You can forcibly delete wrapper package, and the do pkgdb -F and delete
dependency on it... Only XFree metaport is depends on it.
Sincerely, Maxim M. Kazachek
On Thu, 20 Mar 2003, CARTER Anthony wrote:
>I realise what wrapper is
I realise what wrapper is for, but if I type pkg_delete wrappe-1.0_2 at
the command line, I get:
pkg_delete: package 'wrapper-1.0_2' is required by these other packages
and may not be deinstalled:
I never installed wrapper, but when I did a portupgrade to the latest
XFree, I guess
CARTER Anthony wrote:
Xfree requires wrapper but seems to break GDM for user logins. Is this
normal, and can I force un-install wrapper without breaking anything?
Excuse me, I'm a bonehead. You don't need to uninstall wrapper, just
change this symbolic link:
/usr/X11R6/bin/X@ -> Xwrapper-4
to thi
wrapper is needed to run script startx by ordinary user, not root... Seems
like gdm works well for me without wrapper.
Shall we need to make XFree86-4.3.0,1 an option to install without wrapper
Sincerely, Maxim M. Kazachek
Xfree requires wrapper but seems to break GDM for user logins. Is this
normal, and can I force un-install wrapper without breaking anything?
XFreeOn Wed, 2003-03-19 at 14:43, walt wrote:
> CARTER Anthony wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I updated XFree86 this morning after a cvsup using portupgrad