On Mon, 16 Aug 2010 at 04:50 -, Randy Bush wrote:
> is there a better way to achieve this?
I'm not sure what ca_mode is, but I have the following in my
.Xresources file:
XTerm*tiXtraScroll: true
XTerm*titeInhibit: true
These get rid of the silly alternate screen in vi, etc. There
Randy Bush writes:
> is there a better way to achieve this?
Not sure about ~/.termcap but you can just override ti/te via TERMCAP in
$ export TERM=${TERM:-xterm}
$ export TERMCAP=${TERM}:ti@:te@:tc=${TERM}:
> *** termcap.FCS Tue Jun 17 15:10:46 2003
> --- termcap Tue Jun
is there a better way to achieve this?
*** termcap.FCS Tue Jun 17 15:10:46 2003
--- termcap Tue Jun 17 15:14:15 2003
*** 299,305
adm3|3|lsi adm3:\
xterm|xterm-color|X11 terminal emulator:\
! :ti@:te@:t