Re: sysinstall->Configure->Fdisk

2003-02-06 Thread Murat Bicer
On Tue, 4 Feb 2003 17:16:22 +1000 (EST), "Andy Farkas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said: > > sysinstall's 'FDISK Partition Editor' won't let me create a second slice. > > After pressing 'w' it says: "ERROR: Unable to write data to disk ad4!" > then check your securelevel man securelevel 2 Highly

Re: sysinstall->Configure->Fdisk

2003-02-06 Thread Murat Bicer
quot; > then check your securelevel man securelevel 2 Highly secure mode - same as secure mode, plus disks may not be opened for writing (except by mount(2)) whether mounted or not. This level precludes tampering with filesystems by unmounting them, but also