated in xml : detailing the device ,
current status : recording/pause/playing/stop.
Amancio Hasty
> Amancio Hasty wrote...
> > I have to agree with Matt on this plus the set of defaults is system wide .
> What are you agreeing with him on? Why not quote what you're talking
> about?
> > Is it possible to get a system bus enumeration from the system so
> Amancio Hasty wrote...
> > > Amancio Hasty wrote...
> > > > I have to agree with Matt on this plus the set of defaults is system wide .
> > >
> > > What are you agreeing with him on? Why not quote what you're talking
> > > about?
> Amancio Hasty wrote...
> > > There is a generic SCSI bus enumerator API, and one for PCI as well. There
> > > isn't a generic API to get trees of devices of any type in the system,
> > > though. With new-bus that might be possible, but having done two
an on FreeBSD/x86?
> Another possible source for SIGBUS should be generated when accessing
> a mmap'd region past the end of a file.
The boehm garbage collector is trying to find the memory limit so I guess
in FreeBSD is going to get a SIGBUS.
In linux they get SIGV
x27;53 187332 208759 50398656 4572141 10938 audio
113:40'65 208760 225324 38960880 35347018456 audio
125:21'07 225325 249406 56640864 5138328 12292 audio
total 55:25'32
a problem.
I could be wrong;nevertheless, last nite I made a couple of CDs over
500MB with "blank=fast" and it worked.
Amancio Hasty
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It wouldn't surprise me if it was a linux fan who made the posting
and probably in reaction to the great success of Red Hat's IPO:
"They are making fortunes with my code!! "
Well thats what I read and I think it was on www.zdnet.com
Amancio Hasty
Fixating time: 129.090s
cdrecord: fifo had 10034 puts and 10034 gets.
cdrecord: fifo was 0 times empty and 9713 times full, min fill was 89%.
This is like the third time that I writing pretty much the same image
to the CD.
Amancio Hasty
To Unsubscribe
> As Amancio Hasty wrote ...
> >
> >
> > Or does tosha work with CAM?
> It does for me... (3.2-stable).
I think is that tosha does not know how to read audio tracks with
my Yamaha cd recorder. The Yamaha have a slightly weird
way of reading the audi
), 9.( 165030), 10.( 187332)
11.( 208760), 12.( 225325), lead-out( 249407)
CDDB discid: 0xb80cfd0c
Tnks A Lot!
Amancio Hasty
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Please Matt "burn" a summary document ... (Gosh I have been
burning too many CDs 8) )
Amancio Hasty
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just reported having problems with cdd2wav panicking the system with:
launching cdda2wav immediately panics with:
panic: setrunqueue: invalid rtprio type
> As Amancio Hasty wrote ...
> > > As Amancio Hasty wrote ...
> > > >
/UX, and NT
5. Yamaha 6416sz scsi cd recorder.
Hidetoshi Shimokawa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> reported:
I bought DVD-RAM drive for $400.
5.2GB(double side) media is around $35, you can use them as 2.3GB x 2
Enabling raw-write in scsi_cd.c, you can newfs/mount DVD-RAM as UFS.
uite there yet you will have
to wait about a week and she responded thats not
bad take your time . Sometimes being the hacker
of the house is not an easy task 8)
Amancio Hasty
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with their product 8)
Be Happy
Amancio Hasty
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with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message
(or some simular size)
> --
Amancio Hasty
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with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message
do it nicely you may actually make
a long term friend ...
Amancio Hasty
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with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message
> Then there is no advantage in using `team' vs. ``cdrecord -fs=XX'', right?
> --
As far as I can tell there is no difference other one component less to use
and ease of use.
stream to cdrecord:
mkisofs -R /mount | cdrecord -blank=fast -v fs=4m speed=3 -
That sample command syntax is sufficient for a "normal" cd creation someone
like JKH can probably tell us if it is sufficient for creating a FreeBSD
"package" distribution --- that is a
To me in the context of cdrecord, cdrecord's option "fs" and team are
about the same. Perhaps someone more familiar with cdrecord fifo.c's
circular buffer algorithm and team can express a different opinion.
Amancio Hasty
right thats not what gcombust is,
> but its still useful for those of us who know `something'...
> On Fri, Aug 20, 1999 at 05:02:07PM -0700, Amancio Hasty wrote:
> > Yes, I tried gcombust and opted for the command line approach
> >
> > gcombust looks great ;how
The details were previously posted by .
Good Nite
Amancio Hasty
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> On Tue, 28 Dec 1999, Amancio Hasty wrote:
> > The details were previously posted by .
> >
> > Good Nite
> >
> >
> Whatever ate the details on your previous post seems to be at it again.
Here is a copy of my mail post which I received f
ree86 3.9xxx current.
More precisely :
FreeBSD -current was last cvsup on my system on Dec 23 18:59.
XFree86 3.9.xxx was cvsup on December 24th I am sorry but this is
sufficient information to reproduce the problem.
> Amancio Hasty wrot
> strategy before you do something that has people howling for your
> blood.
Thats fine . Actually "someone" did start working on the problem 8)
Take Care
Amancio Hasty
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with "unsubscribe
that is the compiler bug has been fixed.
So there appears to be two solutions to get around this problem:
1. compile without -O
2. installed the latest snapshot of gcc.
