> This isn't what I told you to do. This does not access your /etc/fstab
> at
> all and therefore doesn't accomplish what I was trying to help you
> determine.
> Do _this_:
> mount /home
> With no second parameter, mount will look through /etc/fstab for a
> mountpoint
> that matches /home and u
> As a diagnostic step:
> Boot up the system, and then try to manually mount the filesystem with
> the command 'mount /usr/src'. If this works ... it pretty much confirms
> that your /etc/fstab syntax is correct. If it doesn't work, focus on
> /etc/fstab as the problem.
> HTH.
> --
> Bill Mo
>jle said:
>> My new web server won't mount NFS from fstab on reboot.
>> on NFSD: (/etc/exports)
>> /home2 -maproot=0 -alldirs httpd
>> on HTTPD: (/etc/fstab)
>> NFSD:/home2 /home
My new web server won't mount NFS from fstab on reboot.
on NFSD: (/etc/exports)
/home2 -maproot=0 -alldirs httpd
on HTTPD: (/etc/fstab)
NFSD:/home2 /home nfs rw,bg 0 0
mount NFSD:/home2 /home
Works fine until I reboot. Shouldn't it mou
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~ -13:55:06- # cd ~dkdesign
> > -su: cd: /home2/dkdesign: No such file or directory
> Not surprising, because you mounted on /home not /home2.
There shouldn't BE a /home2 on HTTPD but I figured out what happened. I
copied /etc/group /etc/passwd /etc/pwd.db and /etc/master.p
I retired my old p200 fbsd 4.4-stable web server and built a newer box for
it. I used to mount the /home2 dir from my nfs server (fbsd 5.1-current)
to /home on the webserver and it used to work fine but now it doesn't
mount /home2 on /home on boot up. I can manually mount it but then it
gets confu