* Bruce Evans ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [990913 13:44]:
>> I checked, I do have rev 1.14 in place and it borks.
>> How far off is the chance of -p going haywire with some kernel options?
>Not large. I run regression tests on GENERIC and LINT (config -pp) on
>most days. Profiling hasn't caused an
> >More complete patches ahve already been applied to -current:
> >
> >RCS file: /home/ncvs/src/sys/i386/isa/prof_machdep.c,v
> >Working file: prof_machdep.c
> >head: 1.14
> I checked, I do have rev 1.14 in place and it borks.
> How far off is the chance of -p going haywire with some kernel
* Bruce Evans ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [990913 07:33]:
>> Could someone please look into compiling kernels with profiling?
>> [this is done by config -p on the kernel config file]
>It works for me. `config -pp' is broken in -current (due to an incomplete
>upgrade to egcs). `config -p' is broken in
> Could someone please look into compiling kernels with profiling?
> [this is done by config -p on the kernel config file]
It works for me. `config -pp' is broken in -current (due to an incomplete
upgrade to egcs). `config -p' is broken in RELENG_3 (due to an incomplete
upgrade to elf).
> Also
Could someone please look into compiling kernels with profiling?
[this is done by config -p on the kernel config file]
It currently fails on:
cc -c -O -pipe -Wall -Wredundant-decls -Wnested-externs -Wstrict-prototypes
-Wmissing-prototypes -Wpointer-arith -Winline -Wcast-qual