Take Care Guys
Amancio Hasty
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with &q
latest /usr/libexec/cpp behavior is also going to
break other package. Again for me is not a problem because
after a few hours I managed to circumvent the new /usr/libexec/cpp
Amancio Hasty
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17 build because the procedure
> > to build imake depends on /usr/libexec/cpp defining __FreeBSD__
> >
> > I patched locally the imake build so just for FreeBSD it adds a
> > -D__FreeBSD__
> >
> > I presumed that the latest /usr/libexec/cpp behavior is also going to
> > break other package. Again for me is not a problem because
> > after a few hours I managed to circumvent the new /usr/libexec/cpp
> > feature.
> >
Amancio Hasty
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reported compiler bug appears to be fixed in
the latest gcc-devel port.
> On Wed, 29 Dec 1999, Amancio Hasty wrote:
> !>
> !>Without -O or -O2 the program compiles okay.
> !>
> !>gcc -c bug.c
> !>
> Ouch! This looks an awful lot like th
t; should be using 'cc -E' instead.
> > >
> > > >
> > > > Forgot to post about this new feature of /usr/libexec/cpp :
> --
> \\ Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. \\ Mike Smith
> \\ Tell him he should learn how to fish himse
ay, we would probably have a new
> /usr/bin/cpp that does everything you want it to.
> > This behavior breaks the XFree86 3.9.17 build because the procedure
> > to build imake depends on /usr/libexec/cpp defining __FreeBSD__
> So use ``cc -E'' inste
> 3. Raise this issue with Cygnus.
Not really Cygnus is the wrong organization to raise this issue .
As someone else pointed out the gcc-devel port does not exhibit the bug
which I posted.
Amancio Hasty
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n't known that 3.4-R had this problem and
I am running FreeBSD -current and I got no clue as to what is
going on FreeBSD 3.xxx. The problem was reported for FreeBSD
Okay, lets hope that gcc 2.9.53 comes out before the release of FreeBSD 4.0.
Take Care
with gcc-devel some tonite to see if I can use
it for all my ports.
Some background:
I am working on XFree86 to help bring about yuv + scaling
hardware support -- my main priority is X for I if get too
side tracked I may miss my window of opportunity to
hack .
Take Care
> "David O'Brien" wrote:
> > On Wed, Dec 29, 1999 at 11:37:18AM -0800, Amancio Hasty wrote:
> > > This is the scoop.
> > ..snip..
> > > gcc -v
> > > Using builtin specs.
> > > gcc version 2.95.2 19991024 (release)
> > .
Last nite , I managed to compile all of XFree86 3.9.17 with no
compiler bugs from gcc.
/usr/local/bin/gcc -v
Reading specs from /usr/local/lib/gcc-lib/i386-portbld-freebsd4.0/2.96/specs
gcc version 2.96 19991110 (experimental)
Amancio Hasty
Joy and Happiness to All on this New Millenium !!
Amancio & Bettina
Amancio Hasty
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drive him further down: hence
thru censorship the "technical" argument was won
with virtually no technical effort at all -- Like I said
earlier very very nice tactic !
Amancio Hasty
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with "unsubscribe
ways are wrong and old fashioned...
Take Care Guys, I am back to hacking and yes
I am having a great time !
Amancio Hasty
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Curious , what is elischer.org ? 8)
Amancio Hasty
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espect to FreeBSD people can always get an upgrade or cvsup . They
want more ? Talk to JKH I am sure is willing to strike a sweet deal 8)
Amancio Hasty
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say do you know how to create an audio cd?
I want to extract tracts from different audio cds and create my
own audio cd. I have a Yamaha scsi cd writer.
Amancio Hasty
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with "unsubscribe freebsd-cu
Tnks for the tip!
I just thought that I would need to add an audio intergap between tracks
but hey if cdrecord can do it great!
Amancio Hasty
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ls -ald /dev/acd0c
brw-r- 1 root operator 19, 2 Jan 7 20:27 /dev/acd0c
Amancio Hasty
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the key 8)
Amancio Hasty
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Oh wow that looks cool -- Oh excuse me :
Never mind about the problem with report_key not working .
Back to watching ...
Amancio Hasty
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> It seems Amancio Hasty wrote:
> > Tnks
> >
> > Yes, I am running current as of today . also while trying to read a DVD
> > I think that your driver is not setting cap.dvdrom flag so when I ask for
> > report key it returns with failure. Just wondering
ut another way I sure hope we don't assume that any given email
truly identifies the individual and that the person is legally responsible
for his email handle .
Amancio Hasty
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Amancio Hasty
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es specially the newer graphic cards have tons
of memory map registers and it is of virtually no use to users.
Amancio Hasty
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period to convert over
> before dropping them cold. (Thats 1 year in -stable, and 1 year of -current).
My strategy in the past has been to develop kernel stuff for -current . The interfaces
to device drivers or modules is usually a very tiny part of the driver or module.
Amancio Ha
I am fairly certain that Java + TYA worked before Jan 7 -- haven't
upgraded my system since then.
Amancio Hasty
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If the user does specifiy a cvsup , can you decide for the user which
server is best based upon some simple statistic?
Amancio Hasty
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So have the cvsup client do the pinging to the server and extract
its current work load or other vital statistic.
Amancio Hasty
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idea to rotate on the cvs servers without
respect to latency, work load or rate of service response from
the server.
Amancio Hasty
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such scheme
Amancio Hasty
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servers or services and I am sure that there
are also widely available research papers.
Here is a "cool" pointer to a RFC archival with a query
Have Fun Guys!
Amancio Hasty
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Juniper Networks, Inc.
August 1998
Load Sharing using IP Network Address Translation (LSNAT)
Amancio Hasty
